
The “War on Christmas” just got a little more subtle


I see what you did there.

holiday-flowchart-smallAlso worth reading: This useful flowchart designed to help you deal with with greetings this holiday season.



For the humor-impaired: Here’s my take on the “War on Christmas”.


Graffito of the day: “Push button for short speech by Donald Trump”



The perfect game show for these times


Thanks to Dave Winer for the find!


Rather unexpected: Snoop Dogg making Christmas ornaments in an ad for…Michaels?


And more power to Cordozar Calvin “Snoop Dogg” Broadus for doing so. After all, the gangsta rapper dream is to eventually get out of the ’hood, make a nice fortune, go legit, and hang with Martha Stewart.


Somebody please explain to me what’s going on in this photo



Florida of the day: Naked woman celebrates Thanksgiving by using fountain as a bidet


Don’t you just love that “deep clean” feeling?

Many housing developments in Florida — mine included — have little lakes, most of which have continuously-running fountains to keep the water moving and prevent them from being mosquito breeding areas. In Lauderhill’s Waterford Park complex, a naked woman seems to have found another use for them on Thanksgiving morning, as the photo above shows.

According to the news report:

It took a couple of Lauderhill Fire Rescue divers to remove the woman from the fountain. They also got her out of the lake at the Waterford Park complex safely.

Authorities believe she was under the influence of alcohol and drugs.

I can’t say I blame her — a little intoxication is part of Thanksgiving, and once you’ve tried one of those fancy Japanese toilets, it’s hard to go back.


Two Thanksgiving stories you’ll want to hear


Click the image to see the source.

(I don’t really get why some people are so icked-out by the word “moist”.)

It’s Thanksgiving in the U.S., so any and all posts today on the Accordion Guy blog are about being thankful. If you live in the U.S. or any of the G7 countries (it used to be the G8, but we’re giving Russia a time-out), you are so far ahead of the curve that you’ve got plenty to be thankful for, even with the news headlines as they are.

Whether or not it’s Thanksgiving where you are, take a moment and reflect on what you have, be thankful, and then work to make the world — all of it, not just your little corner — a better place. And yes, even the smallest contribution helps.


If you’re looking for some interesting listening while driving to your Thanksgiving dinner destination or preparing the meal, here’s something you might like: Snap Judgement’s Gratitude 2016 episode. Snap Judgement is a great public radio show featuring some fantastic stories and storytelling, and it’s on high rotation on my phone’s podcast apps.

The Gratitude 2016 episode features stories about being thankful and you listen to it in its entirety with the player below…

…or you can listen to one of its stories, a sweet one that starts off being about a boyfriend, but ends up being about family:

Also worth checking out is last year’s episode, Gratitude 2015, whose stand-out story is also about family, a father and a son, life and death, and a kid’s very funny idea of what “the birds and the beeds” is actually about.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!