It Happened to Me Tampa Bay

Hey, Tampa people: Who rents out this palapa boat? (Updated)

Tap to view at full size.

I saw the “palapa boat’ pictured above on the Hillsborough River from my vantage point on the balcony of the Glazer Children’s Museum, where I was attending a pre-launch party for Big John, their new tricertops exhibit (which opens this Friday!).

I couldn’t read see the sign on the boat from that distance. Can anyone tell me whom to contact to rent this boat? I might want to do so for…reasons.

The answer

Leave it to none other than Daniella Diaz, local tech person and cofounder of High Tech Connect and HireUp Florida to give me an answer within a couple of minutes of my posting this!

It’s the Tampa Bay branch of Cruisin’ Tikis, who provide the boat with a bar. You bring the drinks (including booze), food, and music. $300 for 90 minutes.


For a big private sector guy, Elon Musk spends a lot of time getting *PUBLICLY OWNED*

The latest instance:

Tap to view the original tweet

He’ll latch onto any conspiracy theory without double-checking for himself, as long as it fits his solipsistic, narcissistic worldview.

Florida of the Day

Motto of the day, again

See the previous post.


Motto of the day

Live so that if your life were turned into a book, Florida would ban it.
Thanks to Adam Hill for the find!

Words to live by, especially in these DipShantis times.


And now the circle is complete

Photos of Elon Musk and Henry Ford with the caption: “Elon Musk went from being the Henry Ford of our generation (admired carmaker, brilliant salesman) to being the Henry Ford of our generation (conspiracy theorist, Nazi enabler) — Frank Lesser, @sadmonsters”
Slice of Life

A new perspective on Mother’s Day

Somehow, “Thanks, Mom!” doesn’t quite seem to be enough.

Slice of Life

Happy Mother’s Day!

Happy Mother’s Day, Mom! You’re the best.