Stranger than Fiction

What’s the difference between “heavy duty” and “extra heavy duty” mayonnaise?

Is “extra heavy duty” mayonnaise thicker? Tangier? Eggier? Oilier? I need to know.

1 year ago

Pizza Hut Japan’s new “Too Much Coriander” pizza

Whether you think that coriander (a.k.a. cilantro) tastes like citrus and curry or soap, you have to admit that Pizza…

1 year ago

Bumper sticker of the day

Tap to view at full size. Seen last Sunday in Orlando.

2 years ago

“Thirty days hath February…”

Isn’t that how the rhyme goes? “Thirty days hath February...”

2 years ago

Wasn’t the U.K. part of such an organization at one point?

John Stuart Mill was right: “Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are Conservatives.”

2 years ago

Paranoid social media post of the day

Tap to view at full size. The photo and question above are taken from everyone’s favorite suburban white flight and…

2 years ago

The “Gen Z” version of “Harry Potter” seems lowkey sus

Here’s the text with link annotations for the Zoomer blabber... Mr. and Mrs. Dursley, of number four, Privet Drive, liked…

2 years ago

One of Elvis’ jets is up for auction outside Orlando

The Lockheed Jetstar in question. This 1962 Lockheed JetStar — an aircraft from the beginning of the jet age —…

2 years ago