In the News

An appropriate comic in light of recent news

A Bloom County classic from 1984.

In case you need context: Henry Kissinger, War Criminal Beloved by America’s Ruling Class, Finally Dies.

Stranger than Fiction

*Mostly* resolved

To borrow a line of thinking from “Miracle Max” from The Princess Bride: mostly resolved means partly unresolved!


My new favorite remake of the “distracted boyfriend” meme


It Happened to Me

Puppies at conferences are a great idea

On the second full day of Okta’s annual conference, Oktane, there was an area marked with this very promising sign…

…and not far behind that sign was this little corral, which had about eight or ten puppies:

An organization named PuppyLove, which bills itself as “The Ultimate Puppy Experience,” provided said puppies.

Here’s how PuppyLove describes itself:

At Puppy Love, we strive to boost mental health and connections among corporate teams while also benefiting adoptable puppies in the process. With corporate wellness sitting top of mind throughout the country, it can be difficult to determine which types of events will most benefit your team. Puppy Love provides a fun, safe, stress-relieving outlet for professionals to kick back and enjoy the company of adorable puppies!

They also say:

Spending time with animals has been shown to enhance productivity, reduce stress, promote interpersonal connection, foster self-expression and so much more.

I did without a lunch break to spend time with all the puppies, making sure to pet every one.

PuppyLove have set themselves up at a number of conferences, listed here, and it appears that they were as big a hit as they were at Oktane.

I’ll close this article with my favorite photos from the set I took in the puppy zone. They’re of the puppy who liked me the most:

More conferences should have this sort of thing!

Florida Stranger than Fiction

Florida Cat redefines the slang expression “banana hammock”

Orange cat resting on a bunch of bananas in a banana tree.
Stranger than Fiction

The picture tells you whose idea it was

News clipping titled “Alberta couple sells off ‘very impressive’ collection of John Deere memorabilia” with photo of couple standing among a collection of toy John Deere tractors. Dan looks dejected; Donna is beaming.

You can click here for the news story about the sale of this collection, but for the full story, just look at Dan and Donna Specht’s body language and facial expressions.

Accordion, Instrument of the Gods It Happened to Me Music Tampa Bay

Join me, Tom Hood and the Tropical Sons at JolliMons Island this Tuesday!

Tap to view at full size.

After a summer hiatus, Tom Hood and the Tropical Sons (of which I am a member) are playing gigs again — this time on the third Tuesday of the month at Jollimons Island in Clearwater from 6 to 9 p.m.

We’re part of their Tuesday “Raw Talent Nights,” where the stage is open to musicians who want to join in on the open mic fun.

If you’re down Clearwater way, join us, whether you want to hop onstage and play, or sit back and enjoy the music!