There’s this “Bill Gates at a restaurant” meme that’s been making the rounds again among acquaintances of mine who are…
In many English words that can be both nouns and verbs: If the accent is on the word’s first syllable,…
In case you don’t remember 1992 or were too young to remember it, this is — if you’ll pardon the pun…
Is “extra heavy duty” mayonnaise thicker? Tangier? Eggier? Oilier? I need to know.
Whether you think that coriander (a.k.a. cilantro) tastes like citrus and curry or soap, you have to admit that Pizza…
Isn’t that how the rhyme goes? “Thirty days hath February...”
John Stuart Mill was right: “Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are Conservatives.”
Tap to view at full size. The photo and question above are taken from everyone’s favorite suburban white flight and…