
Another way to time washing your hands: The Litany Against Fear from “Dune”!

Tap the poster to see it at full size.

In the previous post, I suggested that you time washing your hands by reciting the break to the Violent Femmes’ Kiss Off. For those of you who prefer a sci-fi approach, how about the Litany Against Fear from Dune?

Thanks to Trey Steinhoff for the find!


A better song to time washing your hands

Are you tired of singing Happy Birthday to You to ensure you’re washing your hands for 20 seconds? Want to sing a different, cooler, angstier song? Want to wash for an extra ten seconds?

Just sing the break from Violent Femmes’ Kiss Off. On their eponymous album, this section takes exactly 30 seconds:

I take one, one, one ’cause you left me and
Two, two, two for my family and
Three, three, three for my heartache and
Four, four, four for my headaches and
Five, five, five for my lonely and
Six, six, six for my sorrow and
Seven, seven n-n-n-no tomorrow and
Eight, eight, I forget what eight was for, but
Nine, nine, nine for a lost god, and
Ten, ten, ten, ten for everything! Everything! Everything! Everything!

To slightly twist the lyrics:

You’ll wash your hands, but you won’t mind
You’ll wash your hands, you should do it all the time


“Distracted boyfriend” — the coronavirus remix

Tao the meme to see it at full size.

You can’t keep a good meme down!

Thanks to Leah Snowbender for the find! This is my version of the meme, which features better typography.


Next week’s “New Yorker” cover

The cover for the March 9, 2020 cover of The New Yorker cleverly captures this administration’s image-over-substance approach to the coronavirus situation, from the Soviet-style control over messaging (not to mention putting a guy who made an HIV outbreak worse, not better, in charge) to blaming the media for people’s concerns despite the fact that medical scientists are preparing for outbreaks to focusing on more on rallies than doing their actual jobs.


Meanwhile, in the White House…

Thanks to Stephen Clark for the find!


Typo of the day (or: “This is why today is known as ASS WEDNESDAY”)

Thanks to Jenn Noseworthy for the find!


My favorite conversation from the “Escape Winter Con” board game conference

Me, just after playing Lord of the Chords, a fun game where all that music theory I had to learn in Yamaha Organ School finally paid off!

I’d just finished playing the board game Lord of the Chords that my friend Ann was leading (and which Anitra won). Anitra was taking a “bio break”, Ann was off to another game, and I was walking down the hall when I overheard a request for music suggestions. Lord of the Chords is a game that leans heavily on music theory, so I was in the right frame of mind to help out.

Here’s the ensuing conversation:

Him: I need a classical music piece for the heroes coming in to save the day in my D&D campaign. Any ideas?

Me: How about the William Tell Overture?

Him: I don’t know that one.

Me: You know, the theme for The Lone Ranger?

Him: Before my time, old man.

Me: [Pointing at his Clockwork Orange t-shirt] Uh…the music from the sped-up threesome scene in Clockwork Orange?

Him: Oh, that song! Good one.

From now on, I’m referring to that piece as “the Clockwork Orange sped-up threesome scene song.”