It Happened to Me Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

Fahrenheit 451

While I’m on the topic of interesting things that you can see while walking down Queen Street West (just two blocks south of my house), I saw this scene outside Pages Bookstore on Saturday afternoon:

The woman in the photo was reading Fahrenheit 451. After finishing both sides of a page, she would rip it out and hand it to the man who set it alight in a makeshift brazier:

Ah, performance art.

It Happened to Me Music Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

Coolest. Upright Bass. Ever.

On Saturday night, I was heading to Smokeless Joe to catch up with my friends Liz and Keith when I saw the coolest upright bass ever. It belonged to the bassist of The Matadors, who performed at The Black Bull later that evening. I aksed if I could photograph his bass, and not only did he oblige, he even posed.

Alas, I’d already made arrangements to catch White Cowbell Oklahoma with Meryle at the same time The Matadors were playing, but I’ll have to catch these guys at some point.


It Happened to Me Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

Blogger Lunch with Sebastien Paquet and Company

Sebastien “Seb’s Open Research” Paquet, one of Canada’s bright lights on the social software and blogging front, made his first visit to Accordion City (he even called it “Accordion City” in his email!) on Sunday, and invited a few local bloggers to come out for lunch on Monday. The attendees were:

We met for lunch at Cafe Diplomatico, in the heart of the Little Italy that occupies College Street West (we have a couple of Little Italies). Discussed in addition to blogging (which was to be expected) were the supposed rigor of academics, the upcoming election, censorship, Iran, search engines, the University of Waterloo and the glassy-eyed expressions of most of the other folks in the restaurant as they watched Italy playing the World Cup.

It was also the first time I’d met this group of bloggers, and I had great fun. Thanks for organizing this get-togerher, Seb! As for you locals — Hoder, Michael, Kaveh, Melanie — I’ll be sure to let you guys know about any upcoming GTABlogger gatherings.

Accordion, Instrument of the Gods It Happened to Me Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

Mysterion Meets the Accordion!

I am just one of the buskers on Queen Street West,
a lovely stretch of trendy boutiques, electronics shops, off-beat
stores, bars and restautants, the CityTV/MuchMusic/Bravo/Space
television headquarters and street vendors. Another busker is Mysterion the Mind Reader, who performs feats of magic and mentalism for passers-by on the weekends. I occasionally provide backup music for his act (Meryle’s written about it).

He likes trying on my accordion, and I got took some photos. You can check them out the photo album or the slideshow.

Doesn’t he look like Jon Stewart’s evil younger brother?

Accordion, Instrument of the Gods Music Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

Kickass Karaoke Triple Threat!

If you’re in Accordion City this coming week, be advised that there are
not one, not two, but three Kickass Karaokes taking place!

The dates and locations are:

  • Wednesday, June 16th: It’s the monthly mayhem at the Bovine Sex Club (542 Queen Street West,
    just east of Bathurst). Thanks to the newly-enacted “no smoking in bars
    law”, this cozy venue just got a little bit nicer. I’ll be attending
    this one.

  • Friday, June 18th: A special edition of Kickass Karaoke at the new hipster hangout, the Drake Hotel (1150 Queen Street West, 3 blocks east of Dufferin). I can’t make this one, as I will be attending the Om Festival as part of my annual camping ritual.
  • Sunday, June 20th: The biweekly bacchanal at the Rivoli (334 Queen Street West, just east of Spadina). I will be there, as will my special guest all the way from Boston, Wendy the Redhead (she’ll be here for the week of the 20th).
It Happened to Me Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)


Gideon Strauss recently attended a concert held at a friend’s house. He writes:

The concert
happened in an unexpected place – an old industrial building converted
to loft suites, in a semi-rundown, slowly gentrifying part of Toronto.
(While we were walking down the street some time before the concert I
pointed out the building to the Strausslings, and Summer [one of his daughters] asked in a surprised voice, “People live
in these buildings?” A passerby covered his cellphone with a free hand,
smiled, said “Oh yes they do!” and walked on.)

I wrote in the comments that if I could get whomever it was who
borrowed my book on loft culture to return it to me, I’d be happy to
lend it to Summer. I also mentioned that I’d taken a number of pictures inside lofts and that I’d post a few.

It turns out that I can’t even remember who borrowed the book. I get
the sinking feeling that it’s in the clutches of my second-most-evil
ex-girlfriend, who now lives on the other side of the San Andreas
Fault. If this is the case, getting it back is a very unlikely
proposition. I’ll phone around and make sure; it might be in someone
else’s possession, in which case I can get it back.

In the meantime, I’ll post some photos that I’ve taken over the years at various parties that took place in people’s home-lofts.

This first series was taken at Etric Lyons’ place back in December 1999
when he threw a wine and cheese party to exhibit some photos he’d taken
that summer. This loft is a little more posh than most, but it should
still show off enough architectural and sociocultural characteristics
of the “typical” loft.

So here you go, Summer, the first series of loft photos. You can view either the photo album or the slideshow.

It Happened to Me Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

Crazy Go Nuts University Party at Lava Lounge This Thursday

If you live in Accordion City (that’s Toronto, folks) and are a Crazy Go Nuts University
(that’s Queen’s University, folks) almnus (that’s a male graduate,
folks) or alumna (that’s a female graduate, folks), you might be
interested in an alumni (that’s plural for alumnus/alumna, folks)
at the Lava Lounge
this Thursday. It starts at 9:00 p.m. and runs through the night. Be
sure to arrive reasonably early since Lava, being one of the more
popular destinations on a street that is itself a popular destination, tends to fill early.

I’ll be the guy with the accordion, the beer and the Queen’s Applied Science ’91 jacket.