It Happened to Me Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

Follow-Up Day, Part 1: Sunday’s Pillow Fight

Some quick notes on last Friday’s entry about the pillow fight at Dundas Square

Intelligent Design

In the comments for my entry in which I rebut Colby Cosh’s comments about the pillow fight, one commenter talks about David Warren’s ‘angry and somewhat bizarre apologia for intelligent design’, which s/he suspects is due to the fact that it’s supposed to be part of the neocon credo.

I am beginning to believe that the refusal to follow generally accepted scientific principles is the neocon equivalent of the fear of “acting white”.

This often-debated notion goes as follows: black students create peer pressure to do poorly by taunting those who excel academically, saying that they are “acting white”.

This theory is nothing new. I remember a discussion about it with a bunch of my friends at the Diefenbaker club (not really a club, but what a group of friends of mine who were proto-neo-cons back in ’91 called themselves) at Mackintosh-Corry Hall, a regular hangout at Crazy Go Nuts University.

I remember giving them some mild but unrebuttable annoyance by remarking that “for us Asian kids, ‘acting white’ means ‘completely sucking at math, science and videogames.'”

Back to the point I’m trying to make: I will posit that Warren and a number of his ilk are leaning towards ID because belief in evolution is “acting liberal”. This is the white “acting white”.

Kill ’em all

In that same entry, I remark about how little fun hanging out on the Western Standard cruise would be. Comment away, but can we cool it with the sinking and torpedoing jokes? It brings the discourse down to Ann Coulter’s level. There isn’t much that separates suggesting that the cruise ship be torpedoed and Ann Coultersims like the classic “My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times building.”

By the bye, the word is spelled “torpedo”, not “torpedoe”.


BlogTO went to the pillow fight; go check out their writeup.

There’s also a Flickr photoset covering the event.

An anonymous commenter who went wrote about how it was a bit creepy — they went there for fun, in the same spirit as that annual tomato fight in Spain,but instead felt co-opted as the anti-gun rally seemed to be using the event as a lure. If this was the intent, it would be as dishonest as those “wear denim if you support cause X” days in universities and high schools.

Where I was

I didn’t attend the pillow fight, owing to a prior commitment that I had forgotten about when I first made the posting. You see, I’d promised the wife and my friend Jessie that I would take them to another crazy mob event scheduled for that weekend: the 30th Annual William Ashley Warehouse Sale. That trip was worthy of its own blog entry; I’ll post one later.

I mean, dude, that William Ashley gold coin (redeemable for merchandise) that we got as a wedding present wasn’t going to spend itself, was it?

Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

Pillow Fight at Dundas Square This Sunday

Photo: Pillow fight aftermath in London.

A scene from a recent pillow fight in London. Click the image to see the source page.

[via Torontoist] This could be fun: A big flash mob-esque pillow fight

has been scheduled for this Sunday, November 13th, at 2 p.m. at Dundas Square.


general rules are:

  • Soft pillows only!
  • Do not hit anyone who does not have

    a pillow.

  • Do not hit people who are holding cameras.
  • Swing lightly,

    there will be many people swinging at once!

  • Remove expensive glasses


  • Extra pillows may come in handy.
  • Feather pillows are even

    more fun.

  • Do not begin until the signal (a referee whistle.)

Who’s with me?

Here’s where Pillow Fight Club will meet up:

Map: Where to meet for the Dundas Square pillow fight.

Accordion, Instrument of the Gods It Happened to Me Music Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

The Accordion Report

While I was busy celebrating my birthday last Saturday, others were

celebrating the accordion at the 8th Annual Northeast Accordion

Festival in Minneapolis. Dave “Dave’s Picks” Polaschek sent me this scan [244KB JPEG image] of a local newspaper that covered the event (click it to see it at full size):

Photo: Newspaper clipping showing Northeast Accordion Festival on November 5th, 2005 in Minneapolis.

I haven’t been practicing as much as I should lately. Getting married

and getting Wendy moved in really disrupted all sorts of routines,

wonderful as both were. I’m slowly in the process of resuming all sorts

of things, not the least of which is a little regular keyboard practice.

Living in a condo complicates the matter; prior to getting married, I

lived in a house that was very well acoustically isolated from the

neighbours. I’m quite sure that even at medium volume, all three

adjacent units would be able to pick up the sound of me working on my

rendition of Neil Diamond’s Cracklin’ Rosie.

I can at least keep my keyboard chops sharp thanks to a pair of

headphones and my collection of old-but-trusty synthesizers — a Korg Wavestation A/D rack and a even more old-school Korg Poly-800

that Steph Fox gave to me a couple of birthdays ago. Perhaps I should

take a peek at some software synths as well — I figure my PowerBook

(1.3 Ghz 12″ AlBook, 1.25G RAM) should be up to the task. Anyone out

there have any favourites?

I’m also getting a little more accordion practice now that I’m back to regular attendance at Kickass Karaoke at the Rivoli.

Wendy likes the opportunity to exercise her lovely singing voice in

public, and those who know me know how much I love being on stage.

Last Sunday’s session was a special treat. We got to take Dave from

Chicago over to his first Kickass Karaoke, and I also got a chance to

meet Bob “Let It Bleed” Tarantino,

one of the better and saner voices in the local right-wing blogosphere.

Carson covered mine and Wendy’s drinks as a birthday present to me

(thanks for the Jagermeister, Cars!) and the wind storm kept the crowd

to a minimum, giving me a chance to go onstage often and experiment

with a few numbers. I tried a couple of new ones, including Wheatus’

high school whine-anthem Teenage Dirtbag and the moshtacular Thunder Kiss ’65

by White Zombie. How Rob Zombie can vocalize through an entire concert

using that voice is beyond me; my vocal cords were shredded after that


Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

When Did Movie Theatres Become Police States?

Accordion City writer James Reid and his girlfriend went out a Friday night to see a preview screening of Derailed, which came with a free search-and-seizure procedure:

…the line was moving slowly because they were asking customers to raise their arms so that they could be electronically frisked with a metal detector, and women’s purses were being searched by uniformed security guards. Try to remember that this is Toronto, Canada we’re talking about here, not New York, Tel Aviv or London.

People who submitted to the search (everyone from what I could tell) had their cellphones taken from them and checked at a table set up in front of the theatre and they were given a ticket to reclaim it when they left.

I was having none of this, and checked the back of my ticket stub to ensure that there was no mention of being required to submit to a search listed as a condition of sale.

As my girlfriend and I made it to the front of the line, the guard looked at me and asked me to raise my arms for the search. I politely declined saying “No, thank you”, and proceeded to the ticket taker. I could hear him calling “Sir! Sir!” behind me, but even though I slowed my pace in case he was really going to do something about it, as I had expected, I wasn’t stopped.

The ticket taker took my ticket and I waited for my girlfriend just inside the gate, as her purse was being subjected to a thorough going through by one of the guards.

Since she was there for work, and her deadline was that night, she was not ready to risk not seeing the movie. Her 150 words won’t have room for what happened next.

Her phone was taken from her and put in a sealed plastic bag with a claim ticket, and she joined me where I was waiting, past the gate, and we walked into the theatre together.

To add further insult to the debacle at the gate, near the exits at stage right and left were two uniformed security guards at each door, all four with video cameras scanning the crowd and making themselves very conspicuous.

This was not just a bit of pre-show MPAA theatre, they stood there for the entirety of the movie, red LED’s glowing, scanning the crowd to remind us that we were under close surviellence [sic] and our actions were being recorded.

In the News Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

Because You’re Curious: Ashlee Simpson’s Tantrum at the Bloor Street/Avenue Road McDonalds

A late-night post-drinking snack at McDonald’s is generally a bad idea, but one after having eaten at a great Italian restaurant like Spuntini is even more ill-advised. Worse still is throwing a temper tantrum because you’re not getting the B-list celebrity respect to which you believe you entitled, especially when someone is capturing the whole thing on their cellphone videocamera [2.4MB Windows Media video].

It Happened to Me Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

The Sandwich Board Outside Bay Street Video

Bay Street Video (1172 Bay Street, just south of Bloor), one of Accordion City’s best video stores, not only puts funny comments on post-it notes in their video library,

they also put amusing comments on the sandwich board outside the store.

Here’s what I saw on the north-facing side of their sandwich board


Photo: 'Improving on Your Past' tips posted on a sandwich board outside Bay Street Video, Toronto.

And this was on the south-facing side:

Photo: 'Dealing with Bad Roomies' tips posted on a sandwich board

  outside Bay Street Video, Toronto.

I’ve got both these photos in a larger format in a photo album — you can check it out in album or slideshow form.

Be sure to check inside the store too — they’ve got a great selection for purchase or rental.

It Happened to Me Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

The Flashiest Costume at Kickass Karaoke…

…was worn by karaoke regular “Johnny O”. I shall dub it “Honore de Balzac”, but not for literary reasons…