
“Looks like I dodged THAT bullet!”

Click the photo to see the clipping at full size.

I’m reminded of that line from one of the witches in Macbeth: “And you all know, security / Is mortals’ chiefest enemy.”


Another term for “Alt-Right”

Photo: Scene from 'Weekend Update on Saturday Night Live' with Kate McKinnon playing Angela Merkel: 'In America, you call it the 'alt right'. In Germany, we call it 'Why Grandpapa lives in Argentia now'.'


Finding beauty and humor in horror

Photo: Edward Burtynsly's photo, 'Breezewood, Pennsylvania, USA', which shows the mess of gas stations, fast food restaurants, and gift shops by the highway exit at Breezewood, PA.

Click the photo to see the horror at full size.

The photo above was taken by landscape photographer Edward Burtynsky, whose pieces are generally about nature transformed through industry. The photo, titled Breezewood, Pennsylvania, USA. was taken in 2008 and is from a collection titled Oil. He describes the inspiration behind Oil this way:

I began to think about oil itself: as both the source of energy that makes everything possible and as a source of dread, for its ongoing endangerment of our habitat.

There’s a certain beauty to this photo, which I stumbled across via Twitter, and you can even find humor in the responses to it. My favorite is this one:


Seen at the office

Photo: Office desk drawer open to reveal three bottles of salad dressing.

Click the photo to see it at full size.

This is the bottom drawer for my desk at the office. I may have a salad problem.


Facebook data scandal joke of the day 3

I found this one via Ian Bremmer, who writes: “Making the rounds in the Kingdom presently.”

Want to see the other ones?


Cigarette holder for nudists

Newspaper clipping: 'Cigarette holder for nudists. Faced with the problem of carrying cigarettes when no pockets were available, a delegate to a recent nudist convention devised the holder shown at the right. The leather case is strapped to the leg by means of an elastic band.'

Not a bad idea, since the one we have built-in is a pain in the ass to use.

Found via @PulpLibrarian.



Photo: A Shadowrun still life -- character sheet for a dwarf operative with a novacoke addiction and a penchant for brawling, a handful of yellow six-sided dice, and a Motorola X4 smartphone displaying a Shadowrun cheat sheet.

Click the photo to see it at full size.

I haven’t played Shadowrun in ages! The last time I played, you had to combine magic and technology to get things like wireless networking and many other goodies that we consider typical today.

My character, Miguel Busey, is named after Florida Man Mike Busey, Gary Busey’s nephew, and former proprietor of the infamous Sausage Castle.

Bonus video!

For those of you who look down your noses at playing role-playing games, here’s the TEDx talk Why Dungeons & Dragons is Good for You (In Real Life):