Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

Kensington Festival of Lights

This lovely annual event, which always takes place on the Winter Solstice, takes place this Sunday at sundown. No matter what you celebrate: Chanukah, Christmas, the Solstice, “Festivus, the festival for the rest of us”, there’ll be something for you there. The highlight is a beautiful walking parade where people walk through the streets of Kensington Market with their homemade lanterns.

Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

More Holiday Naughtiness

Tomorrow — Saturday December 20th — my friend Charlene “Char” Baldacchino will be reading from her new collection of erotic short stories, The Basic Kink. I’ve read one of hers, which was well-written and incredibly funny.

The reading will take place at 9:30 p.m. at the sex store Party for Two, located at 439 Danforth Ave.. There will be a $5 cover, and Char’s new erotic adventure VICTORIA will also be on sale.

(I have no idea what Char means by “erotic adventure”. I’m sure it’s not a text-based adventure game like Zork. “It’s very dark. You are likely to be eaten by a grue” takes on a whole new meaning.)

Char writes:

An evening of sexy straight, gay and lesbian tales should put us all in the holiday spirit, don’t you think? Bring a pillow to sit on, bring someone to snuggle with, and be prepared to share some of your romantic stories too!

Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

Merry Stripmas!

Photo: 'Merry Stripmas' poster.

Meryle informs me that she will be making her professional burlesque debut tonight at the Silver Dollar Room (prominently featured as the blues bar in Adventures in Babysitting):

Meryle will be making her Toronto professional burlesque debut this friday at the Silver Dollar Room (486 spadina ave, just north of college) in Skin Tight Outta Sight’s Merry Stripmas. Doors open at 9pm show starts at 10:30pm but come out early or you may not get in. (us naked ladies are quite popular!) Door is $10 (sorry I’m only allowed one guestlist spot and that goes to either the boyfriend, or megan). Meryle will be performing in a number called You’re Never Fully Dressed Without A Smile, as well as the naughty I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus.

If you’re in Accordion City tonight and want to ogle the “Hot Tub Girl” from my birthday party in the flesh (arf arf!), you know where to go.

Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

A couple of street scenes

It snowed in Accordion City over the weekend, which while inconvenient for drivers, makes the city look terribly pretty. Here are a couple of shots I took yesterday.

The first one is of Sullivan Street, looking east. You may not know it, but this quiet little street is located in a residential neighbourhood tucked between several noisy areas: Chinatown to the north and west, the formerly-boho-now-boutiquey Queen Street West neighbourhood and the club and theatre districts to the south, and the financial district to the east.

Photo: Sullivan Street, looking east on a snowy afternoon, December 14, 2003.

Here’s a shot of the house, Big Trouble in Little China. Paul, Sam and I occupy the basement and first floor; the upstairs floors are a loft unit occupied by our neighbour Richard.

The facade is historic (there’s even a historical society plaque), but the house interior is from the future!

Photo: My house -- 'Big Trouble in Little China' -- on a snowy afternoon, December 14, 2003.

Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

Cream Soda makes The Post

Photo: Tara Hunt demonstrates her dance moves at Cream Soda.

My friend Tara Hunt runs her own marketing firm, Rogue Strategies, by day and her disco revival party, Cream Soda, by night. It seems to have gone over well; her Cream Soda nights are always packed, and now the National Post has a story on her.

(You may remember Tara from my report from the Naked News launch party.)

Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

"Spacing" magazine launch party tomorrow night (part one of the "public space" discussion)

Photo: 'Spacing' magazine cover.

There’s a new magazine in town called Spacing. I’ll let them do the talking:

Public spaces are where people interact, discuss, teach, learn, participate, proclaim, and protest. Public space is essential for democracy, yet it seems to be shrinking.

We live in a society where cars rule the road while big box stores and mega-malls encourage us to stay in them. Downtown, Toronto’s newest public square is surrounded by the highest concentration of ads in Canada, and comes complete with explicit rules, private guards, and security cameras to make sure the public expression that occurs there stays in line. Even one of our oldest forms of public communication, postering, is now under attack.

It is from these concerns that the idea to start a magazine entirely devoted to public space sprang to life. Spacing is a project of the Toronto Public Space Committee, the activist group responsible for Guerrilla Gardening, Variance Vexation, Art Attack, as well as being the most vocal opponent of Toronto’s proposed anti-postering by-law.

On December 4th, Spacing will launch its first 40-page issue. It will feature stories on issues such as postering, public art, and Dundas Square, as well as some of the people, places, and events that make living in Toronto interesting. Issue number one was designed and art directed by m@b comic artist Matthew Blackett, and includes contributions from The Middle Stories author Sheila Heti, Toronto Life and Marketing Magazine journo Ryan Bigge, former eye weekly news editor Jennifer Prittie, illustrators Matt Daley, graphic artist Mark Ngui, and photographer Kevin Steele.

Spacing aspires to raise awareness and create a dialogue about Toronto’s public space. Ultimately, we want to provide citizens with more tools, information, and resources to get out and start Spacing.

The launch party will be held at The 360 (326 Queen Street West, on the north side, about half a block east of Spadina). The party starts at 9 p.m. and admission is $10 (which entitles you to a copy of the magazine).

Next: Dundas Square: Threat or Menace?

Recommended reading

Featured at the launch

New Urbanism

Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

GTABloggers Christmas party reminder: December 6th!

If you…

  • Have a blog
  • Live in the GTA (Greater Toronto Area or General Turf of Accordion Guy, depending on whom you ask)

…you really should attend this party.

The GTABloggers is a social club of blog writers who live in or around Accordion City. There are no membership fees, qualifying exams or bizarre initiation rites. It’s just a group of bloggers who get together to hang out every now and again.

It’s Saturday, December 6th at 8 p.m.. It will be held at my swanky pad, located in the Queen and Spadina area, which is within walking distance of two subway stations, three streetcar lines, a helluva lot of taxis and at least three parking lots.

If you know me or have read my blog, you know that I give good party.

Special party features:

  • Kris Kringle (a.k.a. “Secret Santa”) gift exchange game
  • Potluck dinner
  • Special Christmas accordion performances: Your choice of O Come All Ye Faithful (in both English and Latin) or AC/DC’s (Give Me A) Mistress for Christmas…or both!
  • The Tub-Full-O-Ice-And-Booze will be fully operational.
  • My toy reindeer that dispenses jelly beans from its butt
  • For the hardcore, an after-party trip to the Matador

There will also be at least one special guest in attendance. I ain’t sayin’ whom; if you want to find out, you’re just going to have to come.

The full details are at this post on the GTABloggers site. To get added to the official invite list, drop Rannie Turingan a line.