In this earlier posting, I mentioned a series of National Post articles on what they called "the eternal struggle within…
Monday's and yesterday's sleep deprivation-fest ended with a standby flight on the "red-eye" from Calgary to Toronto and an arrival…
I saw these posters on almost every lamppost and telephone pole on Queen Street West on Boxing Day: The Chinese…
This lovely annual event, which always takes place on the Winter Solstice, takes place this Sunday at sundown. No matter…
Tomorrow -- Saturday December 20th -- my friend Charlene "Char" Baldacchino will be reading from her new collection of erotic…
Meryle informs me that she will be making her professional burlesque debut tonight at the Silver Dollar Room (prominently featured…
It snowed in Accordion City over the weekend, which while inconvenient for drivers, makes the city look terribly pretty. Here…
My friend Tara Hunt runs her own marketing firm, Rogue Strategies, by day and her disco revival party, Cream Soda,…
There's a new magazine in town called Spacing. I'll let them do the talking:Public spaces are where people interact, discuss,…
If you...Have a blogLive in the GTA (Greater Toronto Area or General Turf of Accordion Guy, depending on whom you…