America Editorial The Current Situation

U.S. Election post #8: They want “their women” under control

You’ve probably seen the headline: 1 in 8 women say they’ve secretly voted differently than partners. But you shouldn’t be surprised.

Perhaps I need to remind you that this happened during “Orange Julius Caesar’s” first election campaign back in the more innocent time of 2016:

The reason it’s a headline is because of this ad:

The “controversial” part of the ad is that it tells women that they can vote for the candidate of their choice, even if it’s not the same as their husband’s choice.

As you’ve probably surmised, the ad has some high-profile conservative pundits up in arms:

But imagine the gender-flipped scenario: An ad that tells you that you don’t have to vote for who your wife wants to vote for, and you don’t even have to tell her who you voted for — after all, you’re your own man, right? Suddenly, it sounds like common sense.


U.S. Election post #7: Advice from someone who’s seen the world

"Many don’t realize that the first people a certain German dictator sent to his concentration camps weren’t everyday Jewish citizens, but his political opponents.

So, when Trump rants about retribution, locking up his opponents, and giving them "very long sentences," I can’t help but take him seriously… because history teaches us that is what fascist dictators do during their ‘day one’ period to consolidate their power.

To keep fascism out of our lives, vote for democracy!

—Rick Steves, travel writer, author, activist
America Editorial The Current Situation

U.S. Election post #6: The Economist’s take

From The Economist’s editorial, A second Trump term comes with unacceptable risks:

The risks for domestic and foreign policy are amplified by the last big difference between Mr Trump’s first term and a possible second one: he would be less constrained. The president who mused about firing missiles at drug labs in Mexico was held back by the people and institutions around him. Since then the Republican Party has organised itself around fealty to Mr Trump. Friendly think-tanks have vetted lists of loyal people to serve in the next administration. The Supreme Court has weakened the checks on presidents by ruling that they cannot be prosecuted for official acts.

If external constraints are looser, much more will depend on Mr Trump’s character. Given his unrepentant contempt for the constitution after losing the election in 2020, it is hard to be optimistic. Half his former cabinet members have refused to endorse him. The most senior Republican senator describes him as a “despicable human being”. Both his former chief-of-staff and former head of the joint chiefs call him a fascist. If you were interviewing a job applicant, you would not brush off such character references.

Good presidents unite the country. Mr Trump’s political genius is for turning people against each other. After the death of George Floyd, he suggested the army shoot protesters in the leg. America’s prosperity depends on the idea that people are treated fairly, regardless of their politics; Mr Trump has threatened to turn the Justice Department on his political enemies.

Food funny

Yup, that’s EXACTLY what I took away from this chart!

America Editorial The Current Situation The Good Fight

U.S. Election post #5: Leopards ate her face!

This is in response to the Trump campaign rally last night where comedian* Tony Hinchcliffe warmed up the crowd with racist jokes:

In response, Maria Salazar posted the tweet above that Jef Poskanzer is referencing. She’s a Republican and a U.S. representative for Florida’s 27th congressional district (Miami and area). Some people forget (and worse people wish otherwise) that Puerto Rico, while not a state, is a U.S. territory, and if you’re born in Puerto Rico, you are a U.S. citizen.

I’m sure she’s getting a lot of colleagues telling her, “Hey, when we say ‘those dirty people,’ we don’t mean you — you’re one of the good ones!” I know — I get this from time to time from conservatives who only have the best of intentions.

(In case you want to see it, here’s Jef Poskanzer’s tweet.)

In case you were wondering, the term “leopards ate my face” comes from a tweet made by Adrian Bott back in 2015, and is generally used as a joke to refer to people complaining about suffering from easily-foreseen consequences:

America Editorial The Current Situation The Good Fight

U.S. Election post #4: Just admit it 

Here are screenshots from the closing bit of Seth Meyer’s recent A Closer Look segment on his late night show:

And because it’s worth watching, here’s the whole thing:

Florida Florida of the Day funny Tampa Bay

Headline of the day headline with picture of steak on grill: “St. Pete Steakhouse to be Transformed Into Funeral Home.”

It would be even more funny and frightening is the transformation was going the other way.

(By the way, here’s the article.)