
Forget “jazz hands”. Here’s MATH hands!

math hands

Well, I think it’s funny…


Attack on Pizza! (or: A live-action scene done anime-style)

Live-action woman with tears bursting from  her eyes, anime-style

What happens when you take anime’s writing, directing, and most-used tropes and apply them to an ordinary live-action scene? You get something like this:


John McAfee files paperwork to run for president

John McAfee speaks to a throng of news reporters with microphones

Former software pioneer, present closest-thing-to-Hunter-S.-Thompson: John McAfee.

As if the current crop running for office weren’t looney enough…


A clever way to deal with a two-star review

Poster for the movie "Legend" that cleverly hides the Guardian's two-star review among other 4- and 5-star reviews

The Guardian gave Legend, the new Tom Hardy film about the criminal duo of Reggie and Ronnie Kray (The Kray Twins), a two-star rating. The way that the film’s marketing team managed to hide this in plain sight in their poster is quite clever.

Even the journo who wrote the review made a note of it on Twitter:

It helped that the film also received glowing reviews from many other news outlets, of course…


Choose wisely

choose wisely

Found on Andy Babbitz’s Tumblr. Click the comic to see the source.


When you have more than you need…

Photo of a very long table with a couple dozen people sharing a meal, captioned 'When you have more than you need, build a longer table, not a higher fence.

Even for those of you who don’t think it’s good immigration policy, it’s still good career and life advice.


Tampa’s OpenHack Ybor meetup: Tonight at Brass Tap!

openhack ybor - new world

OpenHack Ybor’s August gathering at New World Brewery.
Click the photo to see it at full size.

If you’re in the Tampa area tonight and would like to get to know your fellow developers, show off your current passion project, find out what their passion projects are, and enjoy some pizza and beer (or whatever beverage you like) in a friendly, convivial atmosphere, you might want to come to tonight’s OpenHack Ybor meetup!

openhack ybor - new world 2

Another scene from the meetup at New World Brewery.

OpenHack Ybor, held once a month at one of Ybor City’s many beer-dispensing hangouts, is run by local Ruby developer Tony Winn for software developers of all stripes who want to get to know other local developers, see what they’re up to, and enjoy some free pizza. We’ve already had two OpenHack Ybor meetups — the first at the new pub at Coppertail Brewing, and the second at New World Brewery. Tonight’s meetup, which starts at 6:30, takes place at the Brass Tap in Centro Ybor.

centro ybor

Tonight’s meetup location: Brass Tap in Centro Ybor.

If you’d like to attend, RSVP on OpenHack Ybor’s meetup page (there’s no admission, the pizza is free, you’ll have to buy your own beer) so that Tony’s got an idea of how many will be there and can order pizza accordingly. It’s fun, it’s friendly, and it’s one of my go-to geek events. I’ll be there, and I hope to see you there too!

This article originally appeared on my tech blog, Global Nerdy.