The Current Situation

Thursday videos, part two: “Wake Up” — the Lincoln Project’s hilarious “Trump voter wakes up from a coma” ad

The Lincoln Project — of whom Florida’s very own Rick Wilson is a member — recently put out this amusing long-form ad (it’s 6 minutes, 25 seconds, but worth it) titled Wake Up.

It tells the story of a Republican voter who had a bad accident three and a half years ago and has just come back to consciousness. His family has gathered around him to tell him what’s happened since the accident, and well, hilarity/anxiety ensues.

The Current Situation

Library and Archives Canada’s clever meme reminds you that Googling and “doing research” AREN’T the same thing

Library and Archives Canada, the department of the Canadian government charged with preserving and sharing Canada’s documentary heritage, have really upped their social media game. They recently used the classic “Batman Slaps Robin” meme to explain that “I’ve done the research” does not mean “I did some Googling, and found a nutcase web page that supports my pet conspiracy theory.” Nicely done.

The Current Situation

Thursday videos, part one: The worst president’s worst interview

Jonathan Swan *is* the face of 2020. Tap to see at full size.

You’ve probably heard about Donald Trump’s trainwreck interview on Axios, but in case you haven’t seen it yet, I’ve posted it below for your…information? Entertainment? Abject horror at the fact that this jabroni is the head of the executive branch, has (hopefully well-managed) access to the nuclear codes, and a fanatical following of a sizeable chunk of the more aggrieved, hostile, gullible population of the U.S.?

Fast Company did a round-up of the most shocking-but-not-really surprising moments in the interview, which you should read along with this summary of interviewer Jonathan Swan’s facial reactions in those moments:

It Happened to Me The Current Situation

Election “fun” fact: Nobody wearing Hillary Clinton merch has ever given me a hard time for not being white

Photo: Red cap with the words “Peepee Poopoo” embroidered on it.

However, a Trump/MAGA cap? Twice:

  1. The parking lot at the Publix at Dale Mabry and South Village, sometime around September/October 2016: I’m getting groceries at our then-regular grocery store (this is when we lived in Carrollwood) when a MAGA-capped guy in truck with Trump stickers throws an empty beer can at me, missing by a mile. “Go back to where you came from,” he yells, to which I reply “Learn to throw like a man!” as I pull out my phone. He drives off.
  2. Charlotte Douglas International airport, October 2016: I’m traveling to my new job at the company formerly known as SMARTRAC, and a guy in line at Carolina Pit BBQ in a MAGA cap yells something I can’t quite hear at me. I walk toward him, asking in my best radio voice, “Would you mind repeating that?” As I close in, it become apparent that I’m a head taller — he bought into the stereotype that Asian men are meek and short — and he starts high-tailing it in the opposite direction, presumably towards his gate. He loses his place in line, I take it, and enjoy some barbecue.

This sort of courage/cowardice is consistent with a couple of contradictory mindsets:

  1. The fascist mindset that the enemy is both very strong and very weak at the same time.
  2. The fact that for all their apparent brazen behavior, at their core, bullies are craven cowards.
The Current Situation

So THAT’S where I’ve seen Bill Barr before!

Tap to see the baby at full size.
It Happened to Me

Blast from the past

I’m posting this circa 2008 photo for no other reason than my looking damned good in it.

Internet Finds

The oft-ignored OTHER purpose of coffee

In case you thought coffee was just for the flavor and waking yourself up:

Photo: Me: (sips coffee). My poop: [image of bear peeking from hole in snowdrift: “Bonjour”

Extra fun bonus reading: An explanation of the “Bonjour Bear” meme.