
Remember to Remember

Having spent most of my life in Canada, I think of November 11th as Remembrance Day, the day on which people in Commonwealth nations remember the people in their armed forces who died in the line of duty. I live in the U.S. now, where it’s known as Veterans Day, which honors people who have served in the country’s armed forces. On this day, I’d like to extend my thanks to those soldiers who served, which includes my future father-in-law.

Here’s a quick reminder from Canadian news-and-politics satirist Rick Mercer on the need to “remember to remember”:

If you ever get the chance, you should watch a production of Billy Bishop Goes to War, a one-actor-one-pianist musical about the life of Billy Bishop, celebrated Canadian World War I fighter pilot ace, and one of the few to survive an air encounter with Manfred von Richtofen, a.k.a. “The Red Baron”. You’ll learn about the first modern war, and even if you don’t like musicals, you might like this one, as it’s more like storytelling enhanced by songs than a typical all-singing, all-dancing musical production.

billy bishop goes to war

Here’s a scene from Billy Bishop Goes to War, as performed by its creators and original performers, Eric Peterson and John Gray. It’s where Billy, then an infantryman with a reputation for being a crack shot and fed up with trench warfare, decides to join the Royal Flying Corps. Gray introduces the scene, which he says is meant to give the audience “permission to laugh”:


“Too Many Cooks”: The most amazing title sequence for a show that never (but should’ve) existed

too many cooks

Between my birthday and work, I’ve been a bit busy to do much blogging, but I didn’t want you to miss this bit of weirdness that I’ve been enjoying for the past couple of days. It’s an 11-minute-long (!) title sequence for a fake show called Too Many Cooks that aired on Adult Swim during a 4:00 a.m. time infomercial time slot. If you watched TV from about 1985 through 1995, this stuff will be all too familiar, but turned on its head in disturbingly funny ways. Be sure to watch it all the way through — it gets weirder and weirder as it goes along. Sit back, and enjoy…if you can!


And the title for Star Wars Episode VII has been revealed! It’s…

star wars - we promise this one wont suck

Just kidding. Really, it’s…

star wars - the force awakens

…which has all the mystery of The Phantom Menace, with hopefully none of the confused storytelling and Jar Jar.


Drunk furniture: discarded furniture that looks like people partying too hard

In honor of my birthday and my favorite way of celebrating it, let me point you to Drunk Furniture, a blog of photos of discarded furniture with captions that imagine the furniture as people who’ve had waaaay too much to drink…

dave no

We’ve all seen (or been) Dave.


Ah, the “We have to be quiet, tee-hee!” stage of drunkenness.

yey cider

Yay, indeed.

i am standing now

Of course you are.

is my house

Somehow, we manage to find our way home. Most of the time, anyway.


The first order of business on my birthday is breakfast…

birthday key lime pie

…and today, “breakfast” means “a slice of the key lime pie that my future mother-in-law made for me last night”.


A comic for your post-midterm elections hangover

quino on politicians

Click the comic to see it at full size.

This comic, by Argentinian comic artist Joaquin “Quino” Salvador Lavado, is quite fitting today.

If you’d like to see more, Prose Before Hos put together a collection of some notable Quino comics.


Human-reptilian hybrid beats human-baked potato hybrid in Florida governor’s race

scott - crist - reptilian - baked potato

This being Florida, the politics can’t help being weird. Huffington Post has the details.