
This couple *IS* America

And yes, they still love each other. Watch the complete video here.


“Doubting Donald’s” trust issues


Click the photo to see the source.


Asian-Americans (and yes, all eligible Americans): Get out there and vote!


Listen to Ms. Marvel: if you’re eligible and you haven’t done so yet, get out there, vote, and make your voice heard, especially if you’re Asian-American. We’re soon to be the largest immigrant group in the U.S. and we’re the best educated, yet if we’re not being mocked…

…then we’re just being ignored:

So get out there and vote!


XKCD gets political


Click the comic to see it on its original site.

Since Randall Munroe posted the first XKCD webcomic in September 2005, he’s taken themes like computer programming, technology, philosophy, math, science, pop culture, language, and romance and then tosses them into a blender and made some of the web’s sharpest, cleverest, and most poignant observations on and explanations of life, the universe, and everything. But as far as I can recall, he’s stayed pretty far away from politics until today, when he clearly stated that he’s in the Hillary Clinton camp and provided information that’s useful for voters of all stripes.


America The Current Situation

First they came for the journalists… (or: A t-shirt from today’s Trump rally in Minnesota)

You can’t make America great by turning your back on one of its core values and simultaneously making a a reference to lynching.

The T-shirt design isn’t new — long-time blogger “Digby” wrote about this t-shirt back in 2006.


Birthday weekend plans


One year ago today — and half a world away!

With a crazy couple of weeks coming up — including trips to SMARTRAC’s Baltimore office for a big-ass town hall meeting and tech evangelism planning and to London to help out with the presentation of some really cool tech — I’ve decided to make this year’s birthday celebrations a little more low-key than last year’s, which was at a Diwali party in Pune, India (pictured above).

I’ve already hit the gym and taken in some of today’s lovely weather. I’m still getting reacquainted with the concept of balmy November birthdays; it’s 28°C / 82°F as I write this.


The view from our yard.

I suppose I could tidy up my home office a little and get some stuff off the floor…


…and then have some lunch:


After lunch, I plan to dive into an ebook I just bought, Unity Games by Tutorials, because I want to try my hand at making 3D games for iOS and Android (especially now that I have a nice new computer and Android phone that SMARTRAC assigned to me), and hey, who doesn’t like programming games?

Here’s a video preview of the games programming tutorials in the ebook…

…and here’s where I’ll be trying out the tutorials in said ebook:


Tonight’s plans: dinner with Anitra at Bollywood Spice in Clearwater, followed by catching this guy’s show:


That’s fellow Canadian Les Stroud, whom you might know better as Survivorman, or the non-poseur Bear Grylls. He’s on tour right now with a band, giving multimedia shows where he performs with his band and tells stories, all with a video backdrop of the films he’s made in the wild.

This is what Sunday will look like — I’ll be at our friend Jerry’s place, celebrating his birthday:


That’ll bring us to Monday, where my morning will look like this…


…and that’s when things get not-so-laid-back.


My Halloween costume: A Sesame Street Martian, a.k.a. “yip yip yip” alien


Last night, Anitra and I went as the Martians from Sesame Street, also known as the “yip yip yip” aliens. Here’s some footage of me testing out the costume after it arrived:

If you’re not familiar with these creatures, here’s a classic skit that dates back to the 1970s: