Music The Good Fight

The best way to support your favorite band is to buy their merch

According to iGroove’s recent study (original German version here, English interpretation here), a musician or band can expect to get paid 0.3¢ to 0.5¢ per Spotify stream, which means that they’d need somewhere between 200 to 333 streams of one of their songs to make a single dollar. Music may be what musicians make, but unless you’ve made it big, it doesn’t pay the bills.

Want to really support your favorite act, especially if they’re small? Go to their shows, see the live, and buy their merchandise. When you see artists live, you not only get a one-of-a-kind experience, but you also support them in the most effective way possible. Most  of the money from tickets and merch goes directly to the artists, rather than the “middlemen” — the record labels, distributors, or streaming services. 


Stranger than Fiction

A six-word story that’s right up there with Hemingway’s

Two signs on a road: “Warning: low flying owls” and “Lost chihuahua”

There’s a famous six-word story attributed to Ernest Hemingway that goes as follows:

For sale: baby shoes, never worn.

The six-word story told by the two signs above has a little more dark humor.

Slice of Life

Have a great Saturday night!

Meme: Every venue got the: sketchy bartender (pic of heavily tattooed, tired- looking, aging punk pulling beer taps), sketchy ATM (private ATM covered with grafitti). sketchy toilet (dirty toilet in grafitti-strewn stall), Jeff (sound guy asleep at the board).
Tap to view at full size.

I’m having a quiet Saturday night, which I’ve earned after so many Saturday night at places like the one pictured above!

(BTW, speaking from experience, the right “Jeff” can do wonders for a band’s sound.)

Stranger than Fiction

It REALLY sounds like a Philip K. Dick book title

Photo of grocery store aisle sign that reads “Can Fish / Microwave / Soup” in a tweet by @phil_lol_ogist that reads “Arguably Philip K. Dick’s worst novel”.
Thanks to Mitch Wagner for the find! Tap to view at full size.

Here’s the source tweet.

(Need context? Dick’s best-known novel is Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, published in 1968 and made popular by the film based on it: 1982’s Blade Runner.)

Florida of the Day

I think someone’s trying to get Tucker Carlson’s attention…

Tap to view at full size.

It’s true; Tucker did go on a rant about that:


I’m not so sure about this new Power Ranger

Florida Tampa Bay

The current weather in Tampa

Look at this weather being all springy and cute like it didn’t just try to kill us last week.