Stranger than Fiction

Useful information for tomorrow’s flight

Hey, CNN, thanks for telling us that “plane no go if no gas.”

7 months ago

*Mostly* resolved

To borrow a line of thinking from “Miracle Max” from The Princess Bride: mostly resolved means partly unresolved!

10 months ago

The picture tells you whose idea it was

You can click here for the news story about the sale of this collection, but for the full story, just…

12 months ago

“A” for effort; “ת” for execution

At least they tried. The sad thing is that the picture in the “Happy Rosh Hashanah” sign shows the food…

1 year ago

Jimmy Buffett’s career wasn’t THAT long…

50 decades? That’s 500 years.Tap to view at full size. I think whoever was assembling the “lower third” for CNN’s…

1 year ago

Oh, my sweet summer child…

This might be a testament to the power of the Oppenheimer movie trailer, because getting someone to go see the…

1 year ago

The story in the “Bill Gates at a restaurant” meme never happened

There’s this “Bill Gates at a restaurant” meme that’s been making the rounds again among acquaintances of mine who are…

1 year ago

The accented syllable matters

In many English words that can be both nouns and verbs: If the accent is on the word’s first syllable,…

1 year ago

That’s ONE way to celebrate the king’s coronation…

In case you don’t remember 1992 or were too young to remember it, this is — if you’ll pardon the pun…

1 year ago