Geek It Happened to Me Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

FailCamp: One Week Away!

FailCamp poster, featuring Sean Connery in his role as "Zed" from "Zardoz"

If you were at last year’s FailCamp, you might remember the best story of FAIL of the evening, which involved warming up some “body lube” in the microwave oven for a little too long, after which hilarity ensued.

Here’s how Amy Hoy and Thomas Fuchs, the originators of FailCamp, describe their vision of the event:

We believe that it’s time to give our personal fail some tough love and talk it out over beer!

Join us for a brief, rousing introduction followed by camaraderie, beer, and show-and-tell. We’ll present a little about failure through the ages, mining your personal suck, maybe some science, pithy quotes from people you may or may not respect, and share some failure stories of our own.

Then it’ll be your turn. If all goes to plan, you may even win in our friendly “race to the bottom” for the most public, most expensive, or most ridiculous Story of Fail.

FailCamp returns next Thursday, July 9th and once again, it’s the warm-up act for Unspace’s Ruby programmer conference (going by the name “FutureRuby” this year), which takes place on the weekend of July 10th through 12th. Just like last year, FailCamp will once again provide a forum for you to share your greatest and most pathetic stories of FAIL, and hopefully how that failure taught you some important lessons and made you a better, wiser, more-careful-with-the-lube person.

joey_presenting_at_failcamp_1Me, presenting at last year’s FailCamp.

Once again, I will be hosting FailCamp. I’ll start the evening with a couple of stories of failure, including a couple of Keyboard Cat-worthy ones of my own, after which I’ll open up the floor to you, the audience, to share your own stories of FAIL. Once we’re all thoroughly embarrassed, DJ Barbi will spin the wheels of steel and we’ll dance our shame away.

There are some tickets left as of this writing:

  • For FutureRuby attendees, there are 4 free tickets to FailCamp remaining.
  • For those of you who are not attending FutureRuby but would like to catch FailCamp, there are 19 “Pay What You Can” tickets left.

If you want ‘em, go to the FailCamp registration page and get them before they disappear!

joey_presenting_at_failcamp_2My one-slide summary of how things went terribly wrong in the movie Deliverance
(The link leads to the “Squeal like a pig” scene from the movie – you might not want to watch at work).

FailCamp will take place at the Queen City Yacht Club on the Toronto Islands (Algonquin Island, to be precise). Your printed ticket stub is good for a free ferry ride from the Toronto docks to the Yacht Club, where we’ll have some finger food, the Yacht club’s kitchen and cash bar will be open, and the evening should be full of surprises.

What better way to close an article about FailCamp than the Keyboard Cat video starring “Pinky, Pet of the Week”?

It Happened to Me Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

Collector’s Plates

Seen in the window at a shop in Bloor West Village and coming soon to your grandmother’s (or a die-hard Star Trek or M*A*S*H fan’s) house:

collectors_platesClick the photo to see it at full size.

Accordion, Instrument of the Gods It Happened to Me Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

Strike Me Down, and Another Shall Rise to Take My Place

I no longer live in Accordion City’s Queen/Spadina neighbourhood and therefore don’t play there very often anymore. Luckily that doesn’t mean that they’re lacking for the accordion: there was a guy playing a fine little red number there earlier this afternoon:


Squeeze on, good sir!

Geek Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

Toronto Coffee and Code This Friday!

coffee_and_code_may_29_2009_1The scene at the big communal table at the May 29th Coffee and Code.

There’s a Toronto Coffee and Code this Friday! For details, see the Coffee and Code blog.

Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

The Toronto Strike / Where To Take Your Trash [Updated]

Update (Monday, June 22, 12:21 p.m.): If you’re planning on taking your trash to the transfer stations, please note that picketers have been blocking the entrances to the trash transfer depots. I would recommend checking the news before you head out to a transfer station.

Photo: Small trash bags dropped off on Toronto street

It’s on: Locals 79 and 416 of CUPE (Canadian Union of Public Employees) has called for a strike after the city and the union were unable to come to an agreement on their collective agreements.

What the Press Says

Services Affected by the Strike

Here’s what services are affected:

  • Garbage/Recycling/Green Bin Collection
    Cancelled, except in Etobicoke and apartment/condo buildings (including my place!), where it’s contracted out. People are being asked to store their garbage for as long as they can, or drop it off at the city’s garbage drop-off points (see the map below).
  • Ambulances/Paramedics
    Still operating, but 25% of paramedics are expected not to work on any given day during the strike. Best not to get injured right now.
  • Daycare Centres
    All 57 daycare centres are closed.
  • Island Ferries
    All ferries – except the one to the Island Airport – are cancelled.
  • Parks and Recreation
    Parks will be open, but there’s no ground maintenance. “Programming”, such as summer camps, classes, drop-ins and lessons are cancelled. City-run golf courses, wading and swimming pools, fitness and community centres are closed. Automated timers aren’t in the union, so splash pads on automated timers are still running.
  • Public Libraries
    Branches are still open, except for 5 that use city facilities: Armour Heights, Flemingdon Park, St. James Town, Todmorden Room and Port Union. Branches at City Hall and Metro Hall are open, with adjusted hours.
  • Weddings
    Wedding ceremonies at Toronto City Hall will continue during regular business hours. Permits for wedding photos in city parks are cancelled. Wedding facilities in East York, Scarborough and York are cancelled. Only previously scheduled ceremonies at North York Civic Centre will continue.
  • Parking
    Parking enforcement continues! Deadlines to pay tickets will not be extended. No new permits will be issued.
  • Taxes
    Property taxes still have to be paid on the due dates, but drop boxes in civic centres will no be available. Best to pay them via mail, your bank or drop box in public library (if it’s not one of the affected ones).

Garbage Drop-Off Points

If you need to get rid of garbage, the following locations will take it:

Toronto garbage drop-off points

Scarbrough Transfer Station (1 Transfer Place) Victoria Park Transfer Station (3550 Victoria Park Avenue) Dufferin Transfer Station (35 Vanley Crescent) Disco Transfer Station (120 Disco Road) Commissioners Street Transfer Station (400 Commissioners Street) Bermondsey Transfer Station (188 Bermondsey Road) Ingram Transfer Station (50 Ingram Drive)

  1. Ingram Transfer Station
    50 Ingram Drive (Keele/Eglinton area)
    Open 24 hours
  2. Bermondsey Transfer Station
    188 Bermondsey Road (Victoria Park/Eglinton area)
    Open 24 hours
    (I wrote about this place in a 2004 article titled Midnight Trash Run.)
  3. Commissioners Street Transfer Station
    400 Commissioners Street (Lakeshore/Logan area)
    Open 7 a.m. – 7 p.m.
  4. Disco Transfer Station
    120 Disco Road (Carlingview/Disco area)
    Open 7 a.m. – 7 p.m.
  5. Dufferin Transfer Station
    35 Vanley Crescent (Chesswood/Sheppard area)
    Open 7 a.m. – 7 p.m.
  6. Victoria Park Transfer Station
    3550 Victoria Park Avenue (Victoria Park/Finch area)
    Open 7 a.m. – 7 p.m.
  7. Scarborough Transfer Station
    1 Transfer Place (Markham Road/Sheppard area)
    Open 7 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Geek It Happened to Me Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

The “employment.nil?” Ruby Job Fair

This article also appears in my personal tech blog, Global Nerdy. Although the topic is about a job fair for Ruby programmers, I thought it would be good to post it here, as it’s a great example of grassroots community action.


One of the pillars of the Toronto developer scene is the Ruby/Rails community. They’re an active, engaged, hard-working bunch who work without the direct benefit of a large organization like The Empire or its resources (they do, through people like Yours Truly and Nik Garkusha, Microsoft Canada’s open source go-to guy, get some indirect support). They – through the efforts of people like Pete Forde and the Ruby local heroes at Unspace – know how to maximize grassroots organization and harness them into industry-leading events like last year’s RubyFringe and the upcoming FutureRuby conference.


It should therefore not be a surprise that when Pete and company got the idea to help out their fellow Ruby developers during the econopocalypse with a job fair – employment.nil? — they’d take the standard techie job fair formula, turn it upside down and make it their very own. They chose the Gladstone Hotel in Toronto’s hip West Queen West neighbourhood, which is better known as a venue for karaoke, rock bands and burlesque (in fact, I’ve performed in all three kinds of shows there) than for computer and IT-related employment fairs.


This was not your typical job fair. It didn’t have any of the fancy display stands that you normally see on the exhibition floor at tech conferences. Instead, both job-seekers and small companies were told to build poster board displays, a la high school science fairs.


Another rule: no computers allowed! Even iPhone apps were considered “cheating”. The closest you were allowed to get was using whiteboards or pen and paper for “live coding”. This wasn’t about staring at computer screens, but people talking to other people – people who were passionate about the Ruby programming language and its associated frameworks, libraries and communities.


An excerpt from the sign-up page for employment.nil?:

Let’s face it: it’s better to be a Ruby developer than a car manufacturer in 2009, but things have definitely slowed down — for everyone. And yet, there are solid reasons why this is an excellent time to start new projects, launch companies, and create new markets. By definition, Ruby has been adopted by creative individuals that grew frustrated with risk averse bureaucracies.

We believe that there are huge number of opportunities to be found during this economic downturn, both for freelance developers and aspiring entrepreneurs alike. As with most tragic historical near-misses, there are just a huge number of connections that aren’t made even in our own collective back yard.


More from the job fair’s site:

That said, we also believe that Ruby people are determined self-starters that aren’t afraid to self-promote. Anything worth doing in life requires hard work and sacrifice. Sadly, while many developers are patient and willing to think orthogonally, we rarely get an opportunity to practice the other more social skills which make us desirable as team members, project managers, and co-founders. Unless we overcome our shyness and learn to speak eloquently about our experience and skill sets, we have nobody to blame for our work prospects but ourselves.

Our solution is to gather students, developers, development companies, and of course project leaders and company founders for a good old-fashioned career fair.

As you can see from the photos, there were different kinds of booths set up. There were those for companies looking to hire some Ruby developers…


and those deidicated to showcasing some interesting application of Ruby, such as lojacking iPhones:


…or HacklabTO’s own Jed Smith showing how we harness Ruby to drive our laser (yes, we’ve got a laser etcher/cutter!):


And some booths were set up by Ruby programmers showcasing their own work and who were looking for a job:




The event wasn’t just noticed by the Ruby community, who filled the room throughout the 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. course of the event. Late in the afternoon, Ontario’s Minister of Small Business and Consumer Services, Harinder S. Takhar, paid a visit to the job fair.


Pete, ever the gracious event curator, took Mr. Takhar to several booths, introducing him to their owners, who were only too happy to show the Minister their Ruby-related work. Here’s Andrew Burke of Shindig, showing him the projects he’s taking on in his independent software consultancy:


Here’s Kieran Huggins showing Mr. Takhar his work in


I’m sure that grassroots high-tech events with a strong “indie” aesthetic are outside the Minister’s everyday experience, but he seemed pretty impressed with the event: a dedicated group of nerds building software and careers using only laptops, stuff you can download for free and their brain cells.


Here’s Pete explaining the local Ruby developer scene and the concept of open source software to Mr. Takhar:


And here’s Mr. Takhar presenting Pete with an award of recognition for Unspace for putting the event together. At that point, I broke out the accordion and played For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow, partly for the Minister for showing up on a Saturday afternoon, but partly for Pete for putting the event together.


Here’s a close-up of the award:


It reads:

Award of Recognition

On behalf of the Government of Ontario,
I am delight to extend my congratulations on the
First Toronto Ruby Job Fair

Unspace Interactive Inc.

Our government recognizes the importance of new and creative opportunities for
business. Building a business requires vision and dedication. I applaud your work and
success in web consulting through your team of industry-leading developers and
designers under one roof.

Please accept my best wishes for continued success.

Harinder S. Takhar
Minister of Small Business and Consumer Services
June 06, 2009

Congratulations to Pete, Meghann Millard, all the folks from Unspace and the Toronto Ruby community on a job well done!

The Photo Gallery

I took a lot of photos at employment.nil? and shared them in a Flickr photoset, which you can also view in the slideshow below:

Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR.

Life Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

City Hall’s Badly-Photoshopped Family

Accordion City has a reputation for its great blend of different nationalities, races and cultures, and it’s one of the reasons I love this place. However, there are times when the folks at City Hall, in their well-intentioned attempts to be inclusive, seem to be trying a little too hard. Case in point: how the stock photo, pictured below on the left, got photoshopped (and quite obviously, too) into the cover of the Toronto Fun Guide, pictured below on the right:


Speaking as a force of darkness – I much prefer being called that to “person of colour” – I find inclusivity-by-editing to be a little silly, if not condescending. C’mon, people! This is Toronto! If you really want a picture of an ethnically diverse family in this city, all you have to do is bring a camera to any busy public place – say any major shopping mall – and wait five minutes.

You could also just use the photo below, which features real Toronto people: a Filipino guy, an American Jewish woman and a giant pita from somewhere in the Mediterranean or Middle East. Three ethnicities, one pic!


The folks at Stillepost have been having fun re-photoshopping the Toronto Fun Guide. Here are my favourites, with my favourite one saved for last:


