Last weekend, I got to meet one of my favourite webcomic artists, Mr. M. Zole, artist, writer and consumer of…
What with the departure of my housemate Paul for Europe for the summer, my housemate Rob getting married to his…
Bay Street Video (1172 Bay Street, just south of Bloor) is one of the best damned video stores/rental shops in…
Click the picture to see the whole poster. MAY NOT BE SAFE FOR WORK or OLD SCHOOL MONARCHISTS (boobs, tassels,…
Attention karaoke fiends of Accordion City: there's a Kickass Karaoke tonight at Ciao Edie (489 College, just west of Bathrust)…
I wasn't expecting much in the way of brainpower from the new free alternative paper Dose, but I did expect…
Tonight at Lee's Palace, for a mere 8 bucks, The Old Soul (featuring Luca Maolini on accordion), with Ratsicule (the…
It must be spring. When it starts getting warm, people hit the sidewalks of Accordion City more often and my…
While running around picking up items for our mother's day dinner, I noticed that many of the ubiquitous Queen Street…
The letters to the editor page in this week's eye in response to last week's editorial (which I wrote about…