
Holiday Photo Gallery bella’s Birthday Photos Strangely enough, there are no photos of bella (that’s right, the lowercase “b” is intentional) in this series… Photo 1: Paul, Sham and me. Photo 2: Yuki! Photo 3: Makiko! (okay, Chris too) Photo 4: Sham! Photo 5: Makiko watches as I drop some squeezebox science, yo. Photo 6: […]


Konichiwa*, 2002!

*That’s “hello” in Japanese, kids. For your amusement, all my New Year’s doings from December 31, 1998 to last night, in reverse chronological order. (I’m working off a hangover by writing.) December 31, 2001 – Toronto This New Year’s Eve was different from the past few — for the first time since 1995, I stayed […]


The Con Man from Another World!

(or, Why You Should Trust Your Children to a VB Programmer and not a Lisp Programmer) To understand this, you’ll have to read the previous entry and then Dan’s response in his blog. Teeny-weeny Saturday evening update: I guess I should throw in some quick explanations for those of you who aren’t familar with these […]