
R.I.P. B.B. King

bb king

Yesterday, the world lost the Blues Man’s Blues Man. B.B. King died yesterday in his sleep at the age of 89.

Anyone who’s ever thought about playing the blues or its descendants even half-seriously has listened to and “borrowed” a lick of two from his playing. You’ll hear a lot of guitarists go on about how they borrowed a trick or two from him, but I’d wager that at least a couple of keyboard players — me included — were inspired by King. A good number of my own organ, synth and accordion blues scale runs, pitch bends, and bellows shakes come straight from playing along to recordings of Lucille (both the song and the guitar after which it’s named). I used to own an Ensoniq EPS sampling keyboard with samples from King’s How Blue Can You Get?, and so did Primitive Radio Gods, because they used them in their 1996 single, Standing Outside a Broken Phone Booth with Money in My Hand.

Rather than go on about his life, I’ll simply point you to article on him in Wikipedia, The New York Times, Rolling Stone, NPR, and The Washington Post, as well as Javier Alor’s collection of 79 B.B. King YouTube videos. Pour a bourbon, crank up the volume, play it, and drink to B.B. King.


Meme of the day: Substantial Guy!

substantial guy

Need to know what this is all about? Check out this story.


Florida of the day: The gator could’ve eaten your homework

gator on campus

Photo by Kiki Coulouras (@keeeks37). Click the photo to see the source.

definitely floridaEast Lake High, my wife’s old high school in nearby Tarpon Springs, had its “only in Florida” moment earlier this morning when students reported an alligator skulking around campus. Gators typically hunt at dusk or night, but we’re pretty close to mating season, when they get a little more bold than usual.

gator trapper

The gator was reported to be about 5 feet long. Students were gathered into the school’s gymnasium while a professional trapper rounded it up, taped its mouth shut (gators’ jaw muscles have great strength for snapping shut, but not for opening), and hauled it away.

Here’s some video of the trapper in action:

Footage from the local FOX 13 News.


caps lock


“Fire him right in the peninsula!” (or: Kim Jong-Un is a horrible boss)


According to the BBC, North Korea’s Defence Minister Hyon Yong-chol has been executed for showing disloyalty to leader Kim Jong-un. It’s reported that Mr. Hyon’s specific acts of disloyalty were:

  • Falling asleep during an event attended by Kim Jong-un
  • Not carrying out instructions.

Let that be a lesson to you millennials out there slacking off!

However, the most “North Korea” thing about the whole incident is the report that the execution was carried out by anti-aircraft fire.

Seriously, Kim, you’re already short resources as it is — a traditional firing squad would’ve saved time and money, and you could’ve billed Hyon’s family for the bullet after, Mao-style.


The daily struggle

the struggle


F*** him right in the paycheque, misuse of the word “substantial”, and other douchery [Updated]

shawn simoes - clean version

Click the photo to see the uncensored version.

Until early this week, Shawn Simoes, pictured above, had a nice job. Note the use of the past tense. If you live in the Toronto area and have been watching or reading the local news, you likely already know why he no longer has said job.

The video

If you don’t know why, watch this video below, taken at Sunday’s soccer match, immediately after a group of idiots rushed the camera where CityTV news reporter Shauna Hunt was working and yelled “Fuck her right in the pussy!”, having been inspired by a videobombing prank that inspired copycats despite being a hoax. Hunt decided to challenge them and ask why they’d do such a thing:

The instigators

Sadly, there were different groups of guys waiting to yell the magic “FHRITP” phrase (as it’s called in polite circles). One guy managed to pull it off…


…and others were quick to back him up with a “Well played, sir!”. Hunt then went to confront a gaggle of guys in the background who’d been waiting for the opportunity to strike:


Look at the background and you’ll see what sets Toronto apart from most places: it’s so multicultural that we even have douchebags of colour!

Mr. Vocabulary

Next came this douchenozzle, who attempt to justify the unjustifiable with a classic debating tactic: attempting to sound smarter by using highfalutin’ words that he doesn’t even understand:

quite substantial

I’ll leave it to Mr. Inigo Montoya of The Princess Bride to respond:


It was later found that Mr. Vocabulary works at the machine vision tech company Cognex, who released a statement as soon as that fact became known:

“While the individual was attending the event on his own time and was not at a Cognex activity, the views expressed are totally inconsistent with Cognex’s values, and we find such comments reprehensible. We cannot comment on employee matters publicly, but we take this issue seriously and will be addressing it.”

He’s probably having a bad time at work this week, but his troubles are minor next to the next guy’s…

The guy who just couldn’t keep his mouth shut

And finally, we come to the accidental douchelord, Shawn Simoes. He wasn’t even involved with the FHRITP and could’ve walked right by without saying a word and drastically chaging his life. However, using judgement so poor that it’s downright Floridian, he stepped into the fray to defend the actions of his fellow bros:

shawn simoes 2

Here’s a transcript of their exchange:

Shawn Simoes: Fucking hilarious, I don’t care what you say, I am laughing!

“Quite substantial” guy: It has nothing to do with you, it has everything to do with everyone else.

Reporter Shauna Hunt: When you talk into my microphone and say that into my camera to viewers at the station I work at it is disrespectful and…

Shawn Simoes: I don’t care it’s fucking hilarious!

Shauna Hunt: Okay why is it so funny though? [directed at Shawn Simoes] Why is this funny?

Shawn Simoes: It is fucking hilarious! We’re not the only people, it happened in England.

Shauna Hunt: Do you know that it’s old? It’s really not funny.

Shawn Simoes: It’s been like a year!

Shauna Hunt: It’s been longer than that.

Shawn Simoes: You’re lucky there’s not a fucking vibrator in here, like in England, because it happened all the time. It’s fucking amazing and I respect it, all the time!

Shauna Hunt: If your mom saw you-

Shawn Simoes: Oh my mom would die laughing eventually!

The employer who had to avoid more bad PR

hydro one logoEven though Simoes didn’t have the good sense not to be a boor with a TV news camera pointed right at him, he might’ve been just another dick on the internet if it weren’t for his employer’s current situation.

Simoes worked at the public electric utility company Hydro One (“hydro” being local shorthand for “hydroelectric power”). If you live outside Ontario, you might not be aware of these three factors that are crucial to this story:

Simoes’ actions and public salary would paint them as a bunch of well-paid douchebags, which is probably why they quickly fired him…

…and shortly thereafter, in a speedy and efficient manner that is oh-so-very-uncharacteristic of Hydro One, they excised his name from the Sunshine List. The Huffington Post managed to capture it before the deletion:


It’s likely that their move was based more on Machiavelli than morals.

Cognex, while it’s got a controversy of its own, isn’t facing a PR crisis like Hydro One’s, had a great quarter, and its prospects look bright. Still, it’s likely that they’ll take some disciplinary measures for Mr. Vocabulary. They may even give him a dictionary.

One last look

shawn simoes 2

Well, it looks as though Shawn Simoes will have plenty of time to discuss the supposed hilarity of this incident with his mom, who may laugh about it…eventually.

Updated Wednesday, May 13 to provide context for the photos, a transcript of Shawn Simoes’ exchange with reporter Shauna Hunt, and more background about Hydro One (thanks to Rohan!).


Disney’s secret public service

They may look like Disney souvenirs, but they’re actually warning labels for toxic people!

Here’s the female version:

high maintenance

…and here’s the male version:

disney fedoras