
Experience your incredibly slim odds with the LA Times’ Powerball simulator

i've got a golden ticket

With a $900 million jackpot for Powerball — that’s a U.S. lottery game playable in 44 states as well as the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands — I found myself waiting in line to pay for my drink behind an assortment of ticket buyers at my local shoddily-constructed convenience store. Tickets are $2 each, and I saw the people ahead of me dropping $10, $20, $50, and in one case, a whopping $68. You may scoff at these sums, but these people couldn’t: they weren’t spending “walking around” money, but what was probably grocery money.

A couple ahead of me were arguing about whether or not blowing $40 on Powerball tickets was a good idea. “You got a chance of like, what? One in a million? Or two million?” she said, but he wouldn’t be swayed.

“Yeah, it’s one in a million,” he retorted, “but what if I’m that one?

Mathematically, “but what if I’m that one?” is a nonsensical response, but it appeals to that part of our brains that also gloms onto other nonsense like “things happen for a reason,” “juice cleanses remove the toxins from your body”, “vaccines cause autism”, and “hey, let’s go to Olive Garden!”  For a lot of people, those ideas just make a sort of intuitive sense.

If you know someone who’s about to blow money that they can’t afford to lose on Powerball, point them to the Los Angeles Times’ Powerball simulator. It lets you enter your six lucky numbers (or let the computer create a random “quick pick”), pick an amount of money you want to spend on tickets, and simulates a lottery while tracking what you spent, and how far ahead or behind you are. In the screenshot below, you can see that my idea of spending a simulated $200,000 on Powerball rather than pretending to invest it in index funds isn’t working out very well:

powerball simulator

Give it a try and truly experience what slim odds are like. The odds of winning $1 million are slightly better than one in 12 million, while the odds of winning that $800 million jackpot are one in almost 300 million.


An 80s-tastic videogame soundtrack/retro tune mashup – “Bad Dudes: Mega Mash”!

Here’s your end-of-week nostalgia fix: DJ 8-Bit Mullet’s chiptune-tastic Bad Dudes: Mega Mash, which takes the soundtrack from the 1988 arcade game Bad Dudes vs. Dragon Ninja and mashes it up with a number of retro musical biscuits, including:

It doesn’t matter whether or not you wasted your youth at dances, clubs, and arcades like I did — Bad Dudes: Mega Mash is pure 8-bit awesome. I’ve been beating my head against a particularly frustrating bug in an AppleTV game when I did decided to put it on the background — and I fixed it 15 minutes later. I think it made me smarter! Thanks, DJ 8-bit Mullet!

Scenes from Bad Dudes vs. Dragon Ninja

Bad Dudes is every 1980’s action B-movie reduced to its purest form and turned into a videogame. You’re an Arnie-like character trying to rescue a Ronald Reagan-like character from ninjas. I’m pretty sure I pumped a lot of quarters into this game back in the day, which presents its challenge very plainly and clearly:

Intro screen from 'Bad Dudes vs. Dragon Ninja' videogame. An Arnold Schwarzenegger-like character in leather coat and sunglasses says 'President Ronnie has been kidnapped by the ninjas. Are you a bad enough dude to rescue Ronnie?'

With the intro out of the way, you’re unleashed on the mean streets of some random unnamed American city that’s crawling with ninjas…

Gameplay scene from 'Bad Dudes vs. Dragon Ninja' videogame. The player fights ninjas in the inner city.

…and from there, you proceed to kick ass on the freeway…

Gameplay scene from 'Bad Dudes vs. Dragon Ninja' videogame. The player fights ninjas atop a moving truck on the highway.

…the sewers…

Gameplay scene from 'Bad Dudes vs. Dragon Ninja' videogame. The player fights ninjas in the sewers.

…the woods…

Gameplay scene from 'Bad Dudes vs. Dragon Ninja' videogame. The player fights ninjas in the woods.

…and in the end, the fabulously-costumed Final Boss on a helicopter!

Gameplay scene from 'Bad Dudes vs. Dragon Ninja' videogame. The player fights the final boss on a helipad.

During a particularly dull stretch of the summer of 1992, I pumped a ridiculous number of quarters into Bad Dudes vs. Dragon Ninja, dispatched the Final Boss, and finally rescued President Ronnie. This was my reward:

End game screen from 'Bad Dudes vs. Dragon Ninja' videogame. A Ronald Reagan-like character in a suit sitting at a desk with an Amercan flag behind it says 'Hey dudes thanks. For rescuing me. Let's go for a burger.... Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!'

Hey, if the Japanese can be sold on the idea that KFC is a traditional Christmas dish in the U.S., why can’t they believe that the Stateside reward for a daring rescue is two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame-seed bun?

For those of you who can’t get enough videogame gameplay in your diet, here’s a playthrough of the arcade game:


The truth about political correctness

3-panel cartoon. Panel 1 - Man: 'I'm so sick of 'political correctness'.' Panel 2 - Woman: 'Okay, try it without the 'political correctness', then.' Panel 3 - Man: 'I'm so sick of not being able to insult and belittle women and minorities.'

Cartoon by Tom Toles for the Washington Post. Click to see the source.


It’s not the most confidence-inspiring name for a vet…

The Circle of Life Animal Hospital in Tampa.

I’m sure they’re a very nice, very good vet, but in my (ahem) circle, we bring up the term “circle of life” whenever eating meat or watching some nature documentary where one animal beats the crap out of and then eats another animal.

It also reminds me of this very sad scene from The Lion King:


This software EFFING sucks

how hot are you

The Swiss dating site Blinq has teamed up with ETH Zurich, a University, to build a web application and mobile app that tell you how attractive you are, based on the preferences of Blinq’s users. Apparently, the Swiss are as cuckoo as their clocks, because the app revealed to me that they have NO GODDAMN TASTE WHATSOEVER.

Here’s how a recent photo, taken in St. Pete the day after Christmas, got rated:

how hot 1
“Hmm…”? Let’s try another one. How about the selfie I sent to my wife from the wifi-equipped flight to India in October?

how hot 2

Just “Ok”? That, my friend, is a frickin’ book jacket-worthy author photo. At least it thinks I look young.

On a lark, I tried this photo from the day after Thanksgiving, featuring a “Cleopatra”-style headdress at one of the Busch Gardens gift shops:

how hot 3

Geez. And it thinks that the 1980s-era Stevie Wonder look makes me seem even younger.

I decided to challenge the algorithm with a photo of me demonstrating a duct tape hack for my CPAP mask (I was traveling and had forgotten the straps for the mask at home). Here’s the result:

how hot 4

This one, it liked. Apparently the Swiss are into the Hannibal Lecter/“Dennis Hopper huffing nitrous in Blue Velvet (warning: swearing aplenty) look.

Then I found out about how other, less conventional images scored with the software. Here’s Guy Fieri:

how hot 5


Then there’s how it rated the image below:

how hot 7

And finally, this image of “Lumpy”, Chewbacca’s son from the oh-so-seventies, oh-so-terrible Star Wars Holiday Special:

how hot 6



Golden Girls: The Force Awakens

golden girls - the force awakens

Photo by “jsinfrankenstein”. Click to see the source.

Thank you for being a millennia-old Force-sensitive space pirate bar-owning friend.

Thanks to Alistair Morton for the find!


This video makes some good points about gyms

Some good points about gyms: 'Roger' from's 'Honest Ads' flanked by two personal coaches working out.

It’s the first full week of the new year, and many gyms — including the one I go to — are experiencing the annual New Year’s Resolutions Crowd that come air this time. Since I work from home, I go in the middle of the day when things are quiet, but even then, the gym’s been a little busier than usual. I’d hate to see what it’s like after 5:30 for the next few weeks.

Cracked’s new video in their “Honest Ads” series, If Gyms Were Honest, makes a few good points about gyms, and especially gym marketing. However, their assertion that you can get fit anywhere isn’t practical for everyone for many reasons including limited space at home, not wanting to clutter your place with weights and equipment, the benefits of classes when their costs are included in your gym membership fees, and having a place to exercise when the weather makes outdoor exercise impractical. Still, it’s an amusing video that tells the truth about gym marketing and fees: