Tonight, the second monthly Rails Pub Night gathering will take place. These nights, organized by Pete Forde and the gang…
The first Rails Pub, held last month, was a success with a solid two dozen in attendance. Not bad for…
Big thanks to Greg Wilson for doing the legwork and landing us a space for
If you're a recent graduate of Crazy Go Nuts University, the name "Alfie's Pub" doesn't really mean much to you;…
Immediately after my appearance on MTV Live, I'm going to go to the Greater Toronto Area Bloggers' Get-Together, which starts…
Tonight's the night! From looking at the attendance list, tonight's DemoCamp -- the fourth in a monthly series of gatherings…
DemoCamp 4 will take place tomorrow at 6:00 p.m. at the MaRS Centre, (101 College Street, southwest corner of College…
As I mentioned in this post from last week, some jackass helped himself (or herself) to my bike seat from…
Who Took My Seat?It looks as though -- knock on wood -- that we've seen the last of serious snow,…
DemoCamp 4 will take place on Tuesday, March 28th at 6:00 p.m. at the MaRS Centre, (101 College Street, southwest…