The More You Know…

A lesson from pie on Pi Day

Happy Pi Day! Today is March 14th, which is referred to in the North American sector of the internet as…

3 years ago

So true

One of my favorite examples of this phenomenon is this photo of Robert Redford and the real person he played…

3 years ago

The Book of Great Evil

...and the worst part is 💩THE SPEECH💩. That’s 60 pages of my life I’m never getting back. I think it…

4 years ago

100 years ago today: The Tulsa massacre of 1921

Photo from the 1921 Tulsa Massacre. Public domain, photographer unknown. Tap to view at full size.In the early 1900s, Greenwood,…

4 years ago

“Week after Christmas” reading list, part one

The New Yorker: Jeffrey Sachs on the Catastrophic American Response to the Coronavirus. “Where does the United States stand in this?…

4 years ago

The only Myers-Briggs personality test that matters

The Myers-Briggs personality test is all bunk anyway, so why not save time and just take the only Myers-Briggs personality…

4 years ago

Making Shakespeare understandable with common household items, a tabletop, and good storytelling

Reading Shakespeare is torture. He wrote in verse, in 16th-century English, for a 16th-century audience whose only other entertainment options…

4 years ago

The “Two beers and a puppy” test

Here’s a page from Ross McCammon’s book, Works Well with Others: An Outsider’s Guide to Shaking Hands, Shutting Up, Handling…

4 years ago

Technically, a “buttload” is an actual unit of measure

For more information: Possibly the best Wikipedia article title ever: Butt (unit) Also Wikipedia: English wine cask units The difference between a…

5 years ago