Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

Cities and Messages

Paul Graham

Paul Graham is a programmer (he made a lot of money writing the program that eventually became Yahoo! Store) who spends his time these days running Y Combinator, a company that gives seed money to tech start-ups and writing essays. Many of his essays are primarily of interest to computer programmers, but a few of them are general enough to catch the interest of a wider audience. His essay Why Nerds are Unpopular, which comes in both a full version on his website and an abridged version in Wired, is probably the one with the most general appeal.

One of the start-ups that Graham is backing is Infogami, a service that ” lets anyone put together good-looking easily-editable websites”. One of Infogami’s uses is to make blogging easy. Graham, who apparently believes in the maxim “eat your own dog food”, promised the Infogami folks that he’d start using it to blog the moment it was blog-capable.

“Boston” is Actually Two Cities

One of his recent blog postings, Paul Graham Eats Breakfast (Director’s Cut) (the title is both an inside joke about Paul Graham’s fanboys and a reference to “cheese sandwich” blog entries), covers his observations about cities, particularly the San Francisco/Bay Area urban clump and the Boston/Cambridge grouping, with some emphasis on his home base of Cambridge.

(I can’t explain why, but the discussion of cities and how they affect life has always been interesting to me. Had I not gone into computer science, I’d probably have gone into the field of “city design for living” or whatever they’re calling it these days.)

He writes:

One thing most visitors to Boston don’t get– and I didn’t consciously realize till I came back this last time– is that there are two towns here. There is a Boston of universities and high-tech companies, and there is a Boston of Archie Bunkers. No one calls them town and gown, but that’s the root of the difference.

Boston is one of only two places I am aware of where they make regular use of the terms “town” and “gown” to refer to the division between city and university populations. The other is Kingston, where we actually used “town”, “gown” and “crown” to refer to the division between Kingston, Crazy Go Nuts University and the nearby military academy, Royal Military College. In his blog entry, Paul Graham talks about how having a Boston accent clearly marked you as “town”, while having a more general American accent marked you as a resident of Cambridge, or “gown”. He remarks that there used to be a rich Boston accent; think Charles Emerson Winchester from M*A*S*H or Thurston Howell III from Gilligan’s Island. Even I have had personal experience with the whole class/accent thing: in the Philippines, you either have servants or you are one, and my “American” accent clearly puts me in the former group.

(Having the accent of a fluent English speaker pays off here too, but sometimes it pays to fake a “fresh off the boat” sound. This story will explain what I mean.)

The Metropolis is the Message

Another thing that Graham talks about in his blog entry is more applicable to Toronto in general. He concludes his entry with this paragraph:

I find every ambitious town sends you a message. New York tells you “you should make more money.” LA tells you “you should be better looking.” Rome tells you “you should dress better.” London tells you “you should be hipper.” The Bay Area tells you “you should live better.” And Cambridge tells you “you should read some of those books you’ve been meaning to.”

My question, which is especially relevant in light of my observations that the high-tech scene here is booming and considering the recent report from ICT Toronto is: What is Toronto’s message — or what should it be? (And by “Toronto”, I mean “Toronto and Region” — hey, let’s include the entire “Golden Horseshoe“.) I’ll talk about this further in the coming days, and you should too — tell me what you think in the comments!

Geek In the News Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

Notes from Last Night’s ICT Toronto Event

Wide shot of the MaRS Centre
A wide-angle shot of the MaRS Centre, where the event was held.

I caught last night’s ICT Toronto gathering at the MaRS Centre, where ICT Toronto announced the release of their “cluster development strategy” paper — a plan to boost the competitiveness and standing of Accordion City’s information and communications technology sector over the next five years.

MaRS Centre entrance
A close-up shot of the MaRS Centre entrance.

It was easy to spot the DemoCamp gang — me, David, Jay, Sutha, Bryce, Mark — among the attendees, who numbered around 100. We were the only people there not in suits. It certainly looked as though we were there only people there who wrote code for a living. We made sure to mingle and found that most of the attendees seemed to be from the management side of various information and communications tech firms or from organizations that invested in them.

The riff-raff! From left to right: David Crow, Sutha Kamal, Jay Goldman.

While waiting for the presentations to begin, we talked about how we could get some of the “suits” in the room to attend some of the upcoming events like Mesh, DemoCamp or BarCamp. Would these events hold any interest for them? I suggested that we “sell” the idea of such events to them as some kind of “walk on the wild side” tour. “What Burning Man is to us, DemoCamp and BarCamp could be to them!”

David enjoys a drink; Jay prays that nobody mistakes him for a bike courier.

In addition to my notes below, Mark Kuznicki and Rob Hyndman have posted blog entries about the event as well. The Globe and Mail has an article on ICT canada titled Toronto Aims to be High-Tech Hub and we have yet to see if the National Post is going to take a break from their “Oil! Oil! Yeah, baby, we got the Prime Minister and the oil! Suck it, Eastern Canada!” binge long enough to notice.

The strategy proposed by ICT Toronto boils down to these four points:

  1. Increase collaboration between education, industry and government in the field of information and communications technologies.
  2. Increase the profile of the information and communcations technology sector.
  3. Increase the competetitiveness of our information and communications technology businesses.
  4. Retain and attract information and communications technology businesses.

They presented an executive summary of the strategy paper after the presentations, and the full paper is now available for download [600K PDF].

A Couple of Videos of the Crowd

Notes from the Speakers

Here are my notes from the presentation. The first speaker was Accordion City mayor David Miller, followed by three speakers from the ICT Toronto working group, followed by a question-and-answer session.

Mayor David Miller

  • The MaRS Centre is a symbol of of what Toronto can do with technology,

    and by extension information technology.

  • MaRS is the only research centre of its type located in a downtown

    location, and a prime one at that. It’s across the street from

    a world-class university across the street, some of the world’s best

    research hospitals just down the street, a short walk from the most

    respected financial institutions in the world, plus Toronto Hydro —

    who are setting up the city with WiFi across University avenue.

  • We should be comparing ourselves to the world’s great cities.
  • Toronto is a world leader in mining finance — our competitors are

    cities like London! We need to think of ourselves in the ICT cluster

    in the same way.

  • On a business developement mission to New York City, Miller sold

    the virtues of Toronto to businesses there. Their responose at the

    end: “We didn’t know that about Toronto.” Toronto needs to sell itself

    better: “The only thing we haven’t done is tell our story.”

  • Our goal: Make Toronto the 5th leading ICT sector in the world.

David Ticoll

His presentation: “Toronto’s ICT Industry in a Global Context”

Some statistics:

Canada’s workforce, c. 2001 15.4 million
Toronto’s workforce, c. 2001 2.4 million
Canada’s ICT and related workforce, c. 2001 580,000
Toronto’s ICT and related workforce, c. 2001 133,000
Service occupations facing global competition 80+
Affected workers in Canada 2.4 million
Affected workers in Toronto (guesstimate) 550,000
Canada’s world rank as exporter of business services in 1995 6
Canada’s world rank as exporter of business services in 2002 13

On Offshoring

  • We’re not keeping up in the use of offshoring.
  • It is both a problem and a competitive advantage
  • If you offshore, you send away jobsm but if you don’t…
    • You don’t lower labour costs
    • You lose the ability to do certain things that would otherwise

      be prohibitively expensive

  • Offshoring is a competitive challenge with ambiguity

On India

  • Showed a photo of an oxcart in the middle of automobile

    traffic. The oxcart is delivering materials for the construction

    of a superhighway. That’s their challenge — their infrastructure for

    the infrastructure is a mix of modern and archaic.

  • Showed a photo of the Accenture campus in Mumbai. “There are about

    5,000 Accenture employees in Canada. There are 18,000 in India right

    now.” Accenture’s goal is to have 50,000 in India in 3 years.

  • Accenture seems to follow a pattern. They recently bought a Wall

    Street firm, moved it to Toronto for about 6 months to make it

    operational, and then transported it to India.

  • Offshoring will be a $110 billion industry by 2010
  • India’s potential share, should they “stay the course”: $60 billion
  • If India takes an “innovation” strategy, their potential share could

    be as high as $70 to $80 billion

  • The Indian government is a very well-educated group who understand

    technology. India’s president is a rocket scientist…literally!

  • They’re pushing for innovation; not just “predictable work”
  • Promod

    Haque (Norwest Venture Partners) is working on a US/India

    joint arrangement to create a “Bell Labs” in India”

  • The arrangement would be to do bleeding edge R&D with the US doing

    the “R” and India doing the “D”.

  • The US would invest $500 billion
  • India’s strengths:
    • Strong national strategy, with government and industry working


    • Culture of winning
    • Continuous learning and questioning
    • Strategic thinking
    • Strong domestic industry
    • Articulate, knowledgable government leadership
  • India’s weaknesses:
    • Infrastructure
    • Other emerging countries moving into the same business
  • Things we need to ask:
    • What should go offshore to make our businesses more


    • How do these deals yield competitive gains?
    • How do we prepare our young people for the job landscape of the

      future? (It seems to favour well-rounded people over those with

      someone with a narrow skill set.)

    • What about geopolitical plays — such as the proposed US/India

      deal? This sort of thing isn’t on the radar of the federal

      government with their “5 priorities”.

  • Things we need to do:
    • Embrace productivity-enhancing business investments
    • Foster domestic exportable knowledge-based services
    • Partner with government
    • Compete and constantly rethink strategy
    • Remember Andy Grove’s motto: “Only the paranoid survive”

Ron Friedman

  • ICT Toronto is concetrating on these sectors:
    • Computer and telecommunications manufacturing
    • Software development
    • IT and telecom services
    • New media
  • Toronto ICT stats:
    • 3rd largest ICT city in North America — only surpassed by

      the San Francisco Bay Area and New York City

    • 3300 ICT companies in the Toronto region
    • These companies have a total of 148000 employees
    • They generate $30 – 35 billion annually
    • They generate $6 billion in exports
    • ICT is the fifth largest employment category in Toronto
  • There is a lack of political recognition of the importance of the

    ICT sector

  • Toronto has a high level of entrepreneurship
  • The vision: for Toronto be be recongized as one of top 5 ICT

    centres in the world by 2011

  • The plan:
    • Establish ICT Toronto as a central point of contact for the


    • Bring people together to do business
    • Link ICT and key economic centres
    • Build professional development centres and business mentoring

      services for the entrepreneurial community

    • Advocate for federal or provincial research institute

      in the Toronto region (Toronto lacks federal/prov-funded

      ICT research organizations

    • Ensure that TO’s wireless infrastructure is leading-edge

      internationally — assess future bandwidth and wireless needs

      and make sure that we have world-leading WiFi users to match

    • Implement an international marketing communications action plan

Frank Maw

  • Canada:
    • Currently experiencing a bout of prosperity
    • But: there are unprecedented levels of displacement in labour —

      manfacturing, agricultural, forestry and fishing are going to

      emerging economies

  • China graduates more engineers annually than all the North American

    engineering students and profesisonal engineers put together

  • When it comes to information and computer technologies, Toronto is

    3rd in North America

  • Among the qualities that make Toronto attractive to high-tech


    • World-class universities
    • A rich city culture with lots to do and cultural diversity
    • A creative class and “bohemian charm”
  • According to KPMG, Canada is the most competitive of the G8 nations
  • Why did we set the goal to be in the top 5 tech cities in the world

    by 2011?

    • To create large and growing stream of jobs for our kids and


    • Generate incremental tax revenue at the local, provincial and

      federal levels

    • To boost other business segments
    • Because ICT is a market segment with “currency”
    • To improve our quality of life and standard of living
  • We won’t compete on cost, but quality
  • There needs to be political will at all 3 levels of government

Points Raised During the Q & A Session

  • There are about 40,000 people in Canada who are doing

    “nearshoring” work

  • We haven’t done an assessment of what Canada’s real assets are
  • The big ICT challenge: finding good, affordable management
  • Our strength: initial innovation – pre-commoditization
  • Structural problem in canadian ICT industry — large and medium sized players are foreign-owned, which makes it hard for the presdient of a Canadian branch office to promote Canada
  • Toronto’s current ranking in world — “Embarrassingly, we don’t know”. We know that we’re number 3 in North America, but don’t know the world ranking. Currently looking into that.
  • Areas for early attention:
    • Fusion between financial industry / IT
    • Digital media world — partnered with San Francisco — creating centres of excellence
  • ICT accounts for 42% of R&D spending in the private sector but only 2% of R&D spending at Canada’s universities.
Geek In the News Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

Accordion City Report Says: Boost Our Infotech! [Updated]

Toronto skyline with a 'Matrix' sky.

Only moments after finishing my blog entry covering 5 high-tech gatherings taking place here next month, I went to the kitchen to grab a drink when I spotted the front page of the Business section in today’s Toronto Star. The headline reads: Boost infotech in GTA: Report.

It turns out that Toronto has the third-largest information and computer technology (ICT) workforce in North America, after San Francisco and New York and accounts for CDN$35 billion (US$31 billion) in sales each year.

(For those of you not from around here, GTA means “Greater Toronto Area”. “Toronto” is a popular nickname for Accordion City.)

Here’s an excerpt:

If it hopes to keep up with New York and San Francisco, the Toronto area’s hodgepodge information and communications technology sector needs to band together and hype its brand around the globe or risk watching smaller markets surge ahead.

That’s the thrust of a new report, spearheaded by the City of Toronto and due out today, that diagnoses an industry employing 148,000 at 3,300 area firms but that is geographically spread out, too loosely affiliated and lacking the kind of unified voice that could get politicians’ attention.

“Toronto’s ICT sector does not enjoy the recognition of such internationally recognized locales as Silicon Valley, Austin, Boston or Bangalore,” the report says. “This inevitably puts Toronto at a disadvantage with respect to attracting foreign and domestic investment. …The whole is currently less than the sum of its parts.”

The 110-page report on what is the third-largest such cluster in North America makes many suggestions, calls for the formation of an umbrella organization of stakeholders to better promote the industry, and urges them to preach the cause to policy makers who ignore the industry.

The report urges that by 2011, we should:

  • Move from third place in North America in terms of company growth and investment and take one of the two top spots
  • Increase investment in ICT research in the region by 25%
  • Increase ICT sales and employment by 20%
  • Attract 5 new multinational firms to the region

Problems to be overcome include:

  • Government and investor preoccupation with “darlings” such as biotech and nanotech, whose economic impact is “negligible”
  • The governmental perception that Toronto is an economic “fat cat” (not true; Toronto carries the province and helps to carry the country)
  • Competing with “China Inc.” (or perhaps the “BRIC” countries — Brazil/Russia/India/China)
  • The scattered nature of Toronto ICT firms — maybe there needs to be an organization representing us that provides a central point of contact

I like to think that those of us who’ve been pushing to get the tech community together for gatherings to meet each other and share ideas are doing our part to help meet the objectives in this report. I also think it’s something that we should discuss at our gatherings — I’m going to have to get my paws on a copy of the report.


Ah-hah! Here’s where copies of the report are available!

Geek Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

Upcoming Geek Events in Accordion City

Lots of things are happening in Accordion City’s high-tech scene over the next month:

DemoCamp 5.0: Tuesday, April 25th

Small DemoCamp logo DemoCamp is Toronto’s monthly gathering in which people from the high-tech community demonstrate their projects in front of their peers. You’ve got ten minutes and a “no PowerPoint, just demo” rule to make your presentation, after which anyone in the gathering can ask questions and make comments. This is a popular event — 140 people attended the last one.

This month’s DemoCamp takes place at the Bahen Centre for Information Technology (on the University of Toronto campus) on Tuesday, April 25th from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m., followed by a gathering for dinner and drinks at a nearby pub. For more information, visit the wiki.

Toronto Ruby User Group Hackathon: Saturday, May 6th

TRUGdor the Rubynator TRUG — the Toronto Ruby User Group — is doing its part to improve the Ruby library and Tucows is glad to host the hackathon where they’ll be doing it. This hackathon’s goal is to implement the functionality of libarchive and libtar as both a pure-Ruby versions and as Ruby/C bindings to the libarchive and libtar libraries.

The Hackathon will take place on Saturday, May 6th, from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Tucows offices. Ruby local hero Austin Ziegler will provide the pizza. Sign up on the wiki!

Drupal Camp: Friday, May 12th

Drupal Camp’s goals are to:

  • Introduce new programmers/developers and consultant to the Drupal platform
  • Allow for intensive skill sharing among established developers/consultants
  • Give back to the Drupal project with a sprint to fix bugs and improve documentation

For more information, consult the wiki page.

Toronto BarCamp 2.0: Saturday, May 13th and Sunday, May 14th

Small BarCamp logo First, there was the invitation-only Foo Camp started by O’Reilly and Associates. BarCamp was created in response (“foo” and “bar” are often used as example names of programming constructs). The first Toronto BarCamp took place in November 2005, and the next one happens next month.

BarCamp can be described as:

BarCamp is an ad-hoc un-conference born from the desire for people to share and learn in an open environment. It is an intense event with discussions, demos and interaction from attendees.

All attendees must give a demo, a session, or help with one. All presentions are scheduled the day they happen.

BarCamp takes place on Saturday May 13th and Sunday, 14th in the Liberty Village area of Toronto. See the wiki for more details.

Mesh Conference: Monday, May 15th and Tuesday, May 16th

Mesh conference logo From the conference site:

You will hear from thought leaders, connect with peers, and get a better understanding of the impact of new developments online. mesh brings together people who are passionate about the potential of the Web to change how we live, work and play. Meet the next generation of Web ideas, leaders and companies at mesh.

The Mesh Conference — of which Tucows is a “supporting sponsor” — takes place on Monday, May 15th and Tuesday, May 16th at the MaRS Centre. For more information, visit their site.

It Happened to Me Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

Last Night’s Rails Pub Night

Another sign of Accordion City’s evolution into the next big high-tech centre: the turnout at last night’s Rails Pub Night, a monthly gathering of developers who use Ruby on Rails. From my count, we had 39 people at peak, not to mention 14 squishy cows and one accordion. There was the usual tech banter, but the conversation strayed into all sorts of non-tech areas and The Rhino (the pub where the event took place) was kind enough to let me get away with playing a couple of accordion numbers.

My favourite moment of the night: when I pulled out the accordion and Austin Zielger shouted: “Wait — you’re that Joey deVilla!”

I shot only a couple of photos, and here they are:

The room at peak. Lots of chatter and milling about.

Left to right: Sasha, Samir, Martin and Leigh grab a bite to eat.

Local Nerd Supermodels: yours truly and David Crow. We can’t let David “Pretty Boy” Hansson hog all the glamour shots, can we?

The Brain Trust Shot. Pete Forde (who got Rails Pub Night started) and David Crow (who got Accordion City’s BarCamp and DemoCamp started).

Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

"Active 18 Association" Meeting Tonight

If you live in Accordion City’s Ward 18 (I work in the area, but live in High Park), you might be interested in tonight’s Active 18 Association meeting taking place at The Great Hall at Queen and Dovercourt. There’s a lot of hubbub about the developers building in the Queen West Triangle and if you’d like to have your say in what happens to this up-and-coming neighbourhood, this is you chance. For more details, see the Active 18 Association site.

Accordion, Instrument of the Gods It Happened to Me Music Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

From the Archives: The Harness at "Money", May 2000

This Is London

Back in 2000, I made a little extra pocket money with the accordion thanks to a club booking agent named Joa. Joa worked for a club called This is London, a “meet market” for the investment bankers, Andersen consultants and the like, and the women who wanted to hook up with them.

Joa hired me to add strange twists to the evening. Sometimes the job was simply to stand on top of the DJ booth and play Deee-Lite’s Groove is in the Heart (a terribly easy song; it’s got a I-IV pattern in the key of A flat) on the accordion along with the DJ. Othertimes, it was a little mor einvolved, such as the time when she put a beret on me and had me perform a Paris-in-the-twneties version of Fatboy Slim’s Praise You (another easy song in A flat; this one’s got a VII-IV-I pattern).

These gigs never lasted longer than three minutes, after which I was given $100 and asked to promptly leave the club. Although anyone who performed at the club was allowed to enter without forking over the $20 cover — clubs often use ridiculous cover charges as a sort of “class filter” — performers weren’t allowed to be part of the club crowd on the night they performed.

“Nothing against you, Joey darling,” as Joa would constantly remind me, “but there needs to be a wall between artist and audience, you see.”

Since I was effectively being paid $2000 an hour and since my friends were waiting for me at the dance club down the street, I didn’t complain. Besides, the drinks at This is London were ridiculously overpriced and I often overheard banter like “If you stand him on his money, he gets taller.”


In May of that year, Joa called me and asked if I’d like to try something a little different. She also booked acts for a club called “Money” (for an idea of what the club is like, see this photo gallery).

Money’s dance floor had a really high ceiling, over which the storage rooms and offices were located. Someone had cut a hole in the floor of the storage room/office level, through which they often lowered go-go dancers in a harness to swing high above the audience. Joa had come up with the idea to lower me, with my accordion, and have me play along with a DJ tune while suspended above the audience. They gave me a trial run, during which I played along with I Will Survive. Hooking up a microphone to me seemed to be more work than the sound guy wanted to do and the manager wasn’t terribly enamored with the whole accordion concept, so the plan was scrapped. Still, for a brief shining I moment, I got to have my own wire team and I did play accordion in mid-air.

Although nobody shot any pictures of me in the harness, I took some pictures of one of the go-go dancers, who took the harness for a test before I was strapped in. This shot is one of my favourites:

A go-go dancer in a harness held above the dance floor at the Toronto club 'Money'. Taken May 2000.

(The photo also appears in my Flickr set.)