It Happened to Me Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

Three Bedroom, Two Bath Downtown Toronto House Apartment — Available This Summer!

What with the departure of my housemate Paul for Europe for the summer,

my housemate Rob getting married to his girlfriend Leslie in October,

and me and Wendy getting hitched in September, the time has come for

all of us to seek new places to live. What that means is that my house,

71 Sullivan Street, Suite 1 — a stone’s throw from Queen and Spadina,

Chinatown, the AGO and loads of nightlife — is going to be available

this summer. Consider this blog entry the first announcement, with

details to follow.

Among its features, which I’ll go into detail in a later entry:

  • Lower half of historic brick house — 1st floor and basement
  • Three bedrooms — 2 decent-sized, one small
  • 2 full bathrooms with full tub/shower
  • Washer and dryer
  • Kitchen has microwave, oven, stove, dishwasher, fume hood
  • Exposed brick walls and hardwood floors in the living and dining rooms
  • Back patio leading to garage
  • The damned coolest house on the block

Here are some photos of the place, taken in 2003:

The living room, viewed from the front door, looking into the house.

The living room, viewed from the other side.

A close-up of the living room near the front of the house.

The kitchen, looking one way…

The kitchen, looking the other way.

The dining room, as viewed from one side…

…and the other.

Rent is $2100 a month. My housemates and I currently split in this fashion:

  • Bedroom on main floor (features south-facing glass wall): $835
  • Bedroom in basement (largest, 2 huge closets, built-in-shelf area): $725
  • Small bedroom in basement: $525

You pay for electricity and gas, water is currently covered by the landlords.

The expected date for this place to become available is July 15th.

Interested? Email me at!

It Happened to Me Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

Found at Bay Street Video

Bay Street Video (1172 Bay Street, just south of Bloor) is one of the best damned video stores/rental shops in Accordion City.

Not only does it have a great selection of videos — many of which

you’ll never find at your local Blockbuster — but the staff are free

to make their own comments about their library:

Photo: Display card for 'Heathers' at Bay Street Video.

(And yeah, while most reasonable high school nerds

deplore the acts of those two yobs at Columbine, you’d be hard pressed

to find one of us who didn’t fantasize about visting some high-velocity lead retribution on their jock tormentors.)

Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

Mysterion’s Victoria Weekend Burlesque Revue

Graphic: Part of Mysterion's poster for his Victoria Weekend Revue.

Click the picture to see the whole poster. MAY NOT BE SAFE FOR WORK or OLD SCHOOL MONARCHISTS (boobs, tassels, descration of Queen Victoria’s image).

My friend Mysterion the Mind Reader

(who really does look like Jon Stewart’s evil younger brother) is

hosting not just one, but three nights of burlesque, vaudeville and

magic/mentalist tricks this weekend at Mitzi’s Sister (1554 Queen Street West, three blocks eats of Roncessvalles). There’s no cover for this event — that’s right, these are three nights of shows, gratis!

  • Friday’s guests:
    • The Dirty Hearts
    • Scarlette Sylphide
    • Tanya Cheex
  • Saturday’s guests:
    • The Providers
    • Special surprise guests
  • Sunday’s guests:
    • The Whammies
    • Mitzy Cream

And of course, Mysterion and Penny Whistleton (she of the classic “One Girl, Four Tassels” act, will perform.

A pity I’m not in town. If you’re going to be in Accordion City this weekend, you might want to celebrate the long weekend by taking in a show!

Music Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

Kickass Karaoke Tonight

Attention karaoke fiends of Accordion City: there’s a Kickass Karaoke tonight at Ciao Edie (489 College, just west of Bathrust) starting at 9 p.m.!

Here are some scene from the Kickass Karaoke on Sunday, May 8th at The Rivoli…

In the News Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

Maybe They Should’ve Called It "Dense" (or: "English as She is Wrote")

I wasn’t expecting much in the way of brainpower from the new free alternative paper Dose, but I did

expect them to have a reasonable grasp of the English language. That

grasp is a bit slippery, if the photo below is any indication:

Photo: Excerpt from 'Dose' magazine showing that author does not know the difference between 'throne' and 'thrown'.

From Dose’s Toronto edition, Wednesday, May 11, 2005, page 9.

It reads “PRINCE HARRY MAY be third in line for the thrown…”

(Memo to Dose: Dude, I shouldn’t have to point this out, but the word you’re looking for is “throne“.)

This sort of mistake goes beyond the garden variety “its/it’s” or “there/their/they’rehomophone trouble; we’re in “brain damage from inhaling solvents” territory here.

(Memo to Dose, just in case: A homophone is not a gay communications device.)

Accordion, Instrument of the Gods Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

Who’s Up for Seeing "The Old Soul" Tonight?

Tonight at Lee’s Palace, for a mere 8 bucks, The Old Soul (featuring Luca Maolini on accordion), with Ratsicule (the funniest, sassiest singing duo ever) opening.

This week’s issue of local alt-weekly eye. Click to read the article on The Old Soul.

I’m planning on going. If you’re in Accordion City and looking for

something to do, drop me a line in the comments if you’re interested in

coming along.

It Happened to Me Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

It Must Be Spring

It must be spring. When it starts getting warm, people hit the sidewalks of Accordion City more often and my bike trips to and from work become like the opening scene from Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure,

with me biking down the street to or from work and a near-perfect

guarantee that at least one person will wave “Hey, Joey!” or “Yo,

Accordion Guy!” en route.

For no other reason that to celebrate the fact that it’s highly

unlikely that we’re going to see snow for many months, here’s a photo

of my trusty bike, The Scorpion King, after the last serious snowstorm hit town in March:

Photo: Joey deVilla's bike, 'The Scorpion King', after the last major snowfall in Toronto, March 2005.