Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

Horace X Show Tonight!

Meryle tells me that Horace X, whom John Peel has described as "The Muppets on Meth", are playing tonight at…

21 years ago

Celebrate Toronto Street Festival

Also happening this weekend: the Celebrate Toronto Street Festival. All kinds of stuff will be happening -- check it out…

21 years ago

Tiki Tease

My friend Meryle will perform one of her legendary burlesque numbers this Saturday (hmmm...that's tomorrow already) at the Cadillac Lounge…

21 years ago

Gathering tonight!

As I mentioned in an entry yesterday, Christine, who writes the Blogware-powered blog PurpleCar, is in town with her husband.…

21 years ago

A Good Time for a Good Cause

I'm involved with a little fundraiser event for Camp Quality, a non-profit organization that gives kids with cancer a chance…

21 years ago

PurpleCar comes to Town

Christine, who writes the blog PurpleCar is coming to Accordion City with her husband tomorrow. They're attending a wedding on…

21 years ago

But cockroaches are low-carb!

One piece of advice I got from my personal trainer (who, like 30 pounds of me, vanished never to be…

21 years ago

Kickass Karaoke Tonight

Some of the nice people you'll meet at Kickass Karaoke. Dorian, Carson (the host) and me. Don't forget that Kickass…

21 years ago

Fahrenheit 451

While I'm on the topic of interesting things that you can see while walking down Queen Street West (just two…

21 years ago

Coolest. Upright Bass. Ever.

On Saturday night, I was heading to Smokeless Joe to catch up with my friends Liz and Keith when I…

21 years ago