
Somebody please tell me what I’m looking at here

Looking at this photo, it’s clear to me that I’m not up-to-date on something — but I’m not sure if it’s sports medicine or kink.


Florida men caught with bag full of drugs very clearly marked as “Bag full of drugs”

Tap the photo to see it at full size.

When the Florida Highway Patrol pulled over a car going 25 miles per hour (40 kilometers per hour) above the speed limit, one of the officers saw a bag with the text “BAG FULL OF DRUGS” printed on it. It turned out to actually be the case — they found 75 grams of meth, 1.36 kilograms of “raver roofies” (GHB), 15 ecstasy pills, 3.6 grams of fentanyl, and a gram of cocaine.

It was probably a salesmanship trick on the dealers’ part: when making the sale, they’d pull out the BAG FULL OF DRUGS, which would probably get a laugh from the customer and make the transaction a little smoother.

I get the feeling that this bag is going to get a boost in sales from this story. If you’d like to purchase one — presumably for ironic comedy purposes — you can get it online from “Human” for US$18.99:

Tap the photo to see it on the “Human” online store.

…and if you’d like to throw off suspicious cops, perhaps the “Definitely not a bag full of drugs” tote bag might be what you’re looking for (US$32.99 at Human):

Tap the photo to see it on the “Human” online store.


Florida of the day: “I want my foreskin back!”

The Bloodstained Men, an anti-circumcision activist group with the perfect name, also have the best signs. They were recently in Bradenton, and are expected to be see protesting in Orlando tomorrow, and here in Tampa on what I’m calling “Foreskin Friday”.

My favorite sign of theirs is “Nobody wants less penis.” If there’s a fridge magnet with this slogan, I will buy it immediately!

More info


From my “Drafts” folder: Photos for my eventual Latin pop album (or: At “Les tam-tams” in Montreal in 2003)

Tap the photo to see it at full size.

These photos have been sitting in my “Drafts” folder since late 2003. They’re from Les tam-tams, a drum circle event that takes place on non-rainy Sundays in the summer in Montreal’s Mont Royal park. I figured that after 17 years, it was time to finally post this article (remember, the Accordion Guy blog’s been around since November 2001).

With photos like these, I may just have to release a Latin pop album. Is Shakira looking for an accordionist? I’m up to play some cumbias on the squeezebox…

Tap the photo to see it at full size.

Tap the photo to see it at full size.

Tap the photo to see it at full size.

Tap the photo to see it at full size.

Tap the photo to see it at full size.

This one might have to be my album cover:

Tap the photo to see it at full size.


Current situation: What my morning looked like

My front yard, as seen from the street corner, showing sunlight on our front walk and front porch with palms, oak trees, and other greenery.

The view from my front yard, as I left for the office. Tap the image to see it at full size.

My L-shaped desk at the Lilypad office, showing two computers, two monitors, with each screen showing a desktop image related to the alcohol beverage industry.

The view from my desk at the Lilypad office. Tap the image to see it at full size.


One-stop shopping for “The Big Game”

Photo by Joey deVilla. Tap to view at full size.

While doing grocery shopping at our local Publix earlier today, we noticed something different about the beer aisle. Look at the photo above. Do you see what’s different?

If you didn’t here’s a photo taken a little closer to the shelves:

Photo by Joey deVilla. Tap to view at full size.

And here’s one that’s even closer:

Photo by Joey deVilla. Tap to view at full size.

It looks like Publix is making things very easy for people hosting parties for tonight’s Big Game by strategically putting some snacks that need refrigeration, such as popcorn chicken, sausages, and cheese, right by the beer. I thought it was pretty clever.

There are snacks enough for everyone, whether your tastes tend towards what the “macrobreweries” put out…

Photo by Joey deVilla. Tap to view at full size.

…or if you prefer microbrewery fare. Tampa’s own Cigar City makes some nice beers; I’m pretty fond of their Maduro and Jai Alai:

Photo by Joey deVilla. Tap to view at full size.

Recommended links


…and finally, why I called it “The Big Game” and not its official name (hint: lawyers):

a.k.a. Accordion Bay

The Republican “defense” of Trump, summarized in a hilarious one-act play

The best thing on Twitter yesterday was James Tabeek’s summary of the Republican’s “defense” of Donald Trump. If you’re confused about what happened, his explanation of their case in the form of a one-act play, sums it up clearly and hilariously.

I took his Twitter thread, which is based on his Facebook post, gathered it up in one place, and added some pictures, videos, and relevant links for context. Enjoy!

ALL THE WITNESSES: Ok we all agree. This is what happened.

REPUBLICANS: None of you were in the room!

John Bolton, former National Security Advisor (fired Sept. 2019).
Creative Commons photo by Gage Skidmore. Click to see the source.

BOLTON: *raises hand* Well I was in the…

REPUBLICANS: Who asked you?! Shut up! You’re a liberal pawn!

BOLTON: Um… I’m actually I’m a lifelong Republican and I was literally Trump’s national security advi…

REPUBLICANS: Shut your mustache! Somebody bring back the first national security advisor.

Mike Flynn, former National Security Advisor (had to resign 24 days into the job).
Creative Commons photo by Gage Skidmore. Click to see the source.

FLYNN: *in orange jumpsuit* Hey sorry guys I’m in jail lol.


FLYNN: For lying to the FBI about the Russia investigation.

REPUBLICANS: Well what idiot told you to do that?!

FLYNN: The Pres…

REPUBLICANS: Shut up! No one believes either of you!

John Kelly, former White House Chief of Staff (left January 2019).
Photo by Department of Homeland Security. Click to see the source.

KELLY: *raises hand* I believe them. And I was Trump’s Chief of sta…

REPUBLICANS: Shut up! Let’s talk to the current chief of staff. Who is he?

Mick Mulvaney, acting White House Chief of Staff (January 2019 – ?)
Public domain photo.

MULVANEY: *raises hand* It’s me. Sort of. Well, I’m the act…

REPUBLICANS: Shit. Never mind.

Lev Parnas, businessman, associate of Rudy Giuliani.
Photo via House Judiciary Committee.

PARNAS: *raises hand* I was also in the room. In fact, here’s a cell phone video of the President saying that…

Here’s a sample of Parnas’ video, in which Trump asks how long Ukraine could hold out against Russia in a battle, and tells people to fire U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch:

Here’s the full-length video:

REPUBLICANS: Wait what?! How in hell did you sneak a cell phone into a meeting with the President?

PARNAS: It was easy I just walked right in and…

REPUBLICANS: Shut up! You’re a criminal!

PARNAS: Correct. So I just walked right into…

TRUMP: I don’t know him.

PARNAS: And here’s 500 pictures of me with the President because we’re besties.

REPUBLICANS: Wait… What idiot introduced you to the President??

PARNAS: His personal lawyer.


Mike Cohen, former personal lawyer for Donald Trump, current convicted felon.
Creative Commons photo by Click to see the source.

COHEN: *also in orange jumpsuit* Hey no sorry guys I’m in jail too. Oops.


COHEN: For campaign finance violations.

REPUBLICANS: Whose campaign?

COHEN: The Pres…

REPUBLICANS: Shut up! Who was the campaign chair??

Paul Manafort, former chairman of the Trump campaign, current convicted felon.
Public domain photo.

MANAFORT: *also in orange jumpsuit* Yeah. Me. Also in jail. Heyyyy.


PARNAS: It was Giuliani.

YOVANOVITCH: Giuliani! That’s the guy who had me fired from my job!

REPUBLICANS: Who are you??

Marie Yovanovitch, U.S. diplomat, former ambassador to Ukraine.
Public domain photo.

YOVANOVITCH: I was the ambassador to Ukraine.

REPUBLICANS: Wait, you had her fired? Do you work for the government??

GIULIANI: Nope. But I figured no one really follows any rules around here so…

REPUBLICANS: Well who is the ambassador to the European Union??

Gordon Sondland, U.S. ambassador to the European Union.
Public domain photo.

SONDLAND: *raises hand* It’s me. I was also in the roo…


Vladimir Putin, Russian president, former KGB spy, shirtless puppetmaster of Donald Trump.

PUTIN: *rubs his bare chest*