
Back in Business!

I’ve been so busy putting the finishing touches on my part of Peekabooty (a small contribution compared to Paul’s efforts — let’s give him a really big wet smoochie) and with preparations for CodeCon that I haven’t had a chance to make a blog entry, nor even to renew the domain! That’s why the site’s been silent and unreachable for the past week. However, The Adventures of AccordionGuy In The 21st Century is back in business. Better yet, I have some high-larious stories from San Francisco coming up!

In the meantime, I have to do some horn-tooting about Peekabooty. I’m feeling great about the project and very thankful for the opportunity to work on it. It’s also great getting back to travelling and doing developer relations work; it feels like the salad days back when I worked for the company. Even better, it’s so much easier to do developer relations when you have working code!

Bootylicious links

The Register has two stories about us: Censor-buster Peek-A-Booty goes public and Peek-A-Booty – The First Screenshots. We’d like to thank Reg reporter Andrew Orlowski for interviewing us and being very kind (after all, you read The Register for their charmingly nasty put-downs, don’t you?).

c|net’s also has two stories. The first, Human rights application not finished, is about Peekabooty. The second, Dot-com dropouts share open-source love is more about the fact that most of the applications shown at CodeCon were made by unemployed geeks such as myself.

I was picked up by a limo full of women the night before (story to be told in an upcoming posting), so I was on a natural high when during our presentation. Wesley Felter caught the audio stream of the show and noted what I said in this entry of his blog, Hack The Planet. Thanks, Wes!

Much love to Cory Doctorow for providing us with a place to stay and being the best damned agent I ever had. He’s been saying very nice things about us over at Boing Boing. Thanks, bro!



The Peekabooty icon. Ain't he cute?  After a couple of late nights, a series of debugging sessions and some very hurried cartooning and scanning, Peekabooty is good to go for a demonstration this Sunday at the CodeCon conference in San Francisco.

Unfortunately, it means that I haven’t had much of a chance to add to the blog. I’m going to try to do so tonight, otherwise, I’ll work on it tomorrow during my long CalTrain ride to Mountain View where I’m meeting my friend Jillzilla for dinner.

In the meantime, enjoy this “Stop Internet Censorship” cartoon below. It’s the background image for the Peekabooty installer, featuring Joey-drawn Peekabears. (By the way, the smiley bear face at the start of this posting is the icon for the Peekabooty app).

No uncensored web for you!

Awww….wook at the sad wittle bear who’s not allowed to freely surf…


Hard at work…

…so I can’t post anything substantial until later today. In the meantime, please enjoy this self-portrait (actually a graphic for the Peekabooty Project that I drew) of me hard at work.

I wish I had an LCD monitor like this bear's!


Oh, Camel Poo

None of us in our happy little alliance — this blog, Nick Mark’s Naked Pope: The Movie and Steve Jenson’s Salad With Steve — won an Anti-Bloggie.

However, congratulations are in order. A fellow Torontonian weblogger and member of the gtabloggers, Kelly of Marmalade Maermaid won “Most Obsessed with ‘Which X Are You?’ Tests (the blog also has a very cute photo). Congrats, Kelly, and when I finish coding my “Which Three’s Company Landlord Are You?” test, you’ll be the first person I notify.

(Credit goes to gigglechick for coming up with that test.)


Snow Job, Part 4

If you haven’t read them yet, you might want to check out part one, part two and part three first.

The Promotion

One morning about two or three weeks into the job, Barry called me into his office. He told me that Sam was going on a cross-country trip with her boyfriend and would be leaving Hawaiian Snow. Even though I was the youngest guy on the team, my sales figures were good and I had a driver’s license with a clean record. After today, I would take Sam’s place as driver, and be assigned her truck (which I could use to get to and from work) and someone to be my runner.

Sam congratulated me with a hug when I left the office. “Nice going, kid. I’m going to miss our singalongs.”

Singalongs were a ritual that Sam and I had. When we were driving in the truck, we’d roll down the windows (no air conditioning), turn the AM radio to full volume and sing along with 1050 CHUM, which was a top 40 radio station back in 1985. We had the narration from Paul Hardcastle’s 19 down cold. We massacred the falsetto parts from A-Ha’s Take On Me and did a decent two part harmony on Honeymoon Suite’s Wave Babies (for you Canadian readers, we also sang along with another CanCon hit of the time, Gowan’s Criminal Mind). We made up dirty lyrics for Tears for Fears’ Shout and Bryan Adams’ Summer of 69. We’d sing Walking On Sunshine to people on the sidewalk while we sat in traffic. And we just bopped along to the two big instrumentals of the time, Harold Faltermeyer’s Axel F and Jan Hammer’s theme to Miami Vice (click those last two links for wonderful MIDI goodness).

She tossed me the keys to the truck. “I want to take it easy on my last day. You drive.”

The Biker and the Missionary

Zach, our born-again Christian friend came by our stand late in the afternoon. Business was pretty good, but there was always a lull just before 6:00 p.m., when people were thinking of dinner and not shaved ice. The “Chessus loves chu, chu stupid bitch” incident hadn’t deterred him from trying to save souls. While he seemed rather naive, I had to respect his tenacity.

“I’m going to witness to that guy over there,” he said, pointing at someone down the street.

“Not the biker?” Sam asked.

“Yeah, him.”

“Uh, Zach, have you seen the patch that says ‘Satan’s Choice’ on the back of his jacket? They’re like the Quebecois Hell’s Angels. You don’t even want to look at them the wrong way.”

“Look at the size of him. Maybe you should try to convert someone a little less…huge,” I added.

“Relax, guys,” Zach said, “it won’t be so bad. First, there are a lot of born-again bikers out there already. They were bikers before they found Christ, which means someone had to convert them. Someone like me, who had faith. Like Daniel in the lion’s den.”

“Well, try and convert him close by so we can get help.,” said Sam.

“Thanks, but it won’t be necessary.” Zach walked towards the biker.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of darkness, I shall fear no evil, for I do not fully comprehend the situation.

Sam suggested that I make a shaved ice and keep it handy.

The biker looked unimpressed as Zach approached him. Zach was wearing one of his “Jesus Is Lord” shirts, so the biker must’ve known what he was in for. “I don’t want to ‘ear your religious shit,” he said with a stong Quebecois accent.

“It’s not shit. It’s the truth.”

“Tell it to somebody else. I’m jus’ trying to eat my ‘ot dog and mind my own business. You should do da same.”

“Have you given any thought about where your life is going? Ever wondered if it had any meaning?”

“Why don’ you jus’ fuck off before I beat da shit out of you?”

Sam turned to me and said “I’m amazed these Bible thumpers manage to convert anyone at all. They’re just not convincing.”

“Look,” continued Zach, “I’m just trying to save your soul.”

“Someone’s going to have to save you if you don’ fuck off.”

“Jesus loves you.”

That was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Apparently, if you’re annoying somebody, the thing that will push your target over the edge is to say “Jesus Loves You.” The biker grabbed Zach by the shirt, made a fist with his free hand and prepared to slug Zach. Sam and I, along with some other nearby people slowly and carefully moved towards Zach and the biker. The biker didn’t seem to care. He just stared Zach down.

“If God wanted to,” choked Zach, “he could make a force field in front of me that would stop your fist.”

The biker pull his fist back and got ready to test Zach ‘force field’ theory.

“…but He doesn’t work that way!” he blurted.

He most certainly not work that way that day. Zach took a right cross to the face and dropped to the ground.

Sam cautiously approached the biker with a shaved ice. “We don’t want any trouble. Here, have one on the house,” she sadi as she offered it to him. He took it and nodded, then turned to Zach who was still on the ground, his hand rubbing the spot on his jaw where the biker had connected.

“Next time you give me your Jesus shit, I’ll really fuck you up,” he warned as he finished his shaved ice. He hopped on his bike and turned onto Yonge Street.

I shaved some ice to make a snowball and handed it to Zach, who was being helped up by Sam and a few nearby street vendors.

“Isn’t there a prayer,” said Sam as she helped Zach into a folding lawn chair, “asking for the wisdom to know the difference between the things you can change and the things you can’t?”

“Yeah,” said Zach, “but I never really understood it until now.”


The Voice of MSNBC

Tiffany and Debbie “Really, it’s ‘Deborah’ now” Gibson aren’t the only eighties stars making small comebacks today…

Dee Snider, former vocalist for 80’s glam-metal band Twisted Sister is doing MSNBC’s voice-overs.

If GG Allin, who wrote and sang such wonderful tunes like Legalize Murder, Sleeping In My Piss and the unforgettable Needle Up My Cock were still alive today, I’m sure FOX News would have approached him to be their voice. Unfortunately for them, he died the classic rock star way.

FOX might be willing to settle for the original dirty rapper, Blowfly.


Snow Job, Part 3: The Hassles

In 1985, the City of Toronto didn’t set a limit on the number of street vendor’s licenses they granted. The sidewalks were crowded with all of us — the shaved icers, the Dickie Dees (ice cream), hot doggers, chip trucks, the t-shirt, sunglasses and fake Rolex people. In spite of the crowding, there was generally goodwill and camaraderie between us; we’d often trade with them, exchanging things like shaved ice for french fries, or watch each other’s carts while we ran to the bank or bathroom.

The people with whom we didn’t get along were the shopkeepers and storee owners. They saw as freeloading competition, taking away their business (even when they were unrelated businesses like book and clothing stores), blocking the line of sight to their storefronts and not having to pay any rent. They harassed us and tried to have us arrested on the flimsiest of charges. One particularly angry souvlaki shop owner managed to convince a cop to charge me with “fouling the sidewalk”, a real charge that carried with it a fifty-dollar fine.

“You’ve got to be kidding, sir,” I protested to the shop owner, “I spilled some water.”

“You poured stuff on the sidewalk that wouldn’t naturally be there if you weren’t here. I know the law.”

Yeah, I thought, but you gave up a promising career as a lawyer to run a greasy spoon, right?

“Sir,” I said, trying to keep civil, “it’s the same stuff as rain. Who do you press charges against when it rains, God?”

“Don’t talk about God that way, sonny-boy-smartass.”

Souvlaki Guy wasn’t going to listen to reason, so I tried the cop next. Until that summer, my experience with the police was limited to when they’d visit my class in grade school and give us presentations on how to cross the street and why we should stay far away from the guy offering free candy in the park.

“Officer,” I said, pouring myself a cup of the substance and drinking it, “it’s water. Nothing but.”

The cop kept writing me a ticket. “Keep it complaining and I’ll throw in obstructiuon fo justice,” he said. He tore the ticket from the pad and gave it to me. “You see that man?” he said, pointing to the triumphant-looking souvlaki guy, “He pays his rent and feeds his kids with his business, and he pays my wages with his taxes. You’re just some kid making money so you can buy beer for your under-age ass.”

That may have been true, but dammit, I was entitled to make a wage too!

As the days went on, it seemed as though the all shopkeepers had learned about the legal issues of street vending and used the confusing and often contradictory set of laws against us. Back then, Toronto was a city made up of different boroughs and sub-cities (Etobicoke, York, North York, East York, Scarborough and the City of Toronto proper), each with their own mayor. Each city or borough had its own bylaws and the amalgam of all the cities and boroughs, Metro Toronto, often had laws that contradicted them. The shopkeepers knew this; on some streets the laws of “Metro Toronto” applied, while on others, the laws of the “City of Toronto” did. If you were at the corner of a “metro” street and a “toronto” street, a few feet made the difference between being charged or not.

We Hawaiian Snow folks had it worse. The generator that powered our ice shavers and microwave ovens was noisy. Whenever we could, we tried tucking them into back alleys or behind garbage cans so that the noise was considerably less than that made by the traffic. However, if a shopkeeper wanted to get rid of us, all they had to do was file a noise complaint and we’d get a ticket and be ordered to leave.

One day, we were set up outside a store called Alan Cherry, an upscale men’s store where my Dad shopped often. I had tucked the generator far away, but the store had decided that we were unwelcome competition and sicced the cops on us. A cute policewoman and a short, unkempt little putz with a cloth measuring tape slung around his neck.

“Look at the cute cop,” I said to Sam.

“What is it with you boys and girls in uniform?” she asked.

“I dunno. They just look good.”

I walked from behind the cart to meet them. After a couple of weeks street vending, I’d learned that approaching shopkeepers and cops directly worked better than waiting for them to come over.

“Arrest that boy!” exclaimed the putz. “He’s interfering in my honest business. The noise from his machine is making me cra-zay!

In a fit of teenage braggadocio, possibly inspired by bad teen movies, I thought I’d try to impress the cute cop by taking the putz down a notch or two.

“Officer, if Mr. Alan Cherry himself [the store was named after its owner] has a complaint, I’d be glad to see what I can do. But I’m not going to do it for one of his errand boys.” A little assertiveness always impresses the ladies.

The cop stifled a laugh. I couldn’t figure out why.

“I am Alan Cherry, you schmuck!

Oh, crap.

“Uh…I thought you’d be taller,” I said.

Oh, crap. At least the cop was laughing out loud.

Sam saw all of this and assured the cop and the now apoplectic-with-fury Alan Cherry that we’d be gone in twenty minutes. That was the fastest we’d ever packed up.

A few weeks later, Dad and I were buying new suits for a wedding we were going to attend. He decided that he wanted to see the suits at Alan Cherry’s. As luck would have it, Mr. Cherry himself was minding the store that day. I avoided direct eye contact with him whenever possible, and he didn’t seem to recognize me.

Next: bringing a biker to Jesus and dating the boss’ girlfriend’s sister. (Promise.)