It Happened to Me

I got a 70

[ via diveintomark ] Mark got a 77 on the Life Assessment Quiz, while I got a 70. I don’t quite understand this, as I can imagine this conversation taking place only a few years ago: Mark: David Crosby! You’re my role model! David Crosby: You mean I’m your favourite musician? Mark: You’re a musician? […]

In the News

Actually, hobbits are better dressers

From Shrine of the Holy Whapping comes this report of a fashion crime in progress:   To quote actor Rainer Wolfcastle playing Radioactive Man from The Simpsons: “Aaaagh! My eyes! The goggles do nothing!” The news report says: Italian fashion label Etro unveiled its own little and large show in Milan yesterday as two hirsute […]


Defending Scrooge

Found via this MetaFilter post: In Defense of Scrooge, in which poor Ebenezer is viewed in a sympathetic, almost heroic, light: facing off againts freeloaders, advocate of population control, and victim of a home invasion — nay, terrorists! — from the spirit world. Funny stuff, and Canadian Content to boot! My favourite part of the […]


Canadians too patriotic for sensitive Americans

You read the headline right: Canadians too patriotic for sensitive Americans. A story in the National Post reports on findings from focus groups carried out in four American cities where the Canadian government is building consulates: In focus groups held this fall in four U.S. cities where the federal government is opening consulates, Americans acknowledged […]


Family ties, Iraqi style

Here in North America, marrying one’s cousin is considered to be on the icky side, best left used as fodder for slightly edgy humour. The most mainstream example of cousin-marrying humour comes from an episode of The Simpsons(Lemon of Troy) in which the founding of Springfield and its rival town, Shelbyville, are explained: Springfield: People, […]

Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

Attention attendees of the 61st Annual World Science Fiction Convention

A special entry for the attendees of this weekend’s WorldCon: Hello, Writers! Hello, Fans! Welcome to Accordion City! If you look to the south of the Metro Toronto Convention Centre (the location of the Con) and upwards, you’ll see the CN Tower. If you look elsewhere, you’ll see… Nothing. Well, you’ll see an office complex […]


Scared me for a moment there

I’ve seen a couple of posters for it in my neighbourhood: Top Gun, the Musical. Thankfully, a closer look at the poster revealed that it’s a fringe festival spoof of musicals and movies that have been adapted into musicals. While it’s nothing new — The Simpsons have covered this pretty well with musical remakes of […]