
“Star Wars” meets “Sgt. Pepper”, and you’ll never hear these songs the same way again

After five years of toiling in the studio, geek-parody band Palette-Swap Ninja have released their masterpiece, Princess Leia’s Stolen Death Star Plans, which brings together the storyline of Star Wars: A New Hope (which has its 40th anniversary this year) and the songs from The Beatles’ Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (released 50 years ago). For a guy like me — music aficionado, geek, and regular player of the Star Wars role-playing game, this is a tasty musical biscuit.

Even better, there are videos, one for each song on the album! Created by Katrin Auch and using footage from the movie, they are fantastic, and they’re on YouTube. Here are some screenshots from the first song, set to the tune of Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band:

I was laughing my head off when With Illicit Help From Your Friends kicked in:

Here’s the video:

The attention to details in both the Sgt. Pepper album and the Star Wars storyline is nothing short of breathtaking.

Go — watch the videos, but be warned: you’ll never hear Sgt. Pepper the same way again.


The first thing I’m buying when I land a new job

Hey, I live in Florida. This suit is perfect.

“I was thinking of buying something immediately after landing a new job,” I told my wife.

“That sounds nice,” she said. “What are you going to buy?”

“A new suit.”

America The Current Situation

Don’t know much about history…

Tap to view at full size.

Not all of us (myself included) were schooled in the United States, so you may have heard Donald Trump’s reference to Andrew Jackson’s opinion on the U.S. Civil War and not considered it unusual (and hey, same goes for many people who were schooled in the U.S. and studied U.S. history). However, it is unusual for this simple reason:

Andrew Jackson, 7th president of the United States, died in 1845, a full 16 years before the Civil War, which started in 1861.

Here’s a CNN report featuring the recording of Trump’s statements, which were made during an interview with the Washington Examiner:

It’s one thing to make stuff up, and it’s another thing to make stuff up about things in an age where facts can easily be looked up. But it’s a completely bizarro thing to try and spin this mistake, as Republican communications strategist Paris Dennard did:


I love you, chicken nuggets!

I don’t care about the original version of this comic — I’m going to simply accept the “chicken nuggets solve everything” adaptation as The One True Version.

Thanks to Gian for the find!


Current situation: Ulele


The unicorn frappuccino: Bow down before the one you (soft) serve!

Click to see at full size.

Both contain a lot of self-loathing. Maybe the first line of Pretty Hate Machine’s first track, Head Like a Hole, should now be “God sugar, I’ll do anything for you…”

And while we’re on the topic of Head Like a Hole

Thanks to Sean Montgomery for the find!


There are two ways to interpret this picture

Because this is the real world in 2017, this picture says “Here’s Joey, who spoke at last night’s GDG Sun Coast Meetup about Android and Augmented Reality, with John, who attended and won the draw for the new Kotlin in Action book.”

(Thanks for attending my presentation, John, and enjoy the book! Kotlin’s a pretty nice programming language.)

If this were the TV world in 1977, this picture would say “We just started our own detective agency…in Hawaii!

This post also appears in Global Nerdy.