funny Geek

For fans of “Attack on Titan” and alcohol, I give you…

…Eren Jägerbomb.

funny Stranger than Fiction

The accented syllable matters

In many English words that can be both nouns and verbs:

  • If the accent is on the word’s first syllable, it’s probably the noun form.
  • If the accent is on the word’s second syllable, it’s probably the verb form.
Geek It Happened to Me Music

You say “big nerd” as if it’s a BAD thing…

Thanks to Lara Beaton for the find!

I was a synth player before I was an accordion player. Also, electronic keyboards are a great way to practice without annoying the neighbors — or more importantly, Anitra:

My office.
Tap to view at full size.

In honor of this special day…

Mug featuring Charles and Camilla with the text “To all the side chicks: there’s always hope”
Thanks to Mike van de Water for the find!


King of the Moon

Thanks to Corina Diaz for the find!

It makes sense that Dale is Sailor Mars, I tell you what…

funny Music

“To start, press any key”

Photo of pipe organ with 7 keyboards and a LOT of pedals and switches.
Slice of Life

White Claw’s grandma

“The Grandma of White Claw”:a 1980s-era bottle of Bartles & Jaymes premium Berry flavored wine cooler.

It had one thing over White Claw: it actually tasted like something.