
Stranger than fiction

Two photos: 1. Still from “Idiocracy” with Joe Bauers (Luke Wilson) explaining something to President Camacho (Terry Crews). 2. Photo of White House press conference with Dr. Anthony Fauci explaining something as Trump looks on.

Idiocracy was fun to watch, but less fun to live in.


“The Martian”: a YouTube audiobook

If you need something to fill up about ten hours’ time, may I recommend this YouTube audiobook version of Andy Weir’s book The Martian? As is typical, the book is considerably more detailed and science-filled than the film, and the book version of Mark Watney goes through even more ordeals than the Matt Damon version:

This is a fan reading of the book. It features women actors reading women characters’ parts, and isn’t a pirated copy of the official audiobook from Audible. It’s also enhanced with visuals, many of which come from the film, for those of you who need pictures with your books.

Tap the photo to see it at full size.

As I write this, I’m working furiously on finishing updates to a book — iOS Apprentice, 8th Edition — at my indoor home office, pictured above. I’ve got the audiobook on in the background; there’s something about listening to The Martian that helps me chug along. It’s probably the story of smart people coming up with creative solutions to problems that’s inspiring me. I hope it inspires you too, no matter what challenges you’re taking on.


Even COVID-19 can’t kill this meme


An easy way to estimate social distance

You can also image how deep they’ll be buried as use that as a gauge for social distance.

Thanks to Liz Lawley for the find!


Sociopath distancing


“Why hello, ladies!”

Thanks to Mike van de Water for the find!


“Heat Vision and Jack”, the Jack Black/Owen Wilson show that could’ve been

heat vision and jack

In today’s world of Netflix, Hulu, and other streaming services, Heat Vision and Jack would have found a home and an audience. However, in 1999, when the only options were the major networks (ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox) or syndication, it never stood a chance.

There was a lot of talent behind the show:

The show was about the highly improbable, sci-fi flavored adventures of Jack Austin and Heat Vision:

  • Jack is a former astronaut who was exposed to “inappropriate levels” of solar radiation. As a result, he gained a superpower: exposure to sunlight makes him the world’s smartest man. He’s on the run from NASA, who want to extract his brain for their own nefarious purposes.
  • Heat Vision is Jack’s unemployed roommate, whose mind was transferred into his motorcycle when the series villain, Ron Silver, fired a brain-stealing ray gun at him.
  • Ron Silver is both an actor and a black ops agent for NASA, charged with the task of recovering Jack’s brain. He is ruthless and seemingly indestructible.

Heat Vision and Jack was ridiculous, great fun. Thankfully, it’s been uploaded to YouTube:

And just in case you can’t get enough of that theme song: