Stranger than Fiction

What’s the difference between “heavy duty” and “extra heavy duty” mayonnaise?

Is “extra heavy duty” mayonnaise thicker? Tangier? Eggier? Oilier? I need to know.

Stranger than Fiction

There were TWO people at the start…

Stranger than Fiction

Pizza Hut Japan’s new “Too Much Coriander” pizza

A pizza, viewed from above, covered with a pile of coriander (a.k.a. cilantro).

Whether you think that coriander (a.k.a. cilantro) tastes like citrus and curry or soap, you have to admit that Pizza Hut’s limited-time, only-in-Japan “Too Much Coriander” pizza looks a lot healthier than anything else they’ve ever made.

Underneath the pile of leaves and above the dough, there are also prawns, tomato paste, and yangnyeom sauce (the sauce you put on Korean fried chicken, with a gochujang base, but then made sweeter and more garlic-y).

It Happened to Me Stranger than Fiction

Bumper sticker of the day

Bumper sticker with the text “How am I driving? How does an engine even work? How can a loving god cause such agony”
Tap to view at full size.

Seen last Sunday in Orlando.

Stranger than Fiction

“Thirty days hath February…”

Isn’t that how the rhyme goes? “Thirty days hath February…”

Stranger than Fiction

Wasn’t the U.K. part of such an organization at one point?

John Stuart Mill was right: “Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are Conservatives.”

Geek Stranger than Fiction

Paranoid social media post of the day

Meme: Screenshot from Nextdoor showing a Star Wars Rebel Alliance flag flying from a house, with the question “What does this represent? I saw this flag flying in my neighborhood. Does anyone know what this means? Should I be worried?” I added a caption: “Technically, it’s an Antifa flag.”
Tap to view at full size.

The photo and question above are taken from everyone’s favorite suburban white flight and paranoia social network, Nextdoor.

Luke Skywalker in his X-wing fighter, wearing a helmet with the Starbird symbol on both sides.

If you’re a regular reader of this blog, you’ve probably already identified the flag as that of the Rebel Alliance, a.k.a Alliance to Restore the Republic, from Star Wars. The red symbol — known by hardcore fans as the “starbird” — first appeared on the helmets of the fighter pilots who made the desperate attempt to destroy the Death Star in A New Hope (a.k.a. “the original” to those of us who saw it in the theatre during its original release). It’s since found its way into all sorts of Star Wars stories.

From a Star Wars comic book: Bail Organa and Princess Leia unveil the new Rebel flag with the red starbird. Leia says “A symbol of hope.”