The Current Situation

“I’ll give you my Bloody Mary pitcher when you pry it from my cold, dead hands!”

Tap the photo to see it at full size.

The McCloskeys are the comedy gift that keeps on giving.

Thanks to Alistair Morton for the find!


Tweet of the day (or: Straight outta mansion!)

Screen capture of tweet by “VernorsHerzog” with photo of St. Louis husband and wife pointing guns at a Black Lives Matter protest: "Fox News has done to our parents what they thought gangsta rap would do to us."
Tap the image to see the original tweet.

Need context? See the previous article.

The image of the McCloskeys above matches the imagery in the video for the best white-bread interpretation of a gangsta rap classic — Dynamite Hack’s cover of Boyz in the Hood — that I have to close with it:

The Current Situation

“Karen” of the day

Thanks to Sarah Ann for the find!

Need context? I’ve got your context right here:

And because there is no bar too low for him to sink beneath:

It Happened to Me Tampa Bay

Flag of the day

I love this flag, which I saw on my daily bike ride this morning.

Seminole Heights’ seal, which depicts a two-headed alligator


Your daily reminder that we live in the dumbest timeline

White man in a "Make America Great Again" cap, asleep on an airplane seat with his mask pulled over his eyes.

It Happened to Me Tampa Bay

The neighbor I need to meet (or: Ooh! Unicorn boat!)

Tap the photo to see it at full size.

Seminole Heights’ seal, which depicts a two-headed alligatorI saw this while going out for a neighborhood walk with Anitra this morning. I need to find out who the owners are, and make friends with them so th I too can cruise down the Hillsborough River in a unicorn boat!

The Current Situation

Russia pays Taliban-friendly militants to kill U.S. troops; Trump administration hasn’t done anything yet

Tap the screenshot to read the New York Times story.

For months, the Trump administration has known about it: Russian military intelligence had secretly been offering bounties to Taliban-related militants to kill coalition forces in Afghanistan, including American troops. They paid out rewards for successful attacks that took place last year.

The administration’s response is summarized in this paragraph from the New York Times:

The intelligence finding was briefed to President Trump, and the White House’s National Security Council discussed the problem at an interagency meeting in late March, the officials said. Officials developed a menu of potential options — starting with making a diplomatic complaint to Moscow and a demand that it stop, along with an escalating series of sanctions and other possible responses, but the White House has yet to authorize any step, the officials said.

…and later on in the article:

The disclosure comes at a time when Mr. Trump has said he would invite Mr. Putin to an expanded meeting of the Group of 7 nations, but tensions between American and Russian militaries are running high.

If you’re eligible, remember to vote this November. And get it right this time!