
Itchy and Scratchy Do “Steamboat Willie”

Update: Some quick notes… I didn’t compile or make these images; I found ’em, thought they were neat and posted them for everyone to see. You can find more images like this at Actualidad Simpson. Here are some still from Steamboat Scratchy, side-by-side with matching ones from Steamboat Willie: Images courtesy of Miss Fipi Lele.


“One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” Gets Simpsonized

Update: Some quick notes… I didn’t compile or make these images; I found ’em, thought they were neat and posted them for everyone to see. You can find more images like this at Actualidad Simpson. Here are some stills from the Simpsons episode Stark Raving Dad, which pays homage to One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s […]


Science Tattoos

A recent posting in the blog Making Light points to a Flickr photoset of science tattoos. Remember the Simpsons episode titled Homer Goes to College? Benjamin (one of Homer’s nerd roomates): Come on, Mr. Simpson, you’ll never pass this course without learning the periodic table. Homer: I’ll write it on my hand. Benjamin: Hoh! Including […]


100 Words Every High School Graduate Should Know

According to the folks at Houghton Mifflin, every high school grad should be familiar with the words in the list below. I’m not surprised that I was unfamiliar with the word abstemious given its meaning, and moiety is now part of my vocabulary. abjure abrogate abstemious acumen antebellum auspicious belie bellicose bowdlerize chicanery chromosome churlish […]


Recent Articles in "Global Nerdy"

“Can’t sleep…Windows Vista will eat my network connection settings…” When a suit named George and a geek named Joey put a blog together, what do you get? Global Nerdy. Here are the most recent stories: Guy Kawasaki’s VC Aptitude Test Citizens of iPod World Happy Birthday George! “Can’t Sleep…Vista Will Eat My Network Connection Settings…” […]

Accordion, Instrument of the Gods In the News It Happened to Me Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

Andrew "Rocketboom Guy" Baron’s Visit, Videos and Glamour Shots

Here’s a long entry on Drew “The Rocketboom Guy” Baron’s visit to CaseCamp last Friday, which includes links to the videos I shot of his presentation, why I took them down and then later put them back up, my take on Amanda’s departure and finally, a glamour shot of Drew. As I said, this one’s […]


A Sense of Scale

My best math teachers and professors used to encourage the class to get a better feel for numbers by playing estimating games of all sorts: “How many jellybeans do you think are in this jar?” “How many bricks do you think are in the far wall?” “”How many houses are there on the next block?” […]