
“Sweet, Sweet Can” (or: Rob Ford’s “Ass-Gate” Meets The Simpsons) [Updated]

Although Toronto Mayor Rob Ford is Peter Griffin-esque, there’s a good Simpsons reference for everything, and Scott Johnson knows this. He took the crucial scene from the Simpsons episode Homer Badman — the one where Homer is accused of making a move on the babysitter when all he wanted was the gummi Venus de Milo stuck […]


There’s a “Simpsons” Quote for Every Occasion

Seen in Kensington Market on Wednesday afternoon.

It Happened to Me

Slice of Life from PDC, Part 3: The Simpsons Ride

On Tuesday night, attendees of the PDC were treated to a night at the Universal Studios Hollywood amusement park, which was closed off to everyone but us. Everything was free: rides, food and drinks, and the park was dressed up for Hallowe’en, complete with horror movie characters including Freddy Krueger, skeletons and chainsaw-wielding zombies. I’ll […]


Movie References in the Simpsons Episode “Kamp Krusty”

Update: Some quick notes… I didn’t compile or make these images; I found ’em, thought they were neat and posted them for everyone to see. You can find more images like this at Actualidad Simpson. The stills I have from the Simpsons episode Kamp Krusty refer to Ben Hur, Lord of the Flies and The […]


The Simpsons Episode “Saturdays of Thunder”, “Ben Hur” and Two Films I Can’t Identify

Update: Some quick notes… I didn’t compile or make these images; I found ’em, thought they were neat and posted them for everyone to see. You can find more images like this at Actualidad Simpson. The Simpsons episode with the soap box derby — Saturdays of Thunder — refers to a number of movies, starting […]


The Simpsons’ Homage to Alex’s Post-Treatment Test in “A Clockwork Orange”

Update: Some quick notes… I didn’t compile or make these images; I found ’em, thought they were neat and posted them for everyone to see. You can find more images like this at Actualidad Simpson. The Simpsons have paid homage to A Clockwork Orange in a couple of episodes, but here’s the most hilarious time […]


The Simpsons and “Citizen Kane”

Update: Some quick notes… I didn’t compile or make these images; I found ’em, thought they were neat and posted them for everyone to see. You can find more images like this at Actualidad Simpson. Blah blah blah Simpsons blah blah blah Citizen Kane: Images courtesy of Miss Fipi Lele.