In the News

Homer Simpson’s Campaign Platform

In honour of the 16th (sixteenth, people, sixteenth!) season of The Simpsons, airing this Sunday…

It Happened to Me Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

"Planet Simpson" Book Launch

I’m going to a launch party at the Drake Hotel for my friend Chris “Turner” Turner’s first book, Planet Simpson. Chris is a friend of mine back from our days at Crazy Go Nuts University, where he and I were both DJs at the engineering student-run Clark Hall Pub. He later went to become a […]

In the News

In Case You Haven’t Seen This Photo Yet…

Serves me right for procrastinating: I found this photo on a file-swapping site that I frequent, saved it and planned to post it this morning, only to find that Xeni Jardin at BoingBoing had beaten me to the punch. General humour is my turf, Xeni! Stick to your zero-G/fetish posts and no one gets hurt!


Real Life vs. The Internet…

…as explained by those Red vs. Blue guys. [21MB QuickTime movie] To borrow the classic Simpsons line: “It’s funny because it’s true.”

It Happened to Me

Chill out, Richard, I was being ironic

Richard, in his Simpsons-quoting blog Improvident Lackwit, shows his great dislike the title of my entry about local businesses offering disparate services in a very bloggy way: via trackback. Chill, dude.


Pahhhking the Cahhh in Hahhhvahhd Yahhd This Weekend

A Simpsons scene at a Boston blogger gathering: Freddy Quimby: “Say it, Frenchie! Say ‘browsahhh’!” Waiter: “Brow-zaire!” I can’t properly post about Boston without putting up my favourite Boston Common photo… It’s wicked fried! I’ll be visiting The Redhead in Boston this weekend, and when I’m not doing the usual boyfriend-y hoo-hah, I’ll be attending […]


A Little More on the Election

“Anonymous” got it right when s/he guessed at the reason for my hope for a Conservative minority as the result of the election on Monday: Let me guess: a minority government as holding pattern to keep things moderate until they get their collective acts slightly more together. A Tory (that’s “Conservative Party” for my non-Commonwealth […]