Music Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

This Weekend: "Top Gun! The Musical"

Colin Viebrock, whom I know through PHP development and other professional channels has an interesting non-programming project: he’s the director of Top Gun! The Musical.

Here’s a quick synopsis from the Top Gun! The Musical site:

Singing. Satire. Subtext. All at Mach 3! If you see only one musical

comedy about mounting a mega-musical based on the movie Top Gun, make

it Top Gun! The Musical. You’ll laugh. You’ll hum. You’ll believe

a jet can fly!

For anyone who’s ever cringed through Cats, felt the need for speed, or

wondered “who thought that would be a good idea?”, comes this

new satirical musical. Writer Billy Palmer is about to crash and burn.

His musical adaptation of Top Gun is going off the rails and he really

needs a hit … especially after the debacle of Apocalypse Wow!

Instead, he’s saddled with a quarrelling cast, a shady ex-Navy SEAL

producer, and a bit of bad luck. Now if only everyone would stop singing!

Although Top Gun! The Musical has received plenty of critical acclaim

and good “word-of-mouth”, I never got it together to actually go catch

a show…until now. Colin informs me that they’ve been invited to

perform at the first annual New York Musical Festival, and they’ll be doing a couple of perfomances this weekend in order to warm up for the New York shows. You can see Top Gun! The Musical at the Robert Gill Theatre (214 College Street

at St. George Street — 3rd floor, enter off of St. George Street) this

Friday and Saturday. Both performances start at 8:00 p.m. and tickets

are $20.00.

I’m thinking of catching the Friday performance. Who wants to be my wingmen?

Bonus trivia link: Top Gun quotes!

It Happened to Me Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

Celebrity Spotting in Accordion City

A couple of the Queen West regulars have told me that Johnny Depp is in town for the Film Festival and has been hanging out at Shanghai Cowgirl. Be careful, Johnny: their sweet potato fries and wasabi mayonnaise may be tasty-licious, but a few plates of those and Sir Mix-A-Lot may be writing raps about you.

Val Kilmer’s presence is also being felt in town, albeit in a different way:

Photo by Cory Doctorow.

Cory Doctorow took the photo above during his last visit to town. He, Possum and I had just come from watching The Village (“A ninety-minute Twilight Zone

episode”, he called it) and were walking along Grange Avenue towards

Spadina when we saw “Val Kilmer” with a peace sign on a side door to one of the Chinese markets.

“You think it’s for his career as a whole, or just a specific role?” I asked. “I liked him best as ‘Nick Rivers’ in Top Secret.”

A couple of weeks later, during her visit to Toronto, Wendy spotted this graffito as we were walking on Phoebe towards Soho (just north of The Black Bull):

Photo by Yours Truly.

The peace sign beside “Val Kilmer” suggests that the tagger probably saw The Doors and had some kind of epiphany. I haven’t seen the movie — was it really that good?

Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

New Accordion City Blog: Better Living Centre

From the “I really wanted to post about this sooner” department: My bloggy friends Marc Weisblott (who does the words) and Brett Lamb

(who does the pictures, and some words too) are the masterminds behind

the new blog on all things  Toronto — or Accordion City, as I

like to call it — called Better Living Centre.

The BLC, as its founders like to call it, will focus on news and events

in and around the Toronto area. I’ll leave it to Brett to tell the story of why he and Marc created the blog.

As for the name, I believe it’s derived from the building at the Canadian National Exhibition with the same name, a 50’s modernist “machines for living

edifice that used to feature home furnishings and appliances when I was

a kid (imagine Sears trying to put on a World’s Fair type of show

featuring their goods). I have no idea what’s inside it now.

There’s all kinds of good Accordion City-related stuff in Better Living Centre, and in light of mainstream journalism’s flight from blogging and general web availability (witness the recent moves at the Globe and the Post), there’s a void of Toronto-specific news reportage that can be filled with interesting bloggers.

It should be an interesting companion to another Toronto blog, GTABloggers (whose focus is more about Toronto bloggers socializing). I’m going to have to cross-post there sometime.

Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

The Colbinator on Accordion City

I thought that this blog entry by Colby Cosh on Accordion City was

worthy of note in case you hadn’t seen it. He wrote it after a recent

visit here:

I suppose the couple that put me up for

the weekend didn’t realize they were making such a wonderful black joke

by having a paperback copy of Isaac Asimov’s Foundation lying

on the coffee table when I arrived. I was thumbing through the book and

was reminded that, at the outset of Asimov’s space epic, the galactic

capital–a vast, crowded, barren planet frantically maintaining a

tenuous grip on empire–is called “Trantor”. Coincidence or prophecy? 

I kid. We provincials are fond of

complaining that Toronto regards itself as the “centre of the

universe“. But, honestly, what else can we reasonably expect? I’m not

certain any other city so closely resembles what the actual metropolitan centre of the universe

were to look like if such a thing existed. And I mean this in both bad

ways and good. Listen to the polyglot hum emerging from the television

and the street; consider the historical layering and the Herculean

churn of the city’s architectural scene, which runs the gamut from

ruins-in-progress to outrageous new confections;

ponder the way Toronto tries (oh so very hard) to assert a proprietary

interest in universal mass culture by obsessing over its movie shoots

and semi-notable part-time residents.

Gertrude Stein said of Oakland that “there’s no there there”; in

Toronto’s case the genius and the calamity may, equally, be that

there’s an everywhere there, trying to fit into a somewhat narrow

geographical space.

(The bold links are his; the non-bold links are my own additional “link-a-torial”.)

Accordion, Instrument of the Gods It Happened to Me Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

Rue Morgue Party (or: I Got to Meet My Hero, “Sex Machine”!)

A week ago today, I got a call from Darryl Wiggers, whom I met by
chance while picking up some lunch at the Liberty Market, a
deli/grocery near work. Daryl is the programming director for Scream,
the all-horror movie cable channel. He had a couple of tickets to a
party being thrown by Rue Morgue
magazine (Gothica, horror and general Rob Zombie-ism) in conjunction
with last weekend’s science fiction and horror convention. I’d planned
on having a rare quiet Friday night at home, but since the event was
taking place at the Pussycat Club, a mere couple of blocks from my
place, the Law of the Rare compelled me to go.

(The Law of the Rare is a personal philosophy: if I’m having trouble
deciding between two things, always choose the more rare one.)

I met Darryl at the Second Cup at Queen and John Streets and we walked
around the corner to the Pussycat Club. It hasn’t been the Pussycat
Club for very long — last summer, it was a jazz-funk bar owned by a
guy who looked like a very well-dressed Heavy D.

While walking there, Darryl mentioned that Tom Savini would be there.

“Don’t recognize the name,” I replied.

“He was the biker guy in the original Dawn of the Dead.”

“Been a while since I’ve seen Romero’s version,” I said.

“Well, he was also in From Dusk Till Dawn. He was ‘Sex Machine’.”

“OH MY GOD!” I yelled out. “Sex Machine is my hero!”

How can I not be fan of a guy with a machine gun codpiece and a ridiculous name?

More later, but in the meantime, you might want to check out the photos
of me, Darryl, Sex Machine and other horror movie stars who were at the
party. You can see them in photo album or slideshow format.

“Chop Top” from Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2

“Dog must hunt! Dog must hunt!”

“Pinhead” from the Hellraiser movies

Actual quote from Hellraiser II: “You’re so ripe, Joey. And it’s harvest time.”

“Sex Machine” from From Dusk Till Dawn

Machine-gun codpieces rule!

Gideon Strauss, in a comment on the photo with me and Doug “Pinhead” Bradley, wrote:

I love people who even KNOW the word “cenobite.”

The traditional definition of “cenobite” is “someone who belongs to a
religious order. Priests, monks, nuns, rabbis and druids are cenobites.
However, in the case of the Hellraiser
movies, the captial-C Cenobites are Clive Barker’s creations: evil
beings from another dimension delivering pleasure that soon turns into
gory pain. Doug Bradley played the most famous Cenobite: Pinhead, the
Cenobite leader. In Kingston in the summer of 1992, I spent a couple of
creeped-out evenings in Rik “DJ Stinky Poo-Poo” Young’s liviing room
watching the entire Hellraiser series.

It Happened to Me Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

Mysterion’s “Nails Up the Nose” Trick

Here’s a scene from Mysterion the Mind Reader’s act at the Bovine Sex Club last Saturday night.
It takes a lot to get someone at the Bovine to call you a freak, but
Mysterion’s “driving nails up his nose with a hammer” routine managed
to do just that.

Whoo! Sinus pain!

You can watch the video to see him in action [2.1 MB QuickTime link].

He does some pretty nifty card tricks, too.

It Happened to Me Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

DIY Bike Fenders

After emerging from a tasty dinner of avocado salad and beef skewers at the Red Room,
I noticed the fenders on one of the bikes locked up nearby. They looked
a little unusual, and on closer examination, they turned out to be
homemade. They’d been cut from a plastic distilled water container and
secured with washers and plastic ties:

I’ve always been impressed by home-grown ingenuity, and these water-jug fenders also have a funky DIY aesthetic too. Well done!