Stranger than Fiction

The story in the “Bill Gates at a restaurant” meme never happened

There’s this “Bill Gates at a restaurant” meme that’s been making the rounds again among acquaintances of mine who are…

2 years ago

The accented syllable matters

In many English words that can be both nouns and verbs: If the accent is on the word’s first syllable,…

2 years ago

That’s ONE way to celebrate the king’s coronation…

In case you don’t remember 1992 or were too young to remember it, this is — if you’ll pardon the pun…

2 years ago

What’s the difference between “heavy duty” and “extra heavy duty” mayonnaise?

Is “extra heavy duty” mayonnaise thicker? Tangier? Eggier? Oilier? I need to know.

2 years ago

Pizza Hut Japan’s new “Too Much Coriander” pizza

Whether you think that coriander (a.k.a. cilantro) tastes like citrus and curry or soap, you have to admit that Pizza…

2 years ago

Bumper sticker of the day

Tap to view at full size. Seen last Sunday in Orlando.

2 years ago

“Thirty days hath February…”

Isn’t that how the rhyme goes? “Thirty days hath February...”

2 years ago

Wasn’t the U.K. part of such an organization at one point?

John Stuart Mill was right: “Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are Conservatives.”

2 years ago

Paranoid social media post of the day

Tap to view at full size. The photo and question above are taken from everyone’s favorite suburban white flight and…

2 years ago