"Space is big. Really big. You just won’t believe how vastly hugely mindbogglingly big it is. I mean you may…
This is my new favorite version of the “Woman yelling at a cat” meme. It’s a bit of an in-joke…
Episode X: The Millennials Strike Back! used to be my favorite “OK Boomer” meme, but this King of the Hill…
This is my favorite meme using the Millennials’ favorite retort. Also worth reading: IF YOU CALL ME A “BOOMER” YOU…
My birthday is tomorrow (November 5th), and I’ve decided that this (see above) is what I’m going to say for…
Jonathan Lee Burgsteiner just wanted to participate in the “fun” activity of “owning the libs” and maybe get some online…
This parody Royal Mail door-knocker is the best. Need context or a refresher on what Brexit is? BBC: Brexit: All…
This map of Middle Earth, overlaid with a map of the U.S., shows how far Bilbo had to travel in The…
Anitra and me on the Tampa-to-Toronto part of the trip. It’s 8:00 p.m. on Wednesday, October 9, 2019 as I…