
I think it’s a little early…


The perfect pedal for the guitarist who always wants to speak to the sound manager!

The next time an aggrieved suburban white woman tells me “I don’t like your tone,” I’ll break out this pedal and tweak the Live, Love, and Laugh knobs appropriately.

(And yes, accordions and other keyboards sound pretty metal when run through distortion. If you don’t believe me, listen to some Nine Inch Nails or Van Halen’s And the Cradle Will Rock, where the “guitar” sound is actually a Wurlitzer piano via a flanger and Eddie’s Marshall stack.)

Thanks to Voltaire Ramos for the find!


Happy Mother’s Day 2020!

It’s Mother’s Day 2020, and here on The Adventures of Accordion Guy in the 21st Century, the traditional greeting comes from the baddest mother of them all:

I should feel a little shame that I learned the following quote from the movie The Crow and not from being a well-rounded poetry reader, but I don’t:

My greetings go out to all you Moms out there, especially this one:

Happy Mother’s Day, Mom!

In case you’re not familiar with the classic 1971 blaxploitation film Shaft, here’s the original trailer:


Life in the 21st century (after COVID-19)

See what life in the 21st century was before COVID-19.

Thanks to Ryan Rossman for the find!


Life in the 21st century (before COVID-19)

These days, you get both bad screen and good screen in the comfort of your own home!

See what like in the 21st centure will be like after COVID-19.

Thanks to Tyler Johnston for the find!


That’s what we call ’em in Tampa*

* Not really.

I’m still wondering why none of the Halloween costume places have announced “sexy” Tiger King-based costumes. This is precisely the sort of thing they’d capitalize on.


Don’t make me tap the sign!

Thanks to Michelle Gilmore Day for the find!