
Deborah Ann Woll, Karen Page from Daredevil/The Defenders/The Punisher, *and* a Dungeon Master too!

The list of known celebrity D&D players keeps growing! It’s got Ta-Nehesi Coates, Sasha Grey, Vin Diesel, Anderson Cooper, and now Deborah Ann Woll, who plays Karen Page in the Marvel TV series Daredevil, The Defenders, and The Punisher.

How into D&D is she? You can find out in this interview with D&D Beyond:

If you’d like to see her Dungeon Master style, you can — here’s her running a session on Stream of Many Eyes:

I’d love to see her take on the role on Dungeon Master in this little skit, with Vin Diesel playing the “Where’s the Cheetos?” guy:


Make America Brannigan!

Zapp Brannigan naked in bed, with Trump quote: "If Ivanka weren't my daughter, I'd probably be dating her."

Donald Trump quotes work really well if you imagine Futurama’s Zapp Brannigan saying them.

Zapp Brannigan standing proudly with Trump quote: "My IQ is one of the highest — and you all know it! Please don't feel so stupid or insecure; it's not your fault.""

Zapp Brannigan standing and pointing upward with Trump quote: "My fingers are long and beautiful, as, it has been well been documented, are various other parts of my body."

Angry Zapp brannigan with Trump quote: "My Twitter has become so powerful that I can actually make my enemies tell the truth."

Zapp brannigan with Trump quote: "I have a great relationship with the blacks!"

Angry Zapp Brannigan with trump quote: "Well, someone's doing the raping! I mean, someone's doing it! Who's doing the raping?!""

Sassy Zapp Brannigan: "There's nobody bigger or better at the military than I am."

Crying Zapp Brannigan: "I was down there and I watched our police and our firemen down at 7-Eleven! Down at the World Trade Center!"

Zapp Brannigan smoking a cigarette with Trump quote: "The concept of global warming was created by the Chinese."

Found via Jojo Georgiou.


That tingling sensation means it’s working! (or: the clearance shelf, vaginal health, and keyword voids)

The clearance shelf at my local Publix is always a source of amusement. I’ve seen time-warped hair care products, the funniest adult diaper packaging, and products that I didn’t even know existed.

But tea tree oil vaginal suppositories is on a whole new, painful level. If you’ve ever had tea tree oil applied to a cut, you know that it stings like nothing else. It’s probably much worse when applied to the nether regions.

Later, I ran a search on the phrase tea tree oil vagina and discovered two things:

  1. I’m going to see some really weird-ass advertisements in my browser for the next couple of weeks, and
  2. “tea tree oil vagina” lives in what’s known as a keyword void.

A keyword void is defined as “a situation where searching for answers about a keyword returns an absence of authoritative, reliable results, in favor of ‘content produced by a niche group with a particular agenda.’”

One example of a particularly harmful keyword void is featured in a recent Wired article titled The complexity of simply searching for medical advice. The example concerns vitamin K, which is typically injected into newborns in the first few hours of their lives. Infants are born without enough vitamin K in their systems, and the vitamin prevents any potential bleeding. The problem is that if you Google for why vitamin K is administered to newborns, there aren’t enough factual articles, and this is a void that the anti-vaccine crowd has capitalized on.

Here’s the key excerpt:

There’s an asymmetry of passion at work. Which is to say, there’s very little counter-content to surface because it simply doesn’t occur to regular people (or, in this case, actual medical experts) that there’s a need to produce counter-content. Instead, engaging blogs by real moms with adorable children living authentic natural lives rise to the top, stating that doctors are bought by pharma, or simply misinformed, and that the shot is risky and unnecessary. The persuasive writing sounds reasonable, worthy of a second look. And since so much of the information on the first few pages of search results repeats these claims, the message looks like it represents a widely-held point of view. But it doesn’t. It’s wrong, it’s dangerous, and it’s potentially deadly.

“Tea tree oil vagina” exists in a keyword void. When I search for that term — and remember, everyone’s search results are different — the first page of results gives me an even split:

  • 5 web pages that suggest that tea tree oil is a great way to reduce vaginal odor and eliminate yeast infections,
  • a web page that says that studies of the use of tea tree oil to treat vaginal infections have been inconclusive,
  • 4 web pages citing actual doctors telling you that for the love of everything good and holy, please don’t put tea tree oil in your vagina, and
  • 3 links to videos (all of which are douchey in every sense of the word) that show you how to use tea tree oil to treat yeast infection and get rid of vaginal odor.

Simply put: don’t use those tea tree oil vaginal suppositories. They lead to nothing good.

I leave you with a link to this Bustle article featuring advice from Dr. Melissa Holmes, an OB/GYN and founder of 9 Things You Should Never Put In Or On Your Vagina.



Florida of the day: Florida leads the nation in head injuries, which might explain a lot…

Click the map to see it at full size.


  • What’s with all the suffocation in Idaho, Wyoming, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico?
  • If you tell someone from Indiana that their number one injury diagnosis is “struck by object”, they usually say “Oh yeah, that makes a lot of sense”.
  • Maybe Louisiana’s state motto should be “Not the face!!!”

The hot new fashion item of the moment: Cassie’s Corner’s “more pants than suit” pantsuit

Woman in an outfit that can best be described as a pair of giant pink off-the-shoulder flare pants

Click the photo to see the pink monstrosity in its full-size glory.

If you read the comments on only one Facebook post today, read the comments for the giant pink “more pants than suit” pantsuit that online shop Cassie’s Corner just added to their catalog. They are pure entertainment.

A couple of thoughts on this outfit:

  • Women’s pants with what appear to be decent-sized pockets — now there’s something you don’t see every day.
  • How do you go to the bathroom when wearing one of those things?
  • This might work for those performers who walk on stilts.
  • Hallowe’en 2018 costume, and for a mere $35!

Current situation: Friday, July 20, 2018, 3:34 p.m., Sourcetoad office

Joey deVilla smiles beside a framed poster featuring the 1977 issue of Popular Science featuring the Commodore PET 2001 computer.

At the place where I work — Sourcetoad, a custom software development shop in Tampa where I’m the Lead Product Manager — we have a number of “classic computing” posters on the walls. One of them is the cover of a 1977 issue of Popular Science that features the Commodore PET 2001 computer, one of the computers on which I first learned programming.

Click the photo to see it at full size.


Florida of the day: Florida Man arrested for driving stolen vehicle while a monkey clings to his chest

What, you don’t take your monkey with you when you’re stealing cars?

Oh, Pasco County, you never cease to amuse.

You can read the full story here.