
Once again, it’s time for the traditional Mother’s Day post on “Accordion Guy”

It’s Mother’s Day, so here’s a greeting from the baddest mother of them all:

In case you’re not familiar with the classic 1971 blaxploitation film, here’s the original trailer:

Now let’s all enjoy the smooth stylings of the late Mr. Isaac Hayes:


The hipsters’ new favorite online store: Cravat Club!

I found about the existence of Cravat Club through the Twitter account of the Sweet Feathery Jesus podcast. Posted deep in the heart of the stock quotes pages of a UK newspaper was the ad shown below. It’s well past the Hipster Event Horizon:

cravat club

I couldn’t help but visit, and wow, is the Hipster was very strong in that one:

cravat club 2

They’ve got quite a selection of splendiferous cravats, including my favorite, the Igor, which can be yours for a mere 95 quid (just shy of US$147 at today’s rates):


I’ve got one cravat, and since I wear it once every three or four years and ditched the beard last year, I don’t think I’m going to be handing Cravat Club any money soon:

Joey and Karl play accordions

Me and Karl Mohr in cravats, playing accordion on CBC Radio, June 1999.
(Yes, I know that we dressed up to appear on the radio. That’s just how we roll.)


Second monthaversary!

anitra and joey at buzz lightyear

As you can see, living in a warm climate is slowly turning me into Matthew McConaughey.
Awright, awright, awriiiiiight.

In honor of the end of our second month as a married couple, here’s a pic from our honeymoon. We spent it at Disney World (a present from my sister and brother-in-law, complete with a stay at the Grand Floridian and the full-on fancy-pants meal package) and had a blast.

Happy second monthaversary, sweetie!

Some wedding pictures, if you’re curious.


“Groovy Jazz Organ”: Your Thursday productivity-booster

booker t

Booker T. Jones on the Hammond B-3 organ. Perhaps you’ve heard his number Green Onions.

Miracle of miracles, for the first time in I-don’t-know-how-long, I’ve got a full day with no meetings, conference calls, brainstorming sessions, chats, nuthin’! This means I can get some actual work done, and I’ve been chugging away at it since 7:30 this morning, something that’s relatively easy to do when you have a five-second commute:

home office

The home office. Click to see it at full size.

A home office means that you can also crank the tunes, and I’ve found the Groovy Jazz Organ compilation to be productivity-boosting. Some kind soul has posted them on YouTube, and I’ve posted them here for your enjoyment, whether you’ve got your nose to the grindstone or in a martini glass.


The Mayweather vs. Pacquiao battle that REALLY matters

Floyd may have won the match, but when it comes to who won the real battle, it’s Pacquiao all the way:

mayweather vs pacquiao

Original image found via Kitty Kat; I cleaned up the grammar and typography.
Click the photo to see the source.


Your “Throwback Thursday” poster

i survived free range parenting

Based on the last image in this set; I cleaned up the typography.


The Missus is out of town on a business trip this week, so you know what that means…

awww yisss bread

You might be thinking: Booze? Drugs? Porn? Videogames?

No. It means something even more illicit…

GLUTEN. And pork chops.

Awww yisss.

(But not too much bread. I’m hittin’ the gym, you know.)

Or, to borrow a couple of panels from Kate Beaton’s comics:

kate beaton - motha fuckin bread crumbs

Click the comic to see the source.