
Pre-pandemic photos #2: Roberto “Blind Tiger Café / Endeavr / Cass Street Deli” Torres at Café con Tampa

Tap the photo to see it at full size. Here are some photos from Roberto Torres’ appearance at Café con…

5 years ago

Terminated in 2020, part 1: How you know you’re being laid off and what to do first

You’ll probably sense it coming Tuesday, April 9, 2020 — 8:30 a.m.: I was setting up my gear on our…

5 years ago

Pre-pandemic photos #1: What was in the tabloids

Tap the photo to see it at full size. Here’s a photo I snapped while buying groceries on Sunday, March…

5 years ago

Georgia Department of Health’s master class on misinforming with statistics

The graph released by the Georgia Department of Public Health. Tap the graph to see it at full size. Pictured…

5 years ago

Eileen’s “Toronto Life” article: “Eileen deVilla is Not Freaking Out”

Tap the photo to see it at full size. Toronto Life’s June 2020 issue features a story on my sister…

5 years ago

Make up your damned minds, finance pundits

Tap the image to see the original story. Guess what, everybody — we’re ruining the economy by saving too much.…

5 years ago

Spaceship You: Staying productive and healthy during lockdown

As a reader of this blog, you’ve probably seen a sci-fi movie where an astronaut must survive in space while…

5 years ago

Just let the people decide! They know what’s best fo—

Um... Er... GYM PROTEST: A group of protesters has gathered outside the courthouse in Clearwater, calling for gyms to reopen…

5 years ago

The perfect pedal for the guitarist who always wants to speak to the sound manager!

The next time an aggrieved suburban white woman tells me “I don’t like your tone,” I’ll break out this pedal…

5 years ago