Found via Srsly Wrong. Click the photo to see the source.
Encountering the words "Florida" and "political candidate" in the same sentence usually means "prepare for hilarity", and this is no exception…
Photo by Yours Truly. It's the season formerly known as "Fall" or "Autumn", but it's now called "Pumpkin Spice Season",…
A fedora, while jaunty when worn right, comes with so much negative cultural baggage at this point in time that you're…
Click the graph to see the source of this misleading graph, the Fraser Institute report Ontario: No Longer a Place…
Believe me, I know. Thanks to Randeep Katari for the find!
There's a giant mechanical cat in Tokyo's Shinjuku station that's dispensing presents to people who press on its nose. It's…
Found via @gidget. Click the photo to see the source. “Oh yeah, SF? You can AET ME!”