
From my “drafts” folder — Dr. Oz, Ghoul

I was working on a quick post about that snake oil-peddling ghoul “Dr. Oz,” but then had better things to do. Still, I thought that this image shouldn’t go to waste. Enjoy!


It’s been a pretty racist week

This is just a reminder that all these stories took place just this week:

And only last week, did we begin to hear about the corruption behind the case of the shooting of Ahmaud Arbery. And the number of times I’ve been told by well-meaning wypipo that anti-Asian racism from the coronavirus supposedly doesn’t existdespite having had that moment myself — is ridiculous.

Want more evidence? I’ll borrow this straight from Tony Pierce:

What have we learned this month about protesting in the Midwest?

If these guys weren’t white, they’d have been called by their rightful label: terrorists. They were armed, and went home without a single tear gas canister fired at them by police, despite their attempt to intimidate the assembly.

It seems to me the lesson is, if you go to a protest with guns and a confederate flag the police will allow you to march right up into the state house and treat you with respect.

These people protesting the murderous treatment of George Floyd were unarmed, but suppressed by police using riot tactics.

But if you arrive unarmed you’ll be teargassed.

Am I missing something?

It’s been a pretty racist week.


Finally, the perfect cat for all those physics problems!

If you took early undergrad-level physics, you probably remember that many of these problems included necessary simplifications, including massless, frictionless pulleys and massless ropes that didn’t stretch. I now present to you a real-world version of one of those simplifications: The spherical cat!

For more, see the Wikipedia entry for Spherical Cow, which includes this animation demonstrating that topologically speaking, a cow is a sphere:


The government’s plan to reopen the economy


Today, I learned that some people peel their hot dogs…

…and I’m different now.

(Seriously, hot dog peeler — who hurt you?!)


The essential workers of the 19th century

Actually, a lot of stuff about the Pony Express has been exaggerated and romanticized — but it’s still interesting stuff.


Now that’s just cruel.

It’s also misspelled.

Thanks to Dawn Allison Brown for the find!