
And now the circle is complete

Photos of Elon Musk and Henry Ford with the caption: “Elon Musk went from being the Henry Ford of our generation (admired carmaker, brilliant salesman) to being the Henry Ford of our generation (conspiracy theorist, Nazi enabler) — Frank Lesser, @sadmonsters”
Slice of Life

A new perspective on Mother’s Day

Somehow, “Thanks, Mom!” doesn’t quite seem to be enough.

Slice of Life

Happy Mother’s Day!

Happy Mother’s Day, Mom! You’re the best.

Florida Florida of the Day

Florida job application

Tap to view at full size.

I have nothing but respect and admiration for this Florida job candidate’s candor and swagger.

Accordion, Instrument of the Gods It Happened to Me

Tell your kids this was Daft Punk

Joey deVilla on a beach at night, playing the accordion while wearing electrolumninescent wire sunglasses.
Tap to view at full size.

Need context? Here’s the Wikipedia entry for Daft Punk.

It Happened to Me

A scene from “Los Vinos de Dalí 2023”

Anitra and I attended Los Vinos de Dalí at the Dalí Museum a couple of weekends ago — here’s one of our pics.

It Happened to Me Tampa Bay

I’m in “Made in Tampa!”

There’s an unexpected, growing tech scene here in Tampa, and Made in Tampa is dedicated to covering it. Their latest installment is about an accordion-playing techie whom you might know.

My thanks to Amanda Kern for the wonderful interview and write-up, and to Jason Allen for setting this up!