America The Current Situation

The U.S. isn’t the only country with jus soli, a.k.a. birthright citizenship

Map showing the many countries in the world with birthright citizenship.

Just about every country in the Americas offers birthright citizenship, a.k.a. jus soli.

A certain president* who had trouble disavowing neo-Nazis at a rally that ended in a murder and who had to be persuaded to explicitly by his son-in-law and daughter to denounce anti-semitism after a mass killing at a synagogue claimed last night in an interview for Axios on HBO (I’m not linking to it) that the US is “the only country in the world where a person comes in, has a baby, and the baby is essentially a citizen of the United States for 85 years with all of those benefits.”

Not true. The idea of birthright citizenship is a big enough deal that there’s a highfalutin’ Latin term for it: jus soli (“right of the soil”), and many countries have it.

If you go to Wikipedia, there’s a page on jus soli, and it lists the countries that have unrestricted jus soli

Screenshot of Wikipedia section showing how many countries have unrestricted birthright citizenship.

…as well as countries that have jus soli with some restrictions:
Screenshot of Wikipedia section showing how many countries have birthright citizenship with some restrictions.

It’s easy to dismiss Trump’s statement, made a week before the mid-term elections, as a stunt — but it’s more than that. It’s an attempt to prime people to take an idea that was formerly out-of-bounds and move the Overton Window so that it’s now possible to discuss, and eventually make palatable. It’s all in the service of making overt bigotry acceptable again, and it’s more than just a stunt:

Now what we need is for more media organization to stop simply and uncritically reporting Trump’s statements, but make factual corrections when needed:


Reading list for Tuesday, October 30, 2018: A whole lotta belt-tightening goin’ on (or: Something’s up)

Credit-Card Spending Limits in the Crosshairs as Issuers Grow Cautious

From the Wall Street Journal:

Capital One Financial Corp. and Discover Financial Services said last week they have become more cautious in how they’re handling credit limits. The two lenders said they don’t currently see signs of deterioration in consumers’ ability to pay their debts but do question how much longer the economic recovery will last.

“In so many ways, one can’t help but be struck by…just how good the economy [at] this point is,” Capital One Chief Executive Richard Fairbank said on the company’s earnings call. “And in some ways, it almost feels too good to be true.”

Credit-card limits have long served as an indicator of lenders’ outlook. During the last financial downturn, card issuers slashed credit limits to avoid incurring new losses. Around 2015, many lenders began increasing limits as they courted more balances and interest income.

Capital One and Discover are gauges of many Americans’ ability to handle debt. Discover generally doesn’t market to affluent customers, and Capital One has a large number of customers with less-than-pristine credit scores, making both companies a window into a part of the economy that is often the first to show cracks. Some 33% of Capital One’s domestic card balances, for example, are owed by subprime borrowers, according to the bank.

Existing-home sales slump to a near 3-year low as buyers back out

From MarketWatch:

Big picture: The Realtors blamed another stagnant month in the housing market on rising mortgage rates, higher prices and the supply stranglehold. But it’s also likely that many would-be buyers are dropping out of a market that’s become too competitive, expensive and unsatisfying, especially as conditions in the rental market ease up. The national median rent declined compared to a year ago in September, Zillow ZG, +2.85%   said Thursday. That was the first yearly decline since 2012, and reflects a glut of supply, with more to come.

What they’re saying: “Recent sluggishness seems increasingly driven by softer demand from would-be home buyers in the face of two emerging trends: falling rents and rising mortgage interest rates,” said Zillow Senior Economist Aaron Terrazas. “It all adds up to a situation in which supply-side factors are becoming less critical in driving home sales as they give way to softening demand. There’s still a lot of energy left in the housing market, but the rapid rise of the past few years has clearly begun to level off.”

NAR Chief Economist Lawrence Yun now forecasts that existing-home sales will be 1.6% lower in 2018 than last year. Economists at mortgage financier Fannie Mae are even more bearish: they’re projecting a 2% decline.

See also: U.S. new home sales near two-year low as mortgages rates rise

U.S. retail sales are soft for the second month in a row despite strong economy

From MarketWatch:

What happened: After a string of strong sales, bars and restaurants saw a big dropoff. Sales sank 1.8% in September to mark the biggest decline since the end of 2016.

Still, restaurant sales are up a strong 7.1% over the past 12 months.

Sales also fell sharply at gas stations and department stores.

Department stores have been losing ground for years to internet retailers such as Amazon AMZN, +0.02%  .

Sears US:SHLD   is the latest victim of the switch from traditional brick-and-mortar shopping to online sales. The giant and long established department store is entering bankruptcy proceedings after struggling for decades to reinvent itself.

Sales at internet retailers climbed 1.1% in September. Auto dealers posted a 0.8% increase.

Big picture: The U.S. appeared to enter the fall with strong momentum, but the second straight weak retail sales report suggests the economy might have cooled off a bit in the third quarter. The prospect of the Federal Reserve raising interest rates and last week’s big decline in the U.S. stock market could add to the anxieties.

Households are in good shape, however. The unemployment recently fell to a 48-year low and layoffs are also at the lowest point in nearly half a century. Most Americans who want a job have found one, giving them plenty of money to spend. The result: consumer confidence is at a two-decade high.

Keep this in mind: Consumer confidence is at a two-decade high, yet credit card companies’ confidence in consumers is low.

Dollar dips as US retail sales misses expectations

From CNBC:

The U.S. dollar dipped on Monday after retail sales data for September missed economists expectations, and as benchmark U.S. Treasury yields consolidated after last week hitting their highest level in seven years.

U.S. retail sales barely rose in September as a rebound in motor vehicle purchases was offset by the biggest drop in spending at restaurants and bars in nearly two years. Retail sales edged up only 0.1 percent in the month. Economists polled by Reuters had forecast an increase of 0.6 percent.

We had softer than expected retail sales, that was another leg of dollar selling, said Win Thin, global head of currency strategy at Brown Brothers Harriman in New York.

It comes after data last week showed that U.S. consumer prices rose less than expected in September, held back by a slower increase in the cost of rent and falling energy prices, as underlying inflation pressures appeared to cool.

Upgrade? No Thanks. Americans Are Sticking With Their Old Phones

From the Wall Street Journal:

Americans are holding on to their smartphones for longer than ever.

Pricier devices, fewer subsidies from carriers and the demise of the two-year cellphone contract have led consumers to wait an average of 2.83 years to upgrade their smartphones, according to data for the third quarter from HYLA Mobile Inc., a mobile-device trade-in company that works with carriers and big-box stores. That is up from 2.39 years two years earlier.

Apple Inc. AAPL +0.67% iPhones traded in during the period were an average of 2.92 years old, and those phone owners held on to them longer than Android users, HYLA’s data through the third quarter show.

Smartphone makers have launched increasingly pricey phones in recent years, with some premium devices costing more than $1,000. Apple’s highest-end phone, the iPhone XS Max, costs $1,099.

That has meant that some buyers try to make their phones last longer. Many families pass down to their children smartphones that are fully paid for or hand them to other relatives on their plans.

And here’s an observation from LinkedIn:

With Apple and others having spent the last decade churning out increasingly sophisticated handheld computers at such a fast rate, a slowing or plateau in the pace of adoption of new mobile phones was inevitable. We all can get more mileage out of these shiny status symbols.

I recently visited an independent iPhone repair shop in suburban Des Moines. It was in a guy’s house in lieu of the front parlor and was an incredible sight — bins full of parts meticulously stored along the walls surrounding his workbench and computer bay. In the short time I was there, a few other customers arrived. To watch him work made me think of an artisan cobbler from an earlier century. It was a more successful and satisfying — and transparent — experience than I’ve had with a Genius Bar or other retail. This has been the man’s sole biz for several years.

The smartphone economy has its fascinating little corners.

— Kyle Munson, Senior Writer at Principal Financial Group


My new favorite take on the “Distracted boyfriend” meme has an old-school Aquaman vs. new-school Aquaman twist

Click the photo to see it at full size.

Found via Tom Taylor.


“But **I’M** the victim here!!!”

Click to see the historical cluelessness at full size.

If you and your kid are going to dress up at a committers of historical atrocities, you might as well attend an event whose name is too damned close to another historical atrocity.


The poem we need right now: “Good Bones” by Maggie Smith

Life is short, though I keep this from my children.
Life is short, and I’ve shortened mine
in a thousand delicious, ill-advised ways,
a thousand deliciously ill-advised ways
I’ll keep from my children. The world is at least
fifty percent terrible, and that’s a conservative
estimate, though I keep this from my children.
For every bird there is a stone thrown at a bird.
For every loved child, a child broken, bagged,
sunk in a lake. Life is short and the world
is at least half terrible, and for every kind
stranger, there is one who would break you,
though I keep this from my children. I am trying
to sell them the world. Any decent realtor,
walking you through a real shithole, chirps on
about good bones: This place could be beautiful,
right? You could make this place beautiful.

Maggie Smith’s poem, Good Bones, was published in 2016, three days after the shooting in Orlando’s Pulse nightclub. It has since become the poetic summary of that year, and may end up doing the same for 2018, what with everything that’s been happening.

Still, I choose to go by the last two lines of the poem:

This place could be beautiful,
right? You could make this place beautiful.


“Vanilla ISIS” or “TEAliban”. We should give them a name that’ll stick.

CNN has summed it up succinctly: 72 hours in America: Three hate-filled crimes. Three hate-filled suspects. Isn’t it time we gave a name to them as a hate movement, since there’s something that ties them all together?

We should be asking the questions about these right-wing terrorists that we ask about Islamist militants.


Reading list for Saturday, October 28, 2018: Late-stage capitalism

World’s billionaires became 20% richer in 2017, report reveals

From The Guardian:

Billionaires made more money in 2017 than in any year in recorded history. The richest people on Earth increased their wealth by a fifth to $8.9tn (£6.9tn), according to a report by Swiss bank UBS.

The fortunes of today’s super-wealthy have risen at a far greater rate than at the turn of the 20th century, when families such as the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and Vanderbilts controlled vast wealth. The report by UBS and accountants PwC said there was so much money in the hands of the ultra-rich that a new wave of rich and powerful multi-generational families was being created.

“The past 30 years have seen far greater wealth creation than the Gilded Age” the UBS Billionaires 2018 report said. “That period bred generations of families in the US and Europe who went on to influence business, banking, politics, philanthropy and the arts for more than 100 years. With wealth set to pass from entrepreneurs to their heirs in the coming years, the 21st century multi-generational families are being created.”

Why Private Equity Is Furious Over a Paper in a Dermatology Journal

From the New York Times:

Early this month, a respected medical journal published a research paper on its website that analyzed the effects of a business trend roiling the field of dermatology: the rapid entrance of private equity firms into the specialty by buying and running practices around the country.

Eight days later, after an outcry from private equity executives and dermatologists associated with private equity firms, the editor of the publication removed the paper from the site. No reason was given.

Furor over the publication and subsequent removal of the article has deepened a rift in the field over what some see as the “corporatization” of dermatology and other areas of medicine.

Airbnb can’t go on unregulated – it does too much damage to cities

From The Guardian:

Remember the “sharing economy”? That rhetoric looks more comically disingenuous than ever in light of the news that a single Airbnb user in Barcelona is managing a portfolio of properties that brings in an eye-watering £33,000 a day in high season. Old neighbourhoods are being overrun with short-term tourists and shops selling souvenir tat. Rents for residents are being driven up, in Barcelona as well as Berlin, New York and elsewhere. Airbnb is a parasitic monster that squats over cities and hoovers up vast sums of money through its slimy proboscis. So what can be done?

Also worth checking out, even if it’s a couple of years old:

No More “Struggle Porn”

In Medium:

I call this “struggle porn”: a masochistic obsession with pushing yourself harder, listening to people tell you to work harder, and broadcasting how hard you’re working.

Struggle porn has normalized sustained failure. It’s made it acceptable to fly to Bali and burn through your life savings trying to launch an Amazon dropshipping business. Made it reasonable to keep living on your parents money for years after graduation while you try to become #instafamous. Made LinkedIn into a depressingly hilarious circlejerk for people who look way too excited to be having their headshot taken.

Working hard is great, but struggle porn has a dangerous side effect: not quitting. When you believe the normal state of affairs is to feel like you’re struggling to make progress, you’ll be less likely to quit something that isn’t going anywhere.