
Peter Schorsch at Café con Tampa

Café con Tampa is a weekly gathering where people interested in the issues that affect Tampa Bay and the world beyond meet to learn and share ideas with interesting, entertaining (and sometimes infuriating) guest speakers. It takes place every Friday between 8 and 9 a.m. in the wonderful setting of Oxford Exchange, a combination of restaurant, book store, gift shop, co-working space, design studio, event venue, and one of the best “third places” I’ve ever set foot in. It’s attended by an interesting audience that’s often a mix of movers and shakers from the worlds of arts, business, academia, and government, and put together by local hero Bill Carlson, President of the communciations agency Tucker/Hall. If you want to have interesting conversations with some of the area’s movers, shakers, and idea-makers (and enjoy Oxford Exchange’s delicious breakfast spread), you should attend!

Today’s speaker at Café con Tampa was Peter Schorsch, political consultant and political journalist, and publisher of SaintPetersblog and I’m a regular reader of SaintPetersblog and an occasional reader of, and I also recall Schorsch’s name from that time he broke a Starbucks “pay it forward” line on the principle that it was a cynical marketing move on Starbucks’ part, and that participants were driven by guilt and the need to save face, rather than by a spirit of generosity. Since moving here, I’ve found Schorsch reliably informative and entertaining, so I made it a point to catch his presentation today.

Here are my annotated notes…

  • I have the best gig in Florida politics!
  • I get to take shots at every big name in the game from my comfortable vantage point in lovely St. Pete
  • I feel like a Robin Hood, taking money from Florida Power and and giving it to the readers
  • I’m more excited about my job right now than I’ve ever been!
  • I’m also proud of something I wrote recently, about Jack Latvala’s run for governor: “If there’s one mammal who has done more to bring dollars to north Pinellas’ economy than Winter the Dolphin, it’s state Senator Jack Latvala.”

Click the photo to see it at full size.

Click the photo to see it at full size.

  • “I am a walking conflict of interest,” since I report on political news and am consulted as a resource by politicians
  • I think SaintPetersblog’s coverage of St. Pete politics is second to none
  • We also help local political journalists — when the Tribune went down, we offered a lifeline
    • Some came aboard and stayed, some went, some still contributing
  • Our biggest recent political story was getting [Tampa Bay Lightning owner / local real estate magnate] Jeff Vinik on the record to say that he was one of the secret investors for the Tampa Bay Times
  • That goes to show that the Times, although it is pound-for-pound the best newspaper in the country, still faces the same conflicts of interest because of the money it accepts
  • The Weekly Planet and Creative Loafing once provided an alternative to the Tribune and Times, but now that role’s filled by St. Petersblog
  • You can’t dismiss me a just a blogger; I’m not always writing in my underwear. Well, maybe sometimes.
  • SaintPetersblog is a silly name, and Florida Politics is a much better one. Luckily, we were able to get the domain when it went up for sale eBay. We got it for $18,000.
  • We’ve got great reporters like A.G. Gancarski and Scott Powers writing for us
  • We have the largest political reporting footprint in the state
  • We also have a magazine that’s pretty much the Teen Beat of Tallahassee; that is, it’s glossy photos of lobbyists. It may not be exciting to you, but the lobbyists are clamoring to be featured!
  • Our bread and butter is email — our Sunburn mailing list (SaintPetersblog’s daily political news summary)
    • Email may sound old-fashioned, but I think it’s the future of journalism

Click the photo to see it at full size.

  • 2018 will be busiest cycle ever for Florida politics
  • There are so many key races:
    • Governor
    • Agriculture Commissioner
    • CFO
    • Attorney General
  • There’s also the Constitution Revision Commission. [In 1968, Florida became the only state that allows for its state constitution to be revisited and changed through a regularly scheduled commission called the Constitution Revision Commission. They meet once every 20 years, and 2018 is the next such year, and they will review and approve proposals on constitutional topics that run the range fromgambling to education to redistricting to the courts, and the impact of those decisions will be felt for the next two decades.]
  • Many initiatives will be on the ballot, including:
  • Pay particular attention to the special elections: the people who win these often end up 8 years later in roles such as Speaker of the House
  • In 2018, the demographic changes that were predicted to help Florida Democrats will take their effect
  • The Democrats are recruiting better and better candidates, especially in South Florida
  • The Puerto Rico bankruptcy will also be a 2018 election issue
  • Orlando is a battleground unto itself
  • [Speaker of the Florida House of Representatives] Richard Corcoran got what he wanted last session and will go deeper into policy issues
    • You’re going to see him really make his move in the coming months
    • Over wine and cigars, he personally told me that he’s absolutely running for Governor
    • Any of the hemming and hawing you see will be just for show
    • By Easter, you’re going see his campaign signs on people’s yards
  • I’m excited to talk about Governor’s race! There are some good candidates out there.
    • There’s John Morgan, the “Hamlet of Hemp”, the 800 pound gorilla
    • [Bible-thumping yet bleeding-heart liberal businessman] Chris King: You’d be surprised — a lot of smart people around him, he has a great record in the private sector, and if you were to meet him in person and talk with him for a while, you would be thoroughly impressed by him

Click the photo to see it at full size.

  • I do love the Tampa Bay Times, but I also love beating up in them
  • My relationship with the Times is horribly acrimonious
  • Rick Baker told me: “They will not stop until they put you in jail.”
  • If you asked the Times who Public Enemy Number One is, I’m second after the Scientologists
  • I regret my bad relationship with them
  • When SaintPetersblog was just me, I had to set my hair on fire just to get attention, so I took shots at what I thought was the Times doing bad reporting
  • [Tampa Bay Times political editor] Adam Smith is like a cop itching for a fight — ready to put down the badge and go for it
  • Other local journalists see that we’re trying to help them and keep them employed
  • I like to say we run a halfway house for journalists
  • Outside of the Times, we maintain relationships with local journalists


When you advise politicians, what company do you bill as?

  • “None of your damn business!”
  • Well, you can do some research and it wouldn’t be too hard to connect the dots
  • One of those companies is Extensive Enterprises Media (see the super-fun fact below!)
  • Anybody can advertise with us
  • We’ve beaten up on our mentors
  • None of our reporters will ever say that we’ve told them to lean one way or another
  • People know where I stand, but I don’t tell my reporters where to stand
  • I do try to get reporters to cover the things that the other outlets aren’t covering
    • For example, we write about underdogs
    • I like being the one result you find when you Google for the early days of big names who were once considered to be long shots

How do you deal with the big problems of journalism today, such as the war on truth and clickbait?

  • I think your question is better put as “How do you deal with fake news?”
  • We don’t do stories like “Charlie Crist put his finger in a light socket, click here to see what happened next!” but wow, from the money and readership that those stories would generate, it’s tempting
  • We choose to write stories about Florida politics that other people don’t cover
  • I compare myself to a chef with a couple of 3- and 4-star restaurants, as opposed to someone with a big chain of fast food joints
    • I take pride in being smaller, and producing higher quality
    • Think of it as the difference between Mise en Place and McDonald’s

How do you think Trump will affect the 2018 elections in Florida?

  • Florida is not very impacted by Trump politics yet
  • However, it clearly a hotbed a Trump support:
  • It became clear from that poll that showed that he could beat Jeb in Florida
  • What I find interesting is Adam Putnam veering right to be like Trump and doing things that are uncharacteristic for his middle-of-the-road approach like embracing the NRA
    • He’s doing this because he doesn’t want to be “Jeb 2.0”
    • He’s capitalizing on his opponents calling him an NRA sellout by actually selling an #nrasellout t-shirt on his site
    • Not really that guy; for most of his career, he’s been reliably center-right
    • The lesson he learned from Trump is that authenticity sells, even if you’re full of shit
  • Let me state it right now: Adam Putnam will not be governor
  • We forget there’s a big senate race, but it will be boring:
    • You’ve got a Democrat in his 70s and [Florida Governor and human-python hybrid] Rick Scott, the most on-message politician to climb out of a test tube
    • They will run an uninteresting campaign that will largely be a referendum on the Trump administration

In a story that you’re publishing about a politician, do you disclose that you’re advising them?

  • Voters and readers are so interested in the information that the conflicts of interest aren’t as big a deal
  • Will the Times put “Jeff Vinik is our secret sugar daddy” at the bottom of every story they write about him?
  • I frame myself as a managing editor, my job is to take my reporters’ defense and fight for them

What do you do if someone were to approach you with a story?

  • It would have to be in our wheelhouse — Florida politics
  • We’d love to be the go-to source for a story
  • We’re faster — on smaller stories, we’re a little more “shoot first, ask questions later”

Do you think that in the age of Trump, we’ll see more Rick Scotts — more self-financed candidates?

  • Perhaps Francis Rooney in Naples…he’s been all sorts of things: multimillionaire, U.S. Ambassador to the Holy See, and ran for Congress
  • Trump is so unique, he’s an oyster scarred by the New York tabloids
  • Trump is a product of the times

How do you think transportation issues will play out in Florida politics?

  • We’re leading the way in the race to legalize autonomous cars
  • Look at all the stories about driverless cars and semis
  • The trend towards Uber is anti-rail
  • Rail as a concept is not attractive to voters; it’s a 19th-century concept
  • Even when people decide to go with rail transit, there are implementation issues:
    • Consider the rail system in St. Pete — the city is divided along racial lines, with most black people living south of Central Avenue
    • But the rail cuts off at Central Avenue and doesn’t go south, where the people who need it most actually live
    • If you say you’re going to put a rail spike in one spot, 7 people will disagree because they have their own idea about where it should go
  • Who will be the advocate for a rail initiative?

Super-fun fact about Extensive Enterprises

As soon as Schorsch uttered the phrase “Extensive Enterprises”, my first thought was: As in the fake business that acts as a front for Cobra from the ’80s G.I. Joe animated series? And yes, that is the case. When Schorsch stated this, I was the only one in the room who laughed and clapped. Café con Tampa needs more geeks!

He even mentioned the names of the Crimson Twins, Tomax and Xamot, the two psychically-linked mirror-image twins who are both high-level Cobra operatives…

and the co-CEOs of Extensive Enterprises:

Here’s a G.I. Joe clip featuring the twins in business mode…

…and here’s a clip that’s got everything, including businesses buying politicians, the twins’ psychic link, and just all-round terrible eighties cartoon scripting:

(I’ll stop now before I shame myself any further.)


Why you want someone else to review your work

“This design needs a little something…I’ve got it!
I’ll make the letters reflect in the water, and…perfect!

Sometimes you’re a little too close to your creation to see the problems with your design.


Headline juxtaposition of the day

And yes, in case you haven’t seen that story yet, not only did the security robot story actually happen…

…but the robot also got a memorial:


The dangers of smartphone distraction at meetings, as seen in “Friends from College”

Sometimes you can find workplace lessons in the strangest of places. One of those places is the opening bit from the season finale of the Netflix “cringe comedy” series Friends from College (Rotten Tomatoes isn’t too fond of it, IMDb likes it a little better, I enjoyed it). The entire series is a set of object lessons in what not to do in life, one of which is particularly applicable to work meetings and smartphones.

In order to get what’s going on in the scene, I’ll need to provide a little background.

The scene features two characters from the series:

  • Ethan (played by Keegan-Michael Key): An author who’s had some critical acclaim, but little commercial success. He’s been convinced by his agent and publisher that his next project should be a “YA” (young adult) novel, a genre that he despises, with a supernatural theme.
  • Max (played by Fred Savage): Ethan’s friend from college and his literary agent. His relationship with his boyfriend Felix, whom he lives with (but with whom he did not go to college), is put under strain by his relationship with his college pals.

In an earlier drug-fueled all-night brainstorming session, Max helps Ethan come up with the basis for the novel: the protagonist of the novel, a girl named Jasmine, is a werewolf. Later on in the series, while visiting their alma mater, the two appear to come up with a key idea for the novel, putting Jasmine on trial for being a werewolf (based on historical werewolf trials), as well as the title for the book, Wolf Trials:

The series finale opens with Max getting Ethan’s Wolf Trials manuscript and gleefully going through the process of preparing it for publication. That’s where he runs into a major snag, which you’ll have to see for yourself in the clip below:

Max had spent a lot of his time at meetings on his smartphone, checking up on his recent ex-boyfriend’s post-breakup activity. In the process, he was completely checked out at all those meetings and missed the fact that a more popular YA author is writing an entire series of books with the same theme and title: Wolf Trials.

There’s an entire montage of Max on his phone at meetings that are all about the other author’s Wolf Trials series…

Max is too busy on his phone to notice that the meeting is about another author’s Wolf Trials novel. Click the photo to see it at full size.

Max walking obliviously past Wolf Trials concept art. Click the photo to see it at full size.

Wolf Trials posters? What Wolf Trials posters? Click the photo to see it at full size.

The best part of the montage is where Max is snapped out of his smartphone fugue state when his name is mentioned at the end of a question. When asked for a suggestion on how to end the other author’s novel, he says that it should end with a courtroom scene, which is the same way Ethan’s novel ends, then gets back to his smartphone:

The fact that he’s drinking from a Wolf Trials mug makes this bit perfect. Click the photo to see it at full size.

I’ve actually seen this in action, where someone in a meeting operated on autopilot, provided an answer that let them get back to what was on their screen, only to later discover that they’d committed them and their team to a lot of work on a ridiculously short timeline. One person’s inattention during a half-hour meeting had led to an entire team’s gnashing of teeth for the better part of a month.

And therein lies the biggest danger of buying into the idea of “continuous partial attention”: you’re not paying enough attention to contribute to or get information from the meeting; you’re paying the minimum amount of attention to quickly dismiss the meeting’s distractions and get back to your smartphone, which is what you really care about. And that could be a career-limiting move.


Tweet of the day



The five stages of White House employment

In light of all the seat-rearranging wackiness taking place in the White House both at the moment and for the past little while, Peter Kuper’s cartoon is quite apt.

Worth reading: Washington Examiner’s article, For Trump, loyalty is a one-way street.


Scenes from our vacation, part 5: Sweet Liberty Drinks and Supply Company

Walking around South Beach and looking at Art Deco architecture is hungry- and thirsty-making work, so our next stop was Sweet Liberty Drinks and Supply Company for lunch, located at the corner of 20th Street and Liberty Avenue. They’ve taken the kitchen of a bistro, the soul of a craft bar, and the vibe of your favorite dive bar, and brought them into a single place.

Sweet Liberty has a beautifully well-stocked bar…

…and a fantastic selection of drinks, from cocktails…

…to a selection of those classic beer-and-shot-o’-booze combos known as Boilermakers…

…to these gems, including all-you-can-drink rosé, which seems to be a popular thing in Miami:

We started off with some chicharrones (fried pork rinds), which were delicious…

…and I had the smoked duck eggs benedict, which was made with sous vide eggs, smoked duck breast, sautéed greens, roasted tomatoes, and hollandaise, all laid on top of potato cakes:

We had a few lovely drinks:

This one’s the Beast of Bourbon…

…and here’s what’s in it:

(In case you’re wondering, “Ango” is hipster bar-speak for Angostura bitters.)

Paintings of Elvis on black velvet are clichéd at this point, so it was refreshing to see a black velvet painting of Kenny instead:

And we had to pose beside their chalkboard of wisdom:

This was a great place to have brunch. The food and drinks were excellent, the staff were charming, friendly, and helpful, and the all-round vibe of the place was fun. If you’re in Miami Beach and looking for a great meal and some cocktails to go along with it, add Sweet Liberty to your list!

Previous articles in this series