Internet Finds The Current Situation

Sign of the day

Caption: NOT NECESSARILY A DETERRENT HERE IN FLORIDA. Photo of sign in storefront that reads “If you come into the store without a mask, we will have to take your temperature! P.S. We only have rectal thermometers.”

The Current Situation The More You Know...

Terrible People Tuesday, part three: Atlas Grifted (or: The Ayn Rand Institute took a government PPP handout)

Among the organizations to accept a loan from the government-run, taxpayer-funded Paycheck Protection Program (a.k.a. the PPP) is none other than the Ayn Rand Institute. These loans have an  ultra-low interest rate of 1% and mature over either 2 years (if issued before June 5, 2020) or 5 years (if issued after June 5, 2020).

Given that Rand herself was a rabidly anti-government, anti-social services, anti-altruism crank who nevertheless spent her twilight years on that government handout program called social security, the Ayn Rand Institute’s use of the PPP is actually on-brand.

Of course, the Ayn Rand Institute wouldn’t have done this without coming up with some kind of excuse, no matter how weak. Here it is:

“It would be a terrible injustice for pro-capitalists to step aside and leave the funds to those indifferent or actively hostile to capitalism,” Ayn Rand Institute board member Harry Binswanger argued in May, stating that the organization would “take any relief money offered us.”

Recommended viewing: All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace – Episode 1: Love and Power

I’ve joked that Ayn Rand’s novels were popular with people who majored in business and computer science — the former because she appeals to their greed, the latter because she appeals to their revenge fantasies.

Rand’s shadow still looms large over Silicon Valley and its wanna-bes, and it gave rise to awful things such as the Californian ideology, Peter Thiel, tech bros, and the general dickery that is an unfortunate part of American tech culture. It’s captured quite well in the first episode of a 2011 BBC documentary series called All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace.

Recommended reading

  • Ayn Rand’s entry in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, which includes this gem: “Conspicuous by their absence from Rand’s list of virtues are the ‘virtues of benevolence,’ such as kindness, charity, generosity, and forgiveness.”
  • RationalWiki’s entry for Ayn Rand’s philosophy, objectivism. They’re not fans of it, either, despite the fact that objectivism’s supposed highest virtue is supposed to be rationality (little hint: it’s not).
  • Blogger John Rogers on Ayn Rand’s writing: “There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old’s life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs.”



Terrible People Tuesday, part two: Trump has probably thought about doing this

Donald Trump on his laptop, typing the following into Google: Kanye West birth certificate

The Current Situation

Terrible People Tuesday, part one: Brazil’s president, Jair Bolsonaro, caught the ’rona

Jair Bolsonaro - Play stupid games, win stupid prizes
Christ, what an asshole.

The supremely right-wing and autocratic (and hence, bosom buddies with Trump) president of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, announced that he has tested positive for the novel coronavirus.

And then, like the dick he is, he took off his mask during the announcement and said:

“Just look at my face. I’m well, fine, thank God … Thanks to all those who have been praying for me … and to those who criticise me, no problem, carry on criticising as much as you like.”

Accordion, Instrument of the Gods It Happened to Me

All my sins remembered: Playing accordion at SxSW 2008

Joey deVilla plays accordion onstage in front of a panel at South by Southwest Interactive 2008 while Rannie Turingan looks on. You can see Tim Ferriss' name card (but not Tim himself).
Still one of the best photos of me playing. Tap the photo at full size.

I’ve had many great first weeks on the job, but this first week on the job had a particularly unfair advantage: I was working at b5media, and the timing was such that my first week on the job was the same week the company went to the South by Southwest Interactive Festival 2008 — that’s the one where Airbnb launched and got only two bookings.

I arrived on Day 1 of the festival and was going to spend a long time in the registration line, when some friends — Min Jung Kim and Rannie Turingan — who were on the “How to Kick Ass at Your First SxSW” panel heard I’d arrived. They somehow used their panel host powers to fast-track me through registration, bring me up to their panel (which was full of big names), and then play accordion for the audience.

That’s what the photo above shows. The best part? I’m literally upstaging Tim Ferriss.

Florida Internet Finds Stranger than Fiction

Meanwhile, in Florida…

Tap the photo to see the Florida-ness at full size.
The Current Situation

I will do anything for my country…but I won’t do THAT

Big, grandiose, hypothetical gestures? Oh yeah.

Small, practical, proven measures? HELL NAW!

(And will someone make those “PEE PEE POO POO” caps, please?)

Update: Someone makes “PEE PEE POO POO” caps!

Yours for the not-so-low price of $32.35 at TopTenLine, an Etsy store.